At least DC in locker should be deleted

There's many comboes with DC. Unbreakable, inner strength, head on...
These comboes at least give killer a score. unbreakable deactivates, inner strength deactivates, head on exhausts. They costs. They keep the chase going.
But locker?
If survivor just enter the locker and do nothing, killer can't do anything until DC ends. Injured survivor infront of killer, but can't do anything. literally invincible.
Entering locker, with no tax, removes killer's slug + gen pressure chance. This is ridiculous.
Pretty sure you mean DS in locker. DC is what some survivors do when they don’t have DS. 😄
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DS triggering within a locker is annoying.
This skill is very helpful to deal with tunneling, but I hate when its abused by when the survivor runs into locker. Of course I get annoyed, when I let the person that is taken off the hook go, chase the other player, but run into the other survivor 50 seconds later who just jumps in front of me and I knock them down and get the DS strike on me, even though I in no way was trying to hit them again.
DS in the end game after 5 gens are done is also annoying as, the killer already has not much time to try to accomplish anything.
I still feel it is a important skill for the tunneling, but people abuse it soo hard it bugs me.
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Ah, yes, my favorite perk. Decisive Ctrike.
On a serious note, unless the Dev's rework DS somehow, the "locker-tech" is going to stay. It sucks, but what can ya do?
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but what can ya do?
Um don't tunnel 😂
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As an anti-tunnel perk, nobody cares and in fact thinks it is good and should retain that power. The problem is that the survivor gets to go do a gen for 60 seconds near a locker and be completely invulnerable. I have 2 options. I either let that survivor do that gen for 60 seconds, and all likelyhood complete the gen, or i camp the locker. While i camp the locker, the other 3 survivors do gens.
This means the optimal play for the killer is to let the survivor do the gen. Now, blow that up to, all 4 survivors having this perk. And lets be fair and say they get 45 seconds of immunity because they have to run to a gen.
45 * 4 = 180 seconds.
180 seconds is enough time to fully complete 2.25 generators.
Now add in that killers typically lose the first gen or 2 because there is no pressure at the start of the match and too many gens to patrol. And you realize that survivors being able to complete 1/3 of their objective simply due to 1 perk is not balanced. The problem with DS is not its anti-tunnel properties, those are good. The problem is that it allows survivors to use it offensively to dive a hook unsafely with BT, or to power through a gen they have no business doing.
If you have time to start repairing a gen, cleansing a totem, or heal/get healed by another survivor, you aren't being tunneled.
Realistically here is how DS should be:
Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape.
After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become active and usable for 20/25/30 seconds.
If you repair a generator, cleanse a totem, heal another survivor, or are healed by another survivor for 1 health state, the perk deactivates. During a chase, the countdown timer stops and the perk remains active. This can be used multiple times in a match.
While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check
to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 5 seconds.
- Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will disable Decisive Strike.
- Successfully stunning the Killer will result in you becoming the Obsession.
Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
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So if you found survivor doing gen in your face and he jumps in the locker when you're going to stop him you're tunneler. Try to play killer. Meet this situation and stop making dumb comments
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The problem is more with DS itself, if you have time to work on a generator, among other things, it should deactivate. This has been brought up many times before though and at this point it seems unlikely that DS is ever going to be changed. It has been in its current state for a long time, complaints about it are not new but there are no news regarding a possible update to it.
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I guess i just have to stop tunneling🙃
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Best rework idea I've seen yet.
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I've had situations where I've chased someone and hooked them, travelled to wherever BBQ told me to go and found a healthy survivor. Said healthy survivor immediately jumps into a locker just to DS me, or purposefully lets himself get downed cause DS is still up.
I'm pretty sure everyone who's played a little bit of killer realizes most survivors use DS offensively, which is why people hate this perk. It's not because it punishes tunnelers, but rather because survivors abuse the ######### out of it.
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If you don't tunnel, just let them hide in there, they aren't getting anything done wither. It's only sixty seconds max. Also you could just watch them watch you and eventually they will come out. Or you can just slug them and then move on. Or just eat 5 seconds and let them get you plus they aren't always sucessful at the skill check. Unbreakable can only be used once and head on you can approach from the sad very fast and they can't use the perk
I have purposely hid in a locker so a killer would waste his time thinking I had DS because he tunneled me straight off the hook.
