Can we please have an option to not get matched against SWF?



  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    How Is a console party function cheating? Is a killer on PC using a mouse also cheating?

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Thank you!

    Some killers might like a high challenge with SWF, but some people just want a fun match as killer without dealing with gens going off every second and survivors taunting and sending you insult messages when you lose.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564


    I would like to add that making every single game guaranteed solo q players just gives you can easy win everygame. The only real challenge this game has is a swf.

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    I c this quite a bit, "I don't get SWF sweats alot" which means I have terrible luck because I get those SWF groups at least three times a day and I only play that game for a couple hours each day, and no I'm not gonna claim that I'm some god-like, mythical player but I'd say I'm skilled enough to go against other good players and if a SWF is determined to win the only reason they'd lose is because of poor communication, I'm not tryna sound like a [BAD WORD] but u can't outplay 4 people that know what ur doing at pretty much all times, anyways that's my thoughts, feel free to correct anything u disagree with, have a good day.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I like sending long messages but I cba reading them. How selfish of me lmao.

    Anyways, I haven't read everything here but I've got a general idea of the debate. Heres my opinion with both sides accounted for.

    SWF is a key part of the game. The majority of people who bought this game bought it because they wanted to play it with their friends. A lot of them then move on to play solo queue when they muster the courage to play against scary killers on their own. A few games later, they arent scared and they play the game for fun and not for frights. The majority of games are now solo queue. However, SWF isn't uncommon, and it is absolutely an advantage over solo queue. While this may be annoying to go against, it is actually the main idea of the game. 4 survivors vs 1 killer. SWF was the original intention so asking for an easy way out of it isn't a good mindset. At higher ranks (by that I mean closer to rank 20) SWF isn't a problem. Picking up the basics for killer is much easier than it is for the basics of survivor. At red ranks the skill increases equally but at higher ranks, the killer has an advantage. SWF may have some more coordination but they have no idea what to do with that yet. Not a problem, moving on. Middle ranks is where it starts to get a bit harder. I personally am consistantly at red ranks for killer and I have lost games against SWF groups in the green ranks. Weather or not they were smurfing is unclear but still, they beat my ass with map offering and what not. Its rough. Red ranks, SWF is even harder. Against an SWF group, you can get hit hard with a gen popping before you've found someone or something like that. Theres no denying that SWF groups are hard to play against. However, you probably play against a lot of SWF groups without even realising. I myself play a lot of SWF and we don't use meta perks like DS & Unbreakable, OoO, Sprint Burst etc. We just play the game the way it was intended. Playing about, having fun, not really caring about the outcome. Why should we lose the ability to play with each other? If there was seperate queues, SWF queues would be reserved for only the sweatiest of killers who find the best solo queues too easy so they challenge themselves with SWFs. We arent sweating, so why should we always get sweaty killers and 2 hour queues? It's not fair. For whoever was saying that using discord is cheating, thats just a bit bonkers to me. Its the way the game was intended. Survivors work as a team to repair generators and the killer stops them. Discord doesn't stop the killer from walking. Discord doesnt allow the survivors to walk through walls. It is just communications. People having a bit of innocent fun. Its not cheating. As a killer, getting to rank 1 shows that you are capable of winning even against the best survivors. That means that to keep your place at rank 1, you need to be able to beat SWFs. I get caught out by them when I am not expecting an SWF, but when I see all 4 join at once, all with items and such, I know I need to try. Ill throw on a sacraficial ward and change my build a bit, maybe throw on frankins. If I dont realise, I can still come back by thinking about what they will say to each other. If I down 2 survivors, I know for a fact that the other 2 are around. SWFs pretty much always have each others backs at all times. Solo queues wont really care as much and might do gens instead. The killer has to adapt to SWF, not avoid it completely.

