Recently started to play legion, why does it feel like they are punished for using their power?

chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As the title asks, you have a 4 second stun on a non-lethal power, while you watch survivors run away. On top of that when you slap someone it takes away from your power meter.

To me the 4 second stun is absolutely horrendous to play with on a power that does so little. Plus deep wounds is a joke of a status effect, and their entire power is based around it.

As compared to blight who only suffers a 2.5 second stun on a power that can actually down survivors.

Anyone else feel this way?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    I've been a blight main for a while now, and after just starting on legion it feels so horrible. I could count so many instances where I would've downed survivors if I was playing blight.

    But instead I have to wait an agonizing 4 seconds as I watch a survivor make it to a safe loop that would cost me a gen to run.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Certainly feels like that happened to them. I watched PTB legion gameplay, and that short stun looks like it was amazing to have.

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    Yeah, it's frustrating af. I play other killers for the dailies/tomes when I need to, and most of them feel like you get much more worth out of their power than you do Legion's. I won't lie, I only play legion because I like the character(s) as a whole and I can't bring myself to level up other killers when I very rarely play as killer anyway. Almost any other killer is better than Legion, and anyone who disagrees with that just hates Legion because he's "unfun" to play against. The reward/cost ratio of his power isn't worth it half the time.

    When a killer is LESS scary/threatening while using their power, it's a bad thing. If you're injured (which you usually are against legion) and you see Legion frenzy towards you, you're probably gonna be inclined to take the hit since he'll run off to hit someone else. You shouldnt WANT to be hit by someone's power, but injured survivors do, so he leaves them alone for a while. He needs some big changes, because as he is now, he may be unfun, but every game I play against another legion is usually an easy escape.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Honestly legionndoesn't even need a complete overhaul of their power like doc or freddy. I'd say they need an addon pass, MANY quality of life changes, and they could also make deep wounds an actual threat instead of a minor annoyance.

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    The good news is that deep wounds is supposedly already being looked at, so he may be getting some buffs through that aspect. I definitely agree on the add-ons, his iridescents are so meh and the rest... Rarely worth it. I just use the cool down reductions and frenzy duration increasers, and the rest.... They're just piling up. Hopefully in a future update they get to doing that.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    I typically dont have any problem with Legion's power. Generally the fact that survivors get a speed boost after the first stab doesnt bother me since USUALLY I'm chasing after their teammates at that point anyway and only really start truly chasing someone once their already injured. Survivors who were caught trying to work on a gen while injured typically dont have too much to work with within the area and are only really gonna give ya issues if you end up getting tunnel vision by chasing after 1 person whos running you through the entire map and thus allowing them to use the entire map's resources rather than limiting them to the few resources around the gen that you initially caught them at.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Well, they kind of are. Legion has the easiest to use and most uncounterable power in the entire game, so they had to add some downsides. It can only be used to injure, there's no scratchmarks, there's a massive self-stun, one miss and it's gone...

    It's like how Bubba has his tantrum. It's there to make an otherwise super easy power have a downside.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You feel punished getting a handful of survivors wasting time mending, leaving them unable to assist the last survivor you’re targeting to down and hook?!

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    depends on the situation, it can be very rewarding if you can get 2+ hits in frenzy others wise it is just like getting a regular hit and thats assuming you never miss because missing can completely ruin your momentum.

  • zackdaylight
    zackdaylight Member Posts: 190

    You forgot to mention the part where blight has to waste his time and bump into a wall before he can hit somebody where as legion can run at them and hit them. And on top of that he can vault windows and pallets fast, and he is also notified where other survivors are nearby. you’re just playing legion wrong

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I don't play Legion as much because the are stressful af to play due to them but really having a power!

    The fact that a successful M1 drains their power makes no sense to me! The 4s stun doesn't bother me really, due to the fact that I'm a retired Nurse main and he fatigue is worse than Legions!

    I personally think Legion needs a total rework, but we all know the devs idea of a rework

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Because they are. Not to mention how easy their power is to counter.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252

    Legion would be a lot better if they: Allowed him to see scratch marks during feral frenzy, reduced his stun after feral frenzy ends from a 4 second stun to a 2.5 second stun, completely changed all of his add-ons and made him slightly faster during feral frenzy.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    Don't you know? They have to make survivor mains happy because they don't want to be flooded with crybabies on the forums and their social media.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    It is what it is, killers get nerfed so they can't even use their powers properly just so the survivors can be happy and get easy escapes. Bruh.

