Devs, I swear to god.


Just fix moris. You have been talking about it for months but all i see is ######### coming out of your mouths. How long does it take to just press the delete key? At least until you find a way to balance it. Moris are the single thing that make me want to quit this game. Listen to your ######### audience and do what we have been asking for so long. I know you lot wont even read this so im wasting time here but on the off chance you actually give a #########, do something.


  • Torahh
    Torahh Member Posts: 6

    How about removing keys too while they’re at it? That’s pretty much the survivor mori just sayin

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    yeah im down keys can ######### off too, along with noed. Keys do need some work to get them to work though, getting all 4 out with a key is basically playing the whole game with the 5 gens but with moris you can just tunnel someone out withing 2 minutes of the game starting.

  • Torahh
    Torahh Member Posts: 6

    Yea I can definitely agree on that too I’ve had my fair share where I got moried within 2 minutes of the game and also had my fair share of people gen rushing then escaping through hatch with a key as soon as it spawns. That ######### is annoying

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I just don't understand why they exist, what good does it do the game? The killers don't get long chases or long games and the survivors get short ######### games too. Honestly I've never seen more incompetent devs in my life.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I would guess moris are selling points for killers. That's why they can't just suspend them until they're balanced.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Keys can be found on map. Mori’s cannot.

    I’ve been mori’d out of a game by a few dickhead wraiths with a bug up their ass but it’s not often. I don’t really use them except for daily challenges. they can be fun though. I’ve had a few killers wait until death hook to use theirs too though.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    lol hatch doesnt spawn with 5 gens and 4 survivors alive. And I really dont see many moris and if I do they're extremely rarely the ebony variant.

    TBH the green mori is really good option to killers who don't have corrupt intervention available for use and it definitely does make the killers feel as they should and encourages smarter team play by spreading hooks, protection hits and what not etc.

    NOED is a pain in the ass no doubt but it does give incentive to actually do totems at low ranks as thats where I've only seen it (10+) and that is usually because killers don't have many perk options due to time/experience in the game.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The devs already mentioned that they aren't happy with moris yet,so we will see changes to them.

    But when that happens is unkown,unfortunately

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    It really doesn't seem like your issue is with the memento mori, per se, but with the state of the game that survivors are expected to continue having a lot of gameplay time even after being caught once.

    If you think about how you are effectively expected to be given two additional chances to play the game after being caught once, perhaps that explains the source of your frustration?

    I know it did for me, which is why I've grown to despise 12 hook games.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    Hatch does spawn when 5 gens are done tho...? And I never see anything other than ebony moris. On michael right now I have 47 Ebony moris and 3 ivory. I never use either and I avoid getting ebony's specifically because of their price. They are way more common than ivory moris. But, just to be sure, I have played 30 games and recorded my sightings of moris today. I say 8 ebony moris and 1 ivory mori. Also saw 1 shroud of seperation which i thought was funny too. So yeah, I definitly cant agree with you on that " And I really dont see many moris and if I do they're extremely rarely the ebony variant." part.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I think you are right to a degree. Dying on first hook happens a lot, and so does dying on second. The main thing though is the chances you get with it. Yeah, an ideal game is 12 hooks for a survivor but its rare in decent ranks and hard to manage for the killer against good survivors. However, picking up a survivor is a risk. Flashlights and DS, potentially unbreakable too. Carrying a survivor is a risk. Breakout, body blocking, finding a hook in the first place, sabotage. Making sure that the survivor dies on that second hook is also a risk. Putting enough pressure on other survivors while still guarding the person on hook, ensuring that you aren't just camping so that you don't see 3 gens pop in the distance. All of these things are what make the game interesting. For killer, its managing the survivors and playing tactically to ensure an early kill. For survivors, its playing tactifully or just ballsy to save your team, successfully or not. For the person on the hook, its the knowledge that the game isnt over until its over. Moris remove all of that. When you are saved from the hook against a mori, you cant play ballsy. Your only tactical move is to stay the ######### away from the killer. The killer no longer has to demonstrate skill to secure an early kill, they just have to hook you once and thats it.

    I 100% agree that my problem with them is the fact that survivors expect more gameplay. Survivors shouldn't expect long games if they don't deserve them. But moris shouldnt take that away. If I die on second hook or even first but with the knowledge that my team was compitent but the killer was just outright better than them and me, I wont have a problem. But if I lose the game because the killer clicked on a pink box in the lobby, its tilting.

  • Deadlock
    Deadlock Member Posts: 215

    I do agree, moris do need to be fixed. However the Devs sadly don't read the forums so your chance of them getting fixed is slim.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    hmm, I do see more of the nuance of your stance. I often forget about some of those aspects because I use very passive, sometimes weak builds as survivor, and killers often see me as an easy target to pick off regardless of a mori or not, and having a Trapper find you, down you, and hook you three times in a row without really feeling like you were able to enjoy the experience / play the game is just as unsatisfying as a mori (doesn't help that the way the devs prevented mori spam made being a victim of a memento mori more annoying imo).

    I also tend to gamble with my chances, utilize a lot of slugging, and take no slow down perks in my killer games, so occasionally they can be some of the most hectic games I've seen when comparing to YouTubers or streamers I watch. What that means is that I hate to use a memento mori on the first survivor I saw mainly because I enjoy the ride too much, and having an extremely vulnerable, slugged survivor that I could mori is one of the best ways to get free bait for the rest of them.

    In short; as killer, I do mostly enjoy the way the memento mori functions right now because I don't use them as a power item but as a fun/vanity item (which, as a fun fact, I think is how they were intended to be?), and whether or not that means I can impact the game because I mori a survivor with DS in the exit gate or whether or not I can mori a survivor I've just dropped because I've decided I've had enough of the hook bodyblocking, only the experience matters to me.

    I'm here because I don't want the balance changes to reduce the fun aspect (as many balance changes the devs do cough tier one Devour Hope cough).

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I really think moris have potential for a place in dbd. Otzdarva's idea was that it can only be used when all 4 survivors have been hooked. That way, you avoid tunnelling for a mori, allowing a survivor to last more than a few minutes, and it allows a strategy. If you are well coordinated, you have one survivor just stay away from the killer to avoid the mori, making it a challenge for the killer to find the last survivor to begin the mori-ing. Ivory and cypress moris are fine in my opinion. Ivory is on the edge as it does cause 1 person to hate their existance but it does make the killer have to think who will be the most troublesome before killing.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    I meant that I hardly see killers run ebony moris.

    Hatch spawns on a combination of survivors alive and generators left to complete. The requirement is a combination of 5 of either.