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a question for u type of people
so when i play killer i play with fun builds and play slightly worse killers that make it challenging against better players. this happens with console and pc so dont make that point. i see every 3 to 4 games that a survivor will go down because i outplayed them or they flat out made a mistake and then they will then just kill themselves in hook like why. u have messed up the other 3 teamates, lost out on a match against a non sweaty killer and have made the killers experience less rewarding. if any of you are like this, could i at least get a fair reason that isnt I DONT CARE.
for the record, i play legion, pig, bubba and slinger mostly with a sprinkle of clown somewhere
I don't know anyone who likes playing against Legion, Slinger or Clown so...Idk lmao. The survivors you're playing against are probably sick of these killers and just don't wanna play against them, they're played a lot. So this is what they do instead of DCing because that would give them a penalty.
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Maybe friends just came online and they want to group with them
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I second this. I rarely kill myself on hook, but the times I have is when it's a Bubba or a Clown. They're just so annoying I s2g, I hate them so much I could rant for hours but this isn't a discussion about that lol. People will kill themselves if they're not having fun, and those killers- while not the strongest- are antifun.
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I don't kill myself on hook, so this is just a theory: In a single player game it's normal to call something a mulligan and restart without finishing whatever mission or boss battle you're trying to do. You get to a stage where you're losing, or you got off to such a bad start that you'd rather just try again, so you reload and think nothing of it. It doesn't affect anyone but you, and your entire interaction with the game is -- correctly -- focused on your experience.
In a multiplayer game, there's an added social element, where you're having an interaction with other people and their experience matters, too. But, because it still feels a lot like playing a single player game, I think sometimes people don't switch contexts and, when a match isn't going the way they want it to, they're just like, "Mulligan, reload!" and that's the extent of their reasoning about it.
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I generally try not to kill myself on hook unless its to let someone try to get hatch but ive noticed it happening more often since the put the DC penalty back in
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Survivors kill themselves becuz they are trolls. It's really that simple.
At least they're better than ppl who DC as they're being picked up.
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Well, i think i can relate to this myself. I'm a main survivor 700+ hours. I don't kill myself on the hook because I resist the urge to do so. Sometimes when I make a dumb mistake and the killer outplays me I think to myself daamn, that was dumb from me. I know I can do better and that's infuriating when u die from a mistake or you made a bad read. I enjoy playing against every killer, so I think that's not a big problem. I think the ego of the person is just too big to accept the mistake. As I said, when I do dumb mistakes, I am very irritated about it and I think if I should let go, but nah mate, it's just a game and I'm not alone, my mates need me. It has nothing to do with the killer but with the person behind the screen, if they accept their mistake or not. It's just frustration in my opinion. I hope I gave you a clear answer! :)
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I can't stand when people kill themselves on hook. Like I'm trying to pip up here, let me get that save.
I know rank doesn't matter, but I'm on a solo challenge. I want to see how high I can climb without a swf.
But, I agree you are playing some annoying killers, still no reason to screw over the team tho.
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Me personally I don’t want to play against a death slinger so I just move on with my game, same with spirit and huntress so I’d rather kill myself on hook and get on with the next game
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Where Is the dislike button?
Survivors who are "sick of those killers" need to play a new game then. Survivors want to bully the entire match and be walked out by the killer to the exit gate where he/she lets them go. There is absolutely 0 excuse for DCing or killing yourself on your first hook. 0. It makes for a horrible game for your team mates and for the killer, but nearly ensures the win if the gens are unfinished enough for the killer. So not only is it rude to dip on your team mates, but youre also giving the killer an advantage.
Survs are a group of rage quitting, entitled cry babies and its just gotten worse as the game has grown. :/
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That's cool and all to generalise over half of the community and go on a rant like that, but I never once said that it was a good thing, I just stated what's probably going on in their minds when they suicide on hook.
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Sore losers who think their time is more important than the rest of their team's
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Probably the same People who wrote ggez vs my Tuned Carburettor/Speed Limiter Billy. Tbh, if they lost vs me this day that's would have been embarassing as hell.
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Well if I had to guess frustration
Getting downed camped/tunneled out the last couple of games frustrated with that BS figure you'll do the same so suicide on the hook
It is what it is
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I don't blame killing on hook over slinger or bubba. Slinger ruins most of the fun for me because I enjoy chases. You can't run a good slinger, you just hope he misses. So I usually don't try in slinger matches or I just kms. Bubba doesn't feel fun to play against either for me because most of the chases are the exact same. Bubba bamboozles the window you waste the pallet. This happens over and over until you don't want to waste pallets or you run out of pallets.