  • Ammuze
    Ammuze Member Posts: 6

    The Legion is meant to injure 4 people very quickly to the point where they are effectively a P3 Myers at any given point in the match. Their power gives them a pretty much guaranteed first hit while revealing all survivors within their terror radius even if they're in lockers. The stun afterwards can be used in a few different ways: You can bait them into committing to a pallet or window and body block it while coming out of your power, putting them in a bad spot or you can scare them into pallet stunning you which breaks you out of your power much quicker. Combine the pallet stun tactic with perks like Enduring and Spirit Fury and you have a very effective method to go right onto the offensive.

    Ruin, Undying, Thana and Enduring is probably their best build currently. Enduring or Thana can be swapped out for things like Spirit Fury, Pop Goes The Weasel, Thrilling Tremors, Dying Light, Nemesis, Play With Your Food or Surveillance.

    You are effectively a Basic Attack/M1 killer whose power is meant to keep survivors injured and mending instead of doing gens.

  • OmegaCerebro
    OmegaCerebro Member Posts: 18

    You killer mains trip me out by calling survivor mains crybabies. Let someone mention Survive with Friends and the majority of you meltdown.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Why don't both of you take that crap elsewhere. We're discussing legion, not killer mains and survivor mains.

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    Because we are being punished. After coming out of the 4 second stun a survivor can just never stop looping and running making our power useless. They don't have to mend if they run. I'm sorry if I hit them and continue chase they should eventually go down.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    Yeah there are definitely arguments on both sides but survivors have it way better. SWF really isn't a problem to me though.

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    Just because a killer is easier to use it doesn't mean that the killer just need to suck, that not how balacing works.

    Playing a harder killer is a choice for the killer and his skill of being able to make use of the power, just look at Spirit, even though the game says she's hard to play, she's actually one of the easiest killers and still one of the strongest killers on the game, while Trapper power is "easy", you must be a mind game god to be able to play at high ranks.

    For The Legion, there's no power in his power, it just makes survivors have only one mistake before being downed, a good survivor will still be able to take advantage and loop until god knows when.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Freddy and Spirit would disagree with your opening statement.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    I'd say spirit does take some skill. You have to know the pathing survivors take to be good with her. Even then iron will is a kick to spirits non-existent nuts.

    I do agree with freddy though.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Nope. Just walk to a loop and keep playing the coin toss game (using her power in very short bursts to randomly position yourself on one side of the loop or the other in order to catch the survivor, who cannot leave the loop or they'll be their even quicker). Even like that Spirit is still one of the strongest killers in the game.

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    But Freddy and Spirit are both easy killers, their difficulty rank in the game is just based on how long it takes to get used to their power, not playing to utmost effiency. That's why Trapper is labeled as easy even though it's hard to play him in high rank matches, you just gotta learn to put down a trap, but in a real match you need to learn every map corner with grass, where survivors loop and outplay them like a war general.

    Spirit is harder to undestand the power, same with Freddy, new players won't undestand the phasing ability and the dream world, but will understand what is a trap and how to put on the floor right off the bat.

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    If I remember correctly they are planning on reworking deep wounds it could be good or bad idk, for leg it might make his frenzy better but I might screw him even more. 4 s stun is pretty ######### tho

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    The LEAST they could do is make them undetectable while frenzied, since if they even manage to surprise you (on top of their loud ass grunts) they have to suffer the 4 second cooldown, allowing you to get somewhere safe 100% of the time if you're not a complete potato.

    As things are, if you just hold W you basically counter the Legion's entire power unless they are 10m away from you.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    He's definately rough to play. He excels at injuring and finding survivors with his power, but sucks at downing, so you have to bring some perks to help his weakness like unrelenting, bamboozle, fire up, devour hope, or play with your food.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    And enduring so you can bait them into stunning you with a pallet and recover super fast. Combine that with the one that auto breaks every 3 pallets you get hit with and he can really surprise people. Its just a harder playstyle to pull off

