
IxmKira Member Posts: 3
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Short but easy point, please make tunneling banable to people rank 15 or 10 below or just in general. Even letting the killer be able to not play the game for said amount of time would be perfect better than allowing the killer to go for a survivor right off the hook. Jeez.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    If you were to ban tunneling, players would abuse that and anyone jsut hooked would block/stay in front of killer.

    Also, so many time as a killer, I hook Player A. player B comes to unhook them. I chase player B, because I find it more fun (and I don't think tunneling is wrong/bad) but then either player B leads me into player A and then Player A gets taken out in cross fire, or Player A just keeps running in front of me, keeping me from Player B, so I drop player A. sometimes player A was really annoying and I tunnel them into the ground because that is what they get (maybe they are holding a Key, or they are playing claudette and amazing at hiding. I'm not going through the work to find them twice) - play how you want to play, stop judging others how they play.

    yes some players will tunnel all the time, but there are perks to slow that down, but really, there are countless annoying tactics that survivors user, sometimes tunneling is simply a good option (just don't let this get you mad and move on)

  • Killbutton
    Killbutton Member Posts: 87

    The only way to stop tunnel is to create a more efficient option for the killer to get kills/win in general. As it stands, it's just good tactics to tunnel/camp. If it's successful, you remove a asset to the survivors and slow them down, or at least bait others into getting hit. For certain killers (looking at you, Trapper) tunneling and camping are simply just the best way to bring the survs to you instead of hoping they don't just circumvent your traps or loop you into the dirt.

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    Tunneling and camping is a big problem but there are not the only ones.

    Unbalance is a thing, killers are way too strong atm, with a kill rate above 60 for all of them and equal or above 70% for most of them.

    BUT even though killers are too strong, gen rushing is a big problem aswell... Game design choices to add artificial balance is a big problem too.

    Well, it's not that fun to play this game anymore, for both parts...

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I don't think it should be bannable, but there should be a minimal penalty for it, like on the killer emblems you receive a penalty for staying in close proximity to a hooked survivor.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Lately I've met some killer mains who say that tunneling is the best and most effective way to get to high ranks. If that is really true it needs to change. There should be a penalty in emblems or so, but a ban goes too far. If a certain person is tunneling another certain person each time in different matches ignoring others or if the killer player goes for the same person even if others take hits and let themselves get downed for the tunneled survivor it should be bannable. That kind of hardcore tunneling for no reason (that how I call it if the killer just won't let go of that person no matter what) is not ok.

    In my opinion it is not a strategy to proxy camp every hook from the very beginning and then tunnel the survivor and hook them again till they are out of the match. If all or nearly all gens are completed that kind of behavior is acceptable, but not with 0-3 gens done.

    I play both sides, but it's easier to have fun as killer unless I face occasionally a swf groups, but I gotta say it's way more stressful and therefore easier to get wrongly upset over normal things like: looping or hiding, getting stunned and blinded.

    Games are played for the fun of it. Every individual in the match is able to make it fun for all the others too if they stop being egoistic. Some examples:If I play killer and run into the same person over and over again and they had no chance to do something in the match other then getting chased i leave them or if I need pressure I'll down them and leave, same if I chase another survivor and that one decides to run towards the hooked person or if the other survivors decide to unhook instantly after hooking. If I play survivor I don't bodyblock or prevent in any way a first hook (unless it's for example a bubba and the basement). If I realize (or wrongly asume) that the killer I am facing is a lower rank I tend to throw paletts earlier, use less windows or run simply in a straight line till they catch me. If I feel bad or if I want to show I appreciate their fairplay I give them my Item or a kill at the end of the match. That is at least how I play until they manage to make their game fairer.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I am pretty sure that I wouldn't be the only one still playing killer. There is a lot of good killer mains out there that wouldn't be affected by a penalty at all. And a lot of fair, respectful and decent people that play killer reasonably well (like me) that wouldn't be affected by a penalty neighter.

    I honestly wouldn't mind if those people that are proxycamping and tunneling no-matter-what in (nearly) every game stopped playing and I highly doubt what you say would come true. On the contrary I guess it would lead to more higher skilled killer players.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Sure. While we're at it, ban all survivors who farm, all survivors who bodyblock with BT, and all survivors who immediately sit on a generator.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited October 2020

    In regards of the latter part of the comment: Tunneling is not a bannable offense, so there won't be a time out for it. I just want to clarify that. For the rest of the comment, that's a suggestion, so I've moved it.

    In regards of giving them a timeout, this is a excerpt from the game rules:


    Discarded report reasons


    • Camping
    • Slugging
    • Tunneling

  • Jgoodman182
    Jgoodman182 Member Posts: 23

    Can we ban survivors who stealth out corrupt intervention if we ban people who tunnel? Sounds good

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    That's why you got DS . How many more second chances do you guys want?

    Real tunneling will punish the killer and will give the survivors an easy escape. Sure, not very fun for the person that get's tunneled but that can happen. Just move on.

    Tunneling to get someone at a certain point out of the game is one of the only ways for killers to turn the game around in many situations. It wouldn't be wise to take that option away, at least if you don't want to play against Killer AI's in the future.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    If you had read my post you wouldn't write something like that obviously you are just trolling. I said there are acceptable situations to go for the unhooked survivor and I never mentioned undying.

