What if Decisive Strike was base kit?

MiniPixels Member Posts: 536
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before you lose your mind hear me out, I'm not asking for this change I just want to know what people think about it.

So I've been thinking, Decisive currently uses a perk slot, and is one of the strongest perks in the game. It is one of the only perks in this game that's effects are so drastic that you have to constantly be aware of it and can be extremely punishing if you're not. But on the other hand, it is also a solution to the incredibly annoying problem of being tunneled off hook, which is something I don't think should require a perk slot. I've played both sides in red ranks since launch, and while I mainly play killer, I know how much it SUCKS to just get tunneled off hook. So this is my proposition.


  • After being unhooked a 30 second timer starts.
  • While in chase, the timer is paused.
  • The "ability" is deactivated when you touch a generator, or when another survivor is hooked.
  • When picked up during the timer, just like current decisive, you get a skill check, and if succeeded the killer will be stunned.
  • Just like current decisive, it can only be used once per trial.

My reasoning for this is pretty straight forward, the timer is shorter to allow less time where the survivor is effectively invincible. The timer is paused in chase so that if you are immediately chased off hook the killer can't just wait out the timer, and is forced to eat the stun, or leave you alone. And the "ability" is deactivated when touching a generator or when another survivor is hooked to prevent the survivor from progressing the game while being invincible. I have also thought about the ability being deactivated during the end game collapse, but I ran into a lot of situations where that could be abused, so for the sake of this example, let's figure it can be used during the EGC.

So yeah that's pretty much it, I feel like this can still be abused a bit, but is a step in the right direction to a world where killers aren't constantly asking themselves when they last hooked someone, and survivors aren't tunneled off hook. As far as what would happen to the perk decisive strike, I have no clue, but if they did do this they would probably just change it's name and icon and come up with something else. Anyway I'd love to hear what people think about this, and feel free to let me know anything I may have missed. Thanks.

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