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Because to an extent it is. The base power time is way too short, meaning you might only get 1 injure with a power who's upside is injuring all survivors quickly. Also, most survivors won't care about being injured at all, they can still waste your time immensely with the right perks or tiles, even if injured, and deep wounds is pretty terrible and wastes almost none of the survivors time. But don't underestimate Legion, they are definitely pretty bad and like a lot of killers can be set up to lose by certain maps/perks/swf, but he will dominate if the survivors believe he is a free win.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    Legion was the first Killer I got my adept on. I don't find their power underwhelming, just got to learn to read the heart beats. You run around and stab people sure the last one gets a head start on you but you get to see their scratches as soon as you are aware. And there is an add on to help reduce the fade. When I get on Legion for a couple of hours I can get the 3 kills and 4 kills that I want. So not too much of a biggie. I'm not a red rank killer and against red rank survivors I'm more likely to get 0 or 1 kills but eh. It's not the end of the world.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    To be fair, almost every killer power is punishing if used wrong or badly. Miss a hatchet as Huntress? The Survivor will gain distance. Miss all your hatchets? Well now you probably have to break chase and reload. Miss a chainsaw as Billy? You just lost the 2.5s you spent charging and the ~1s miss animation or more if you bumped scenery. Launch a wave as PH and miss? You just fed your target a ton of distance. Bump a wall as Leatherface? You lost your charge time, all your charges and go into a pretty lengthy tantrum. I think you get my point.

    Yes, Legion's 4 second stun is a bit long, but on the front side of things, Legion's power has no charge time, no cast animation, no nothing. Just push M2, knife goes up and you're off. Add in that there are multiple things you can do to minimize the self stun at the end... it's really not as bad as it initially seems. However, just like every other power in the game, you have to make sure what you got out of it was worth it.

  • COREY_thysavage
    COREY_thysavage Member Posts: 3

    Tbh try using his sprint to close gaps or to get across map a lil just be surr to have some power left and dont be too direct when cross mapping . use the tracking for easy information if u happen to hit a surv during cross mapping.(lots of killers forget u dont have to be right by a gen to hear its being worked on just its vicinity). Last but not least if your a mind game god then try to use your 4sec stun duration to block vaults or doorways or even hook unsaves if your sweaty enough(i struggle body blocking with it)

  • TheChaddyCat
    TheChaddyCat Member Posts: 14

    I have nearly 500 hours on legion at rank 1 and the power is not used for chase you kind of use it getting a few injures and starting pressure. With the power you usually find the location of all survivors. With all of this info you wanna try to chase survivors into each other and interrupt all the actions you can. Deep wound also ensures that the survivor can’t do gens for a measly 10 seconds or so which can be ok. The buff I would recommend is that every stab legion gets with feral the cool down loses .5 to 1 second encouraging big feral frenzies. Also could do a 6 meter terror radius reduction while keeping the detection range.

  • madsweeney84
    madsweeney84 Member Posts: 31

    The most simple of answers is they nerfed Legion all to hell. Survivors complained and complained and complained about how "OP" or about "how unfair mend is".

    Survivors always and I do mean ALWAYS want easy mode and they get it because this is not a killer driven game. Its a survivor driven game, the killers is just their selling point. BHVR has become the next EA, a gaming corporation who forgot what their mission statement truly is.

    But I digress, they lean super heavily into what the survivors want in game because their are 4 of them and 1 of us. And that goes for the player base ratio as well.

    Greed and the ones who complain the most get the most.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Power cooldown is 4s. attack cooldown is 3.2, but you can cancel your power right on survivor's back without giving him speedboost so 4s probably gives survivor same distance as regular hit. Also with add-ons it becomes 3s, less than regular attack cooldown

  • snowyukimura
    snowyukimura Member Posts: 3

    That's because they nerfed him into the ground and his power now is just to delay the game a bit by haveing people heal. They did it so people could not down people with his power with the right add ons since that was too strong for someone who can jump walls. Basically if you dont use thanatophobia you are probably going to have a hard time in high ranks even if thanatophobia dose not slow healing now

  • Deckergirl
    Deckergirl Member Posts: 39

    As a Legion main here's my 2 cents,

    Grabbing players out of locker because you seen heartbeats are so worth it.

    I personally don't mind the 4 second stuns,

    He/she/they are my favorite killer.

    My second favorite is mr.deathslinger

    Both use the same perks, (in my setup obviously)

    Both are so fun to play. (IMHO)

    I can't stand (lol) ping pong, that guys at a cruel disadvantage.

    (Size doesn't matter they said)

  • MogliDogli
    MogliDogli Member Posts: 8

    Even when it is easy to do sth as spirit, she is still very hard to play perfectly compared to most of the other killers. But at this point she is a problem, because even the best swfs struggle against her, because of the lack of most counterplays.