    Putting words in the others mouth just like insinuating their way of thinking isn't an argument.

    Btw you didn't say anything to my reply on you assuming the game would die if tunneling would get punished in some way.

    I repeat: I am pretty sure that I wouldn't be the only one still playing killer. There is a lot of good killer mains out there that wouldn't be affected by a penalty at all. And a lot of fair, respectful and decent people that play killer reasonably well (like me) that wouldn't be affected by a penalty neighter.

    I honestly wouldn't mind if those people that are proxycamping and tunneling no-matter-what in (nearly) every game stopped playing and I highly doubt what you say would come true. On the contrary I guess it would lead to more higher skilled killer players.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Yes, but also genrush need to be fixed.

    Right now the only fix however are:



    Change my Mind.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    It is common for people that lack arguments to try to provoke in order to distract the other person.

    If you are unable or unwilling to discuss, what do you do in a discussion forum?

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I don't think it should be a ban worthy offense, but having to bring perks to counter slugging and tunneling rather than more fun options is just a pain. I don't have Laurie and don't plan on buying her since DS works once, and killers tend to wait a minute before picking up survivors, which is where unbreakable or soul guard comes in, taking up another perk slot for this occasion. I'm not trying to sound entitled (At least I hope I don't sound that way ;w;) I just hope that by unhooking someone I'm not accidentally killing them.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I understand that, I just mean that it sucks to have to use perk slots in the rare case they camp and tunnel. I know they aren't there to make sure I have fun, I don't expect that from them at all. I use my perks to evade and escape from the killers, but if they resort to slugging it's over for me. I'm not mad at them for that, I really understand that it's a strategy, I just personally don't bring perks for it because a lot of red rank killers use different, more effective strategies that not only give more points, but are also harder to counter (Like bamboozle, tinkerer, etc.) I didn't mean to upset anyone with my previous statement, there are just a lot of nice perks that can aid everyone in the match rather than unbreakable, ds, dead hard, and bt, although I think bt is a fantastic perk with different builds.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858
    edited October 2020

    I don't know if this is true just for DBD. The video game industry is now larger than the movie industry. Every kook and their mother is jumping on the bandwagon. Once you get a market this large, you see things fall apart all over as people try to pinch every last buck they can out of a product. That goes for DBD, and just about every other game I've played. I mean, is there a multiplayer game you know of that doesn't have micro-transactions? Games are the way they are right now because the industry is booming, not because it's dying. However, all industries eventually rob themselves of value over time, which is what's happening to all kinds of games. The ones that get too greedy will extract too much value from their product and eventually go under... and maybe DBD is doing that, maybe they aren't, maybe it's just symptoms of the industry.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131
    edited October 2020

    You guys are all stupid. Anyone that thinks killer in any form is OP is utterly simple.

    I play mostly survy and I can firmly say that there is nothing a killer can do against swf. ZERO. These devs will tell you, as a hulking demonic raging trump supporter (killer) to literally bend over and let survivors ######### you in the ass all at once. Even if you get 2 kills sometimes you are lucky to break even and not lose rank.

    Survivor margin for error is huge x 4 with perks, also x 4 that support bad decisions and stupid play. Borrowed time and DS among other perks will literally carry you into whatever rank you want if you have half a brain. Ontop of this you have items that "empower" survivors to allow them to gen rush harder, heal and blind a killer. If a killer is tunneling you then that is the poor choices of you and your teammates for unsafe unhooks, poor perk combos or abusing ridiculous loops. Learn to do it too so that you arent the easy target.

    This game is fundamentally flawed and when you get to red ranks you will see it in multiple areas such as perk, map and objective designs. Killers are too weak and the reason you see the same combination of killer perks is because its all they have. This is not because they are OP. Its because other perks are too weak. The devs have ######### all clue to be frank (discordance nerf - who the ######### was asking for this?)

    In the loading screen for killer it says "killing is the primary objective of playing killer". I'll admit its far from true because you dont get ######### for a quick 4k. The aim of a killer should be to have 1 kill at 2 gens left, ideally with well defended close gens.

    Its a real struggle to want to play killer I'll admit, we just have it far too good as survys so much so that we can afford to run troll builds and there is NOTHING most killers can do about it. And if you got to red ranks as a swf and struggle in solo queue then you are a prime example of why you shouldnt be in higher ranks, and I mean it as no insult - the game needs a swf rank and a solo queue rank just like each killer character needs their own rank. Notice how theres little variety in killers you face? Its because you get clapped in reds when you play you havent got the experience or the perks for.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Not everyone has ds you clown, and it's not a penalty since killer can just eat the ds and countinue tunneling dumbo

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    So what you are saying is that Dead by Daylight ISSSSSSS pay to win?

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530
    edited October 2020

    I have almost 1800 hrs and I have ds unlocked.

    But the newest players not.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Learn how to loop and last long in chases. In other words... git gud

  • ProwlingDead
    ProwlingDead Member Posts: 23

    So curious on this, just recently got really into the game as a killer, I understand Tunneling the same person over and over again does suck, and I try not to do it, However if you just happen to run into that person again what am I supposed to do? Say oh I just got ya, there ya go buddy, go on ahead