    A SWF queue wont work for this game. This is rough news for some but hopefully this can elighten some of you as to why. Maybe a good change would be to stop SWF groups from using map offerings, giving the killer more of a chance against them. We all know that SWFs like Ormond and Haddonfield. It would be nice to not have to deal with that anymore. Maybe SWF groups can only bring 1 brand new part, with the other one being refunded to the person who's brand new part doesnt go through. These little things would stop SWF groups from being so powerful, but in the end SWF is a key part of the game. Getting rid of it like this wont happen as it would generally be a bad business move for BHVR.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    no but it disrespectful the way they abused the killers especially new killers which it sad and it not fun as well like how can you learn if you are new and where is the fun if gen rushed happen.

  • wraithbaby3
    wraithbaby3 Member Posts: 30

    Sorry mate. Have you tried uninstalling?

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    After a while at rank 1 you develop a spidey-sense of who's a sweater and who wants to play a game longer than 5 minutes.

    If you're not looking for a challenge then just requeue every time you see people with suspicious names/cosmetics. That's what I do if I want to play a low tier killer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    But that's the problem. You just have to suspect it. There's zero indication of SWF, even though we've been asking for that.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    No, but it's an unfair advantage. Mouse gives way more control. If you bump up the sensitivity too much on console, your camera goes all over the place. Too little, and your turn angle is locked. That's how they came up with the term "PC master race".

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I would love for an option like this. People who say that "they just wanna have fun with friends" know that's a lie. Killers shouldn't have to "adapt" to swf they shouldn't be stressed about playing a game. And making a simple change like this wouldn't "kill the game"it would in my opinion help grow the game. New players are immediately turned off the killer role when they see how stressful it is. Lobbies will be quicker with more players playing killer.

  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    That Was the point t of my post, it is just part of the game like SWF.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    I learned that to beat SWFs one must use their teamwork against them. SWFs will ALWAYS try to save their friends, and will ALAYS want coordinate together. If you can disrupt their coordination by acting somewhat unpredictable you can hurt them, and then simply start to slug them all. To beat SWFS you must slug to make them sweat. Hooking them grants them all their superpowers like BT, We’ll Make It, DS, etc so don’t be so hasty to hook them. That’s the main thing I learned as killer. Don’t rush hooking survivors! Know WHEN to hook’em.

    The second thing is knowing when to disengage a chase. If you know they’re a SWF assume that whenever you engage a chase with ANY one of them they alerted their other buddies, and now they’re off doing objectives in the meantime. If you can’t whack that person after a Bloodlust, or they lure you to a jungle gym just leave them be. They’ll eventually have to do gens by themselves which takes longer. Always stop them from doubling up on the gens.

    Some SWFs are just god-tier and they’ll make a fool outta ya. Sometimes they get really lucky with hit detection, or something. I would get as mad as Oni-Chan sometimes, but instead of seeing how they made me mad I started thinking “What did I do wrong?” Did you chase someone too long? Did you leave your totems unattended for too long? Did you not patrol the hooked person long enough? Did you tunnel someone and waste time? Eventually you’ll develop a sorta habit of instinctively knowing what to do as that particular killer the moment you encounter a survivor based on what they’re up to.

    Last but not least. Play DIRTY. SWFs will run all over you if you play soft/fair. Soft camp when needed to get a second phase. Leave them downed. Lure them into the basement. Whatever it takes! Nothing beats seeing a whole team of arrogant SWFs D/C.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Just get better. They/We can be beaten. I'm the best one in my personal group. We can get down to the last or no gens but most times if or when I die the game for my other two friends goes to #########. Things like that if you pay attention to the strength of each survivor you can capitalize on and If you capitalize on mistakes or bad positioning you should or will win. SWF or not you will lose to good or coordinated survivors. I've had many that weren't SWF and beat me due to coordination or my own lack of good play. Just accept you won't win every game you play.

  • HexxedElf
    HexxedElf Member Posts: 5

    I don't think I would mind SWF much if I, as a rank 15 killer, weren't getting curb stomped by a pair of reds, a purple, and a green/yellow swf.

    Even if they aren't SWF, it's still not even REMOTELY like a fair or even game.