My personal ideas on how to make DbD more of a horror game

Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

First off, I do want to say that implementing these features would need massive changes in perks and gameplay in general, something that would most likely never happen. So, anyway, this is just a little post for fun.

Remove TR, Red Stain, and Chase Music-It seems the only times I’ve seen people be scared is when someone sneaks up on them. I would love to get scared more often. I just feel like it’d be scarier if Survivors didn’t have 100 different things that let them know where killers are (not hating on survivors)

Remove/Change Aura Perks-Perks that reveal auras, at least for the other side, would be removed. This goes with the whole stealth concept.

Scarier Maps-The devs are implementing darker and horror themed maps already, and I love it.

Prioritize Hiding over Looping-Lockers would be a tad more prevelant, along with other things Survivors can hide in/near.

Perks that implement different hiding styles-Things like Iron Will, that’ll allow survivors better opportunities to hide

I might add more things later, but these are my ideas atm. I’m not trying to nerf killer or survivors, nor am i saying that this should happen. Just ideas

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Skillchecks to keep quiet when the killer's nearby

  • DevilSad
    DevilSad Member Posts: 24

    I wanna keep the heartbeat. Maybe it's more quiet or only activates once the killer has kit someone, and goes down a few minutes after the killer's Chase has ended.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Aura button. Only shows feedback elements if you stop and stand still like in The Last of Us.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    I am all for gameplay going from looping to hiding/ actually escaping a chase.

    and it should be high priority for survivors to get healed/not get injured in the first place. Taking a Protection hit should have value for example. Being/getting injured should be painful and therefore avoided. I have no idea how you could implement that though..

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    So just more jump scares? That gets old really fast

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366
  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    It's an online video game, not a horror movie or anything. if you want to play a horror game, play something like until dawn or outlast. i repeat, this is an ONLINE video game. You can't just make it automatic loss for the other role, or the game would die.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,897

    Game needs to be more scary, Yes.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    So basically just play ghostface with the 3rd seal on an indoor map? You can already do that.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I would love that idea if it wasn't for how short survivors are. Most survivors can barely peek over pallets and windows.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    If the pov's where swapped. Game genuinely stops being scary after less than a week of playing & I fully believe it's from the pov's alone.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Red stain being removed was already tried, devs said it was scarier to have one(plus I personally enjoy the mindgame potential). No terror radius would probably be scarier sure, but I think stealth killers being unique has more value. Do you really imagine a crazy chainsaw guy sneaking up on you on the gen would be more immersive? Aura reading is fine as is, it is currently very conditional and restricted. I'm not sure about prioritizing hiding, like how would you do that and how can you be sure that you aren't making survivor 100% less fun for most of the playerbase? My first thought would be making chases shorter and therefore less advantageous for survivors, encouraging them to hide, but this would cut short the most enjoyable part of playing survivor for most people. Scarier maps sound good.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I don't get it. Crazy chainsaw guy sneaking up on you can already happen with tinkerer or trail of torment. I offer indoor maps with tinkerer Bubba all the time and it's extra OP right now because you don't hear the saw starting unless you are actually looking at him (unless it got patched recently) so you just walk around the corner into a free down.

    Billy has ultra rares dedicated to crazy chainsaw guy sneaking up on you. Maybe these guys just need more imagination.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Well technically Billy isn't sneaking up on you he's charging at you with a chainsaw from out of nowhere. I kinda get what you're saying, but it really wouldn't sit right with me if basekit Bubba was as stealthy as basekit tier 1 Myers.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    He can walk up on you with tinkerer before starting the saw if he is close enough. With Apex Muffler I believe they don't hear you charging it around the corner either. Or if you are coming across the map at them with it + tinkerer.

    Bubba just gets Apex Muffler basekit right now because of a bug, unless it was patched in 4.3.2 but I didn't see anything about it.

    Killers have a terror radius for a reason. The killers with no terror radius are balanced around not having it. There's plenty of borderline pyscho builds you can run in DBD assuming you play well enough.