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To go off of their point, I've been DSed after stumbling across them, not seeing any other survivors. I don't intentionally try to tunnel, but I think it's silly I have to actively avoid them and give them more time for gens because those with DS run out in the open or just don't know what they're doing.
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Your heart and thinking is in the right place but your numbers are quite a bit off.
Your assuming quite a bit. Survivors can't instantly be on a generator after after being unhooked. The DS timer starts immediately after being unhooked, and we can be very MODESTLY assume it's going to take time to find a gen and start working on one. Sure, experienced and knowledgeable players will do this quickly, but it's not instant.
You also assume the killer isn't going to slug as soon as the survivor touches the ground, which they often do.
You also assume you deal 0 damage to generators during that assumed time total you calculated up.
I could continue to list countless ways this calculation doesn't mean very much in terms of real game play.
It's not as simple as 60 seconds x4 = 2 unstoppable gens.
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The average survivor might not be able to be instantly on a gen, but try again when you hit rank 1 with 1k hours. Every game i play, i play against survivors that are extremely efficient. And don't even get me started on the ones that are actually SWF. Those are even worse.
I'm not talking about the average case. I'm talking about optimal play. In a scenario where the survivors play optimally, they plan for this, believe me, they do. They intentionally get downed near a gen so that the killer has to hook them near a gen, so as soon as they get unhooked they slam the gen for nearly a full 60 seconds.
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Optimal play is too grab out of locker. If you do that, they may miss, or if not, you can just chase and down or leave after and go pressure other gens, they should've already run a decent distance.
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wouldn’t work.
killers could just moonwalk, wraith could just cloak ect to not start chase.
not only that, you can easily avoid 30 seconds by being slugged. that wouldn’t help with tunnelling at all.
If anything it should be based off how close you are to the killer, further you are away, quicker it goes down.
for example, ds has 60 charges. being in chase pauses the timer.
being within 10 metres of the killer for longer then 3 seconds while not in chase pauses the timer. (to prevent people from moonwalking to enter chase ect)
being within 10-20 metres of the killer causes it to go down 1 charges a second.
being within 20-25 causes it to go down 1.2 charges a second
25-32 causes it to go down 1.4 charges a second
32-40 is 1.6
40+ is 2 charges a second
or something on the line of that. that way it’s about how close the killer is, further they are, quicker it goes down.
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DS is so easily counterable. All the killer needs to do is not tunnel. THAT'S IT . . . Do that and you've made every Survivor in match that brought DS waste a perk slot.
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Killer main here, I really don't see a problem with DS. My best counter for it is to hook someone then mini tunnel them enough to pick them up if they have DS I let them go, if they don't I drop them and keep giving gen pressure across the maps. DS isn't even that big of a deal tbh. It's one of those things that piss you off for about 5 seconds and then boom, they can't use it the rest of the match.
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I like your suggestion but I feel like it is too complicated. It also has the (unintended?) side-effect of revealing how close stealth killers are. Pig crouching somewhere near you for example would make the timer slow down. If you make it based on whether or not the killer currently has a terror radius in addition to the distance, then you need to deal with a lot of weird situations such as Oblivious status effect, Dark Devotion, ...
The general concept is good but the execution is too complex. I don't have a suggestion that simplifies your idea though.
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A wasted perk slot that gives you 60 seconds of immunity is defenatly not a wasted perk slot. Though i like current DS better than old one as it saves people from getting down fast after unhook, the argument of "Oh JuSt dONt TuNnEl" is flawed in so many ways. Though again it's not fun to getting down relentlessly and i really think the perk is needed but it needs tweaks
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Tunneling ruins the game.
Killer proceeds to tunnel.
Whines they can't tunnel.
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A wasted perk slot that gives you 60 seconds of immunity is defenatly not a wasted perk slot.
DS is basically a Power Star from Mario games. You touch the survivor = you die.
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DS does nothing if you don't tunnel. Rendering it a wasted perk slot.
Also PH is by design the best anti DS killer in the game as he completely bypasses it's entire mechanic.
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Fair enough. I hear ya man. I just can't really sympathize because I have never once equipped DS and find the perk dull. I've got 320 hours in. Maybe your right and I just haven't been in those situations yet. But I've played a bit of killer, and played against groups of people who all have DS. I usually make it a point to ignore people who make it obvious they are running DS. They end up wasting more time than they get out of it. Again, just my experience. You could always play PIG and throw a hat on em ;).
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You know the best tech to deal with ds is just to run ebony moris