Suggestion to help balance vs SWF

Obviously SWF can not, will not and should not go away. However, it's arguably the strongest Survivor perk in the game. The ability to communicate and coordinate with your friends as you play against a killer is a huge advantage that unbalances the game against the killer.
What I would propose is provide the killer with up to three buffs depending on swf composition. So if there's one group of two players playing together in a match via swf then the killer gets one buff. If there's one group of three, or two groups of two SWF then the killer gets two buffs and if the entire team is SWF then the killer would get three buffs.
Buffs could be things like a speed increase, a reduction in pallet stun time or a shorter cooldown on attacks. I'm sure the devs and community would have other good ideas for minor buffs to provide the killer.
While this isn't perfect I do think it would nonetheless be a good step toward making the game more balanced in these scenarios. What are your thoughts?
I don't think buffing the killer will be balanced. Most rank 1 killer that play this game can deal just fine with SWF. Giving them more power would just break the game in a one sided match.
The main problem I see in this game is the MMR. SWF red ranks using a friend rank 20 to play against a rank 20-11 is a problem. Rank 10 killer facing SWF that are red rank using all the meta perk they can bring is another one.
Adding to that, as a player we can't see if there is a party in the lobby. So unless there is at least 1 person from another platform we don't really know is there is a SWF or no in the lobby.
To me a better solution would be give a incetive to play as a Solo survival. Give solo player a bonus BP fs they play solo. That bonus will only apply if they are solo player. Meanwhile, give the killer a bonus BP IF (only IF) they play against a 4 man SWF.
Also, fix MMR XD.
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While we, as players, don't know if the group is SWF or not the game definitely knows and so can act on that information either implementing my suggestion or yours. Overall I like your idea as well. Rewarding those who play solo is another great solution to the problem I feel has merit. I also agree about MMR. As a rank 13 survivor I just went up against a Rank 4 Billy and got slaughtered so I feel ya there.