    I think a build like this would be absolutely terrifying to play against if the PH was good and lands M2s easily. I have only used it myself, never gone against it. No lockers to hide in, you are constantly getting your location revealed, he can cage instantly into moving onto another chase with IF. He is phasing in and out of having a terror radius, and there are barely any good pallets against him.

    It won't work against a sweat squad unless you are a god with the M2s but against solo Qs you don't really need a ton of stall perks on midwich in my opinion.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Well there's the feedback. "That was a pretty unfun game" is what you get when survivors can barely hide and the killer is so strong he only has to kick 2 pallets on the entire map. But that's literally what this build is assuming you play well.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So, cheese human psychology by making it into a purely jumpscare hide-and-seek game like it was originally intended to be before everyone found out that the actual chases were fun?

    As a KYF mode, sure.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2020

    yeah, horror THEMED online game. it is that already. but these suggested changes wouldn't be THEMES, they'd be a huge nerf to survivors, and this game would be automatic loss for survivors (which it sometimes already is) and that would result to the game dying. i'm new to the forums and can't believe people are this stupid here lmao go and play actual horror games or watch a horror movie if you want horror and dont try to ruin a good online game. if you don't like how this game works, stop playing. or maybe they should make a bot mode for easy 4ks with no effort, that's probably the idea behind this thread anyway.. XDD this just made my day thanks.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705
    edited November 2020

    this is an „Asymmetrical multiplayer horror game“ as described by the creators of the game on the official website. OP certainly didn’t asked for just survivor nerfs, obviously changes like the ones asked for would need further balancing work.

    maybe stop insulting people just because they want horror in a horror game and get a better understanding of the game before claiming it is killer sided.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    maybe you're too inexperienced as killer and try to say the game is survivor sided even though kill rate is like 70%. all the stats and 4ks every match don't really prove your point. Lol, get goood and then you will see the facts. Can't believe people can seriously think that way just because some players once outplayed them, lol. I have played this game on both sides for long enough to know how it is.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    oh forgive me, just fact checked and the survival rate was actually under 12%, so the kill rate is even higher.. maths isn't really my thing, but if survival rate is 12%, the kill rate is.. 88%? insane! and you still try to claim the game isn't killer sided :DD are you actually serious?? LMAO just because you're bad or just inexperienced, doesn't mean killer role is underpowered.

    and back to the main point, the game is already a horror themed game, no need to ruin it and make it unfun for both sides. Also you can't make this game scary because people play it everyday, and get used to it. If you want real horror, play actual horror games or watch a horror movie.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I don't know about that. Friday the 13th: The Game was the closest we have ever gotten to an actual horror movie in terms of gameplay and interactions with other players. Of course this is personal opinion and I'd love to elaborate further but each match felt fresh because you never knew what the new batch of players would do. Being the last person alive actually felt terrifying because you had to outlast this killing machine which around this time has reached his final phase and is able to knock down doors easily. Jason actually felt like an imposing force just like in the films so if you wanted to take him on, you had to work with other players.

    Don't even get me started on the selfish and cowardly nature of other players, which made things go 0 to 100. Ever been robbed for your seat on the boat because Jason is close?

    I disagree with this notion that online games can't be scary. It's all the matter on which aspects you want the player to feel that fear in. Dead by Daylight for example capitalizes on the fear of failure.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I have to point out that this reaction is a letdown and honestly immature. There's a time and place for this Us vs them crap you're trying to pull

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    Sorry to burst your bubble but those stats don’t mean what you think they mean. And I am not talking about my experience at all, neither did I say I think killers need buffs or survivors need nerfs.

    and btw, git gud on survivor, it’s really not as hard as you try to make it out to be.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    people would get used to it, and it wouldn't be scary anymore. impossible task. lol, i'm not "trying to pull" anything, just saying my opinion and also confirmed facts. i dont take side in anything so i am obviously not pulling any us vs them. lol, anything else? or will you open your eyes and mind and see you aren't always right, and that there might be a point in my comments?