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... Clown is played a lot?
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" i play legion, pig, bubba and slinger mostly with a sprinkle of clown somewhere"
And all of these Killers are incredibly unfun to go against. Legion and Clown are impossibly basic and beyond unintuitive, Pig players go past "sweaty" and transcend to the realm of "narcissistic personality disorder" and Slinger is just... he wins chases for free.
I'd be more upset if I heard people DIDN'T kill themselves against you because that would mean they're fine with these Killers being in the state they are.
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It's been a while since I last saw so much entitlement within one single post.
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This is the dumbest takes I've heard in a while
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As a pig player and someone who plays both Survivor and Killer....pigs ain't that bad. I play Pig ridiculously casually. I mess around, try to get them to boop the snoot, maybe run some fun mind games. If I'm really trying to win, I don't even sweat, I just stealth a lot and patrol Jigsaw boxes a ton.
Posts like that are idiotic. Imo every killer is fun to play against, as long as the Killer isn't camping, tunneling, or being annoying (like teabagging Ghostfaces.)
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I kind of get where they're coming from, there are some killers I'd rather just die and lose than actually have to deal with the annoyance from playing against them. It's not always necessarily ones that are good (although some of them are), it's just ones that are extremely annoying to deal with like Legion, Plague, Pig, Freddy, Hag, LF, Doctor, and maybe a few others. On the other hand I like playing against killers like Nurse, Billy, and Huntress; they are much more engaging and it feels like it's a real battle of skill rather than just getting banged in the butt by annoying garbage the whole time. Usually I don't do it too often because I don't want to screw my team. Plus if I hate a killer I'd rather try to make them lose than die to them
Personally I wish they'd take away the struggle button mashing, it's super annoying and damages hardware and literally no one likes doing it. And it allows people to suicide on the hook. If they at least give the person a chance to get rescued maybe they'll change their mind about wanting to leave and they'll start playing normally again. And if they get rid of it people can stop accidentally dying because they got distracted for 2 seconds or they only half pressed the button once or wanted to get a drink or had a lag spike or don't like breaking their fingers/stuff or they have carpal tunnel or something. There's a million reasons to remove it and next to no reasons to keep it that couldn't be matched by another solution
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Yesterday was literally the first time I had a Pig match where they didn't camp, hard tunnel Survivors with RBTs on their heads, use NOED, and furiously teabag every single time they downed a Survivor.
So excuse me for being skeptical.
Yes, I'm entitled for claiming that M1 on steroids, the Killer whose entire counter is just sitting at a pallet, the sweatiest players on the face of the planet, and the guy with a literal quickscope ability are boring Killers to face. Sure. Not like most people I know agree with me, INCLUDING people who place all four of these Killers as F tier in terms of viability.
Guess I'm entitled for wanting more Killers like Blight and Oni that actually offer methods of counterplay that require you to think outside the box and play smartly as opposed to "sit still at the pallet" or "tape down the W key". Because that's entertaining Survivor gameplay, right? That's fun for both sides? Winning the game by pressing less buttons than you do in Minecraft?
This is the dumbest post I've seen in a while.
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I miss the downvote function :/
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Key word "entitled"
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Okay, I take it back. That wasn't the dumbest post I've seen in a while.
This one is.
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So let me get this straight...if the killer doesnt fall into your pre determined biased guidelines of a non "basic" killer you ######### on the hook immediately and disregard the 3 other people on your team?
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Clown is fun for everyone involved.
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For the record, contrary to the tierlists of hotshots like Otz and Scott, Pig's one of the most dominant killers in the game. Her skill cap may not be incredibly high, but the evidence shows casuals can pick her up and reliably get 2k+ per match.
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Depends. Are we doing well? Does my team have half a brain? If so, I keep playing since it's an easy win. If not, they're dead anyways, might as well move on the next game instead of waiting to die.
Also, you say this as if I would ever consider the prospect of playing solo queue in 2020.
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sorry ill play spirit, pyramid head and nurse with all the best perks and addons cause thats more fun than good old boring killers like legion and clown
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but in that you are constantly making the experience for other survs miserable becuase you cant win a 3v1 just becuase you dont like a killer. wouldnt u rather wanna learn to outplay them. atleast then u get a sense of reward or accomplishment.
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but atleast there challenging to use and u know you person beating you is rather good or the downed surv is trash. like would you rather me play spirit or nurse and sweat. no
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I am certain these kind of players are why good Nurse players destroy everyone. When she first came out a lot of survivors suicided or disconnected immediately. Those who did not learned how to play against her. So the Nurse players only faced survivors who knew how to counter her as everyone else disconnected or suicided, and so they got even better.
