Would Iri Head be balanced if it only worked past a certain range?

Title. Similar to Iridescent Coin on Deathslinger, would Huntress' Iridescent Head be more balanced if it only worked past a certain range? I don't play Deathslinger much, but I've heard this is a pretty bad add-on because of how little range there is for Slinger to actually get that very specific range, but I imagine on Huntress it would be way better. I don't play Huntress much either, so it's just a thought. I mean, her hatchets are the size of School-busses, so maybe it'll never be balanced.
I think it would be fair if they buffed the number of Hachets Huntress carries with iri too but remove the extras she gets from her add-ons.
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Just take iri head and yeet it into the dumpster
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If it had a range requirement like DS it would be worse than some of her green and yellow addons imo.
I'd rather just make it not stack with hatchet increasing addons so you are literally only able to ever have 1 hatchet. That seems completely fair to me.
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Don’t even worry about it,
lf people need to use keys, Mori, iri head or any of those other rubbish perks or addons.
Then that shows they arnt very good at the game, or they have to do one of the ridiculous challenges and they are trying to find the easiest way to do it.
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i would much rather they just hard cap iri heads at 1 hachet no infanty belt for 3 one hit down or belt loop for 2 one hit downs.
3 downs 1 minutes into the match is nearly unrecoverable for survivors its as bad as perm t3 myers starting with t3.
also arbitrary range minimums sound like it would just shift the frustration
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Either way you'd still have to hit your shot
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Can we just make ds checks super difficult (near impossible) while we're at it?
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No. Just have it so it doesn't work with extra hatchet addons, and you're golden.
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I mean it'd remove one of the biggest issues with the Add On.
But then you have Map RNG kicking Huntress in the knees even harder if she gets a map that makes hitting at a distance difficult to impossible. (Trying to toss a hatchet across Gideon? yeah good luck on that)
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I mean, you say that like huntress doesn't throw tower fans instead of hatchets
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Iri coin is too hard/Niche(Where it can be used is heavily restricted heavily by which map is chosen) to use to the point of being worthless.
If your argument is based on Iri coin you have lost much like if you brought up Demo's add-ons as Slinger's Pink/Red add-ons are about as under-powered as Demo's.
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I miss a lot (console players)
Sometimes I panic and throw onw when I shouldn't (that's on me)
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Huntress hitboxes when playing Huntress vs facing Huntress:
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Makes sense now thanks :)