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    you kinda remind me of a crying toddler, shutting his ears and blabbering "NANANNA I WONT LISTEN I AM RIGHT" lol. Wake up. The stats are literally real stats.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I mean your post wasn't that deep, I understood what you were saying and agree that these ideas may not work out but no one was operating out of bad faith and was just having a discussion. There wasn't any need for you to insult them. You were being antagonistic for the sake of it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705
    edited November 2020

    Those stats were confirmed by the devs to be just telling the outcome of matches were the players had specific challenges equipped. (Edit: just to be clear I mean the survival rate stat that you misinterpreted)

    you are the one trying to be condescending, insulting and using stats out of context. I am not even sure what you are accusing me of, because i never even said the game is too survivor sided, I just pointed out it’s too killer sided either and reworking stuff would need further balancing.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    the outcome of the matches is literally the point of everything and the stats are real, wake up and stop living in some unreal bubble. if you don't understand known facts and won't even listen, there's no point arguing with you. not trying to accuse you of anything, learn to read. if you dont like how this game works, quit. git gud, and have a nice day. :)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    Educate yourself. Those stats are not as real as you think they are. Don’t use those challenge specific stats for balancing arguments.

    the killrate one is better, but it does not take into account: ranks/skill, DCs, hook suicides, survivors working with killer/sandbagging.

    you are the one claiming his game is killer sided and ignoring facts.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    yeah, keep telling yourself that. i've played this game for 3 years on both sides, i think i am aware of the facts. the stats and also all the previous stats show us how things are in REALITY no matter how they have come out. Killer role is too powerful right now, stop trying to prove anything else, you're just fooling yourself. I won't argue with you anymore.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    You were never arguing me. You tried to insult me. Bye

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This is a cat-and-mouse game. You might be attracted by the scare factor at first, but that wears off fast as in any game. People stay for the interactions (chases, teamwork, etc.=

    Your suggestions might add more scares in the short run, those will eventually wear off again, but they would break the game as it has been balanced over the years.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I honestly think jumpscares are cheap, that's why I don't like games like fnaf. Until Dawn was good but they built up suspense, although if I replayed it knowing where the scares are now I wouldn't get the same effect.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    You guys seem to have missed my point where I specifically said that changes like these would require massive changes and is unreasonable to make. DbD’s formula is a pretty good one, I was just thinking of some changes to make it horror themed. I wasn’t making any suggestions, just thoughts. I’m aware this would make stealth killers useless. I’m aware with certain builds this is a reality. It was just a couple ideas not meant to be taken super seriously

  • Arkranum
    Arkranum Member Posts: 2

    Personally i think giving each character their own specific emotes would be could eg demogorgan can crawl on all 4’s things like that lol

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Oh don't you worry, I'm reporting all of his responses. If I'm gonna get jailed over my disagreements with other users so will he.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    Lol I was trying to tell them that your changes would come with further balance changes but they wouldn’t listen...

    yeah I mean, they can have their opinion and all but in some posts they went overboard and directly tried to insult me. And I didn’t even say I think the game was survivor-sided.

  • Holylock
    Holylock Member Posts: 82

    Do you really think that killers are too powerful? As killer, i get above 2k a lot consistent, but at the same time my survivor escape rate as solo q is around 50% and as swf is around 85%. it's very rare not get 3 escapes when playing swf in this game (most of time that isn't 3 escape because a mori or bad map). the problems about this stats is we don't know how they count red rank kills: do they include match with green mori/dc (who dc or get moried doesn't count but the others guys count?), match with rainbow ranks and match with hardcamp and noed (a lot solo q die for this).

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    If you really think killers are too powerful why aren't we looking at stats that are applying to every game?

    By the time that a killer has found, chased, downed and hooked a survivor, normally around 2-3 gens are about to be done. That's an equivalent of 40-60% of the survivors objectives done while the killer has only done around 8%.

    If the killer is not able to apply a good amount of pressure with slugging, tunneling, proxy camping or the survivors are doing some heavy mistakes, the game is already lost. The only way to come back from this is with a good endgame build which is probably more consistent for kills right now than slow down perks.

    This scenario is pretty common and normal if everyone works efficient. Even in my last Solo queue games the killers were only able to get a few hooks before the game was over.

    It's really not that hard to escape and if you have really played both sides you would know that as well.