The serial suiciders / disconnecters will never learn how to play against certain killers and are going to get steamrolled hard in the future.
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I don't do this type of thing but I would guess they're sick of playing against the killer you're playing. Some killers in this game are unbearable to play against.
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If a survivor suicides or DCs I usually just go afk for the rest of the match. I don't like playing 3v1: playing for real is unsatisfying, especially since the remaining survivors become more likely to DC or suicide, and farming is boring.
I'm a terrible Huntress and I've had survivors disconnect because I made a lucky hit and they were too impatient to find out just how much I suck. I once played as Wraith, running just Lightborn and I think Distressing with no offering and no add-ons. I didn't feel like using his power so I uncloaked as soon as the match loaded and never cloaked after. The first survivor I found went down when he misplayed a pallet... and he immediately disconnected. #########? Did he think he'd find an easier match than a totally M1 killer? I wasn't even using Wraith's power. The only way it could be easier is if I literally stood in a corner staring at a wall. But he disconnected.
There are only a few good reasons for suiciding/disconnecting. 1. The lag is so bad the match is unplayable (debatable). 2. A game-breaking glitch. 3. A teammate has trapped you in a corner and the killer isn't doing anything about it.
I've suicided due to lag and sandbagging teammates (especially if they farm me off the hook without BT, I'm not ruining my joints and hardware spamming X just so they can do it again). I only disconnect due to a glitch if the match literally refuses to end and I have no other choice. Personally, I will suicide if the majority of gens are left and the killer is mori'ing off the first hook, though I won't claim that wanting to move on is a fair or good reason for suiciding, but usually the killer will mori me in a place where the camera is obscured, so I don't feel like it's worth sticking around just so I can not see the death animation.
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I think it's the opposite. They know how low tier those killers are, so when they're getting beat by them, they get all entitled and DC.
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Clown, I guess. Pig, maybe.
Bubba? Legion? Deathslinger? Challenging?
And yes, I'd rather you play Nurse or Spirit because that means I can die and go to the next game more quickly.
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deathslinger and legion more than bubba require actual skill from the player. the legion requires map knowledge and a lot of juggeling skills while not doing it too much or you will lose and slinger is slow so u need to be very quick on your actions and he takes skill in you know the shooting part plus reeling his spear is a mechanic a lot of people get wrong too from what i can see
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i play a bit of everyone and theres always someone who dcs from each. obviously more than others
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How is it debatable whether or not you should play a match that is unplayable?
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Well then that could indicate that people can be annoyed by every killer. Although personally I'd have a hard time finding something annoying about Blight. I've heard that people will also sometimes give up when their teammates are terrible so there's that. I personally have seen a lot of people suicide after getting left on hook for a whole stage. Like come on I wasn't even camping them.
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I think it's fine to suicide if the lag is horrendous; I've seen other people say it's not. Hence, it's apparently "debatable."
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Ah, interesting.
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"the legion requires map knowledge"
The only "map knowledge" you need as Legion is "is that Survivor far enough away that my Frenzy won't get to them?"
"and a lot of juggeling skills while not doing it too much or you will lose"
Implying Legion can actually juggle with his negative mobility and useless power.
"and slinger is slow"
"he takes skill in you know the shooting part"
Homie, this is Dead By Daylight. Survivor movement is slower and clunkier than Halo 3. Aiming and mechanical skill is less demanding in this game than any other game I've played. My dog can hit Slinger shots like a seasoned sniper.
"reeling his spear is a mechanic a lot of people get wrong too from what i can see"
So, what you're saying is, most of the playerbase is beyond stupid? Tell me something I don't know.
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if there were so easy why do i never see good slingers or legions
even the more popular more skilled streamers fail to use him properly such as true and otz and others like that
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It's more the fact that they're both terrible Killers no matter how good you are with them. You give Steve Vai a guitar full of holes with shot pickups, a broken neck, and strings made of shoelace, it's gonna sound awful.
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Hey if you wanna play those killers you can. You bought the game, play however you wanna play man.
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Why are you still talking?
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This, just...this! I don't like playing against bubba or hillbilly because I can't stand the noises they make especially through a headset, but I'm not gonna judge someone if that's who they like to play. I'm not the only player, I'm not gonna DC or unalive on hooks (the only time I die first time on hook is if my team are miles away or they're ignoring me)
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I dunno, why are you still here?