Please do something about survivors holding the game hostage.



  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I'm just stuck on the fact you think purgation is the largest map. It is not. Mothers dwelling is the largest.

  • Voerman
    Voerman Member Posts: 12

    "in fact it is the opposite"

    Except that someone bleeding out still forces them out of the game. If there's only 2 people left, one guy bleeds out then the Killer can force the hatch closed and the timer counts down. 2 incredibly immersed survivors who know how to be sneaky and keep on the move and move back to positions that the Killer recently checked to avoid detection for even longer, is holding the game hostage if you're not planning on using a key. It's not like the Killer can start working on generators for the Survivors, to power the exit gates.

    It even says in the report feature in-game that slugging is not against the rules and is not holding the game hostage. Is it fun? No, it is in fact incredibly slow and tedious, but it's certainly not against the rules. What you are advocating for, IS against the rules however - not in like a debatable manner that "oh, you can argue semantics" or something, no. You are advocating for holding the game hostage, in fact encouraging it.


  • Outlaw64
    Outlaw64 Member Posts: 17

    I would even start end game but exit gates take twice as long to open.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    'I shouldn't have to run a perk to counter x thing.' Why is it acceptable for you to say this when you play killer, but not survivor? People tell survivors what perks they should be using literally all the time to counter dumb ######### that people shouldnt be allowed to do. 'Don't want to get tunneled out of the game early? Use DS. Oh, but we'll complain about you using it later on too.' Like?? You can't win.

    I don't understand people saying this situation is holding the game hostage because there's no way to tell if it's intentional or they're unwilling to die for the other person or they're trying to finess a close proximity 3 gen.

    Just as face camping people to death on first hook and tunneling to death early game are 'legit StRaTiGiEs', so is playing the waiting game for hatch. I'd be damned if I tried to finess a 3 gen on my own just to get caught for some blendette who did nothing to help the team all game. It may not be 'fun' but fun is subjective and whether you like it or not, hiding from the killer is a part of the game.

    If you want to concede just to end it, that's your prerogative, but I'm not keen on being forced into just giving some jack off that did absolutely nothing for anyone all game the extra points. It may not be much and to some it may not be worth it, but when this happens at least every other game ESPECIALLY when you're solo que, it's a thing of principle.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    A lot of times you may think you've been slugged when in reality the killer has lost you in the grass. It happens more than you think.

  • doggomanno
    doggomanno Member Posts: 15

    This is probably the dumbest thing on here, if the killer watches the survivor bleed out then yes, they are holding the game hostage but slugging a survivor to go kill the other survivor is not holding the game hostage

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    I'm not talking about hiding during bleed out, because if that happens there is a time limit, that is fine. This was 2 survivors that were not injured that were hiding for a solid 10-15 minutes.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    The point is that they should create a game mechanic that makes it not possible. They really should do that for killers who body block too, like if a killer or other survivor body blocks too long the survivor can just walk through therm.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    There is a difference between running a perk to counter another perk, or to counter a specific strategy. Nothing wrong with that. There is a problem with having to use a perk to prevent someone from literally holding the game hostage (something that is against the rules, reportable, and bannable btw).

    This should be an uncontroversial statement. This is something that is literally against the rules and is bannable. I'm simply stating that instead of punishing people from doing it, just make it not possible for them to do.

  • BumpEmOff99
    BumpEmOff99 Member Posts: 52

    Maybe if the player is idle aka not doing generators or not in a chase for longer than 5 minutes, then maybe they should be kicked from the session

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    I mean it would be against the rules if it was actually holding the game hostage. It isn't. Holding the game hostage implies that they're intentionally doing it and you have no way to prove someone's intention. I already explained that in my original statement you obviously didn't bother to read.

    There's a difference between someone intentionally holding a game hostage and a game taking longer than it should because of a killers inability to locate a survivor, which there are perks for.

    Hiding from the killer all game and waiting for your teammates to die for hatch are as valid of playstyles as face camping, hard tunneling and slugging. Fun is subjective. What's not fun to you and I is to others. Some people don't like to work on gens, but love the thrill of being able to effectively evade the killer.

    Your issue isn't with someone holding the game hostage, your issue is with the game being designed in a way that makes this stalemate a possibility. It has nothing to do with people intentionally holding the game hostage.

    It's hard to come to a solution without outright punishing survivors for being able to evade a killer such as the suggestion of showing or telling you where a survivor is after x amount of time. The problem with this is if that x amount of time isn't significant, survivors who are just actively evading you could be given away in which case it would be pointless to ever evade in the first place and evasion perks would become null and void if the killer were just given your location for doing nothing.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    Devs have already stated in the past that doing that is against the rules. You don't need to factor in their "intent" if they are actively not doing the objective and hiding, it is holding the game hostage.

    And you are correct, i am arguing that the way hatch is designed right now, it encourages all the players in the game to effectively stop playing the game as intended and play another game which is far more boring for all the players still involved in order to "win"

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    The whole point of a survivors objective is to escape, not to do gens. Doing gens is just one of two options that lead to surviving/escaping. If devs have said that's holding the game hostage, that's quite hypocritical, but I don't know what I expect from a team of nitwits that introduce a perk that increases lunge by 100% when we already have hit registration issues.

    If you feel you're more likely to get caught working on a 3 gen than you are to get any progress made on a gen, you do not have to do gens to try and escape. You have the option of evading the killer and seeing who gets caught first and that can unfortunately get drawn out when a killer is incapable of being able to locate a survivor, which there are perks for as people love to always tell survivors. If this is a problem that afflicts you so often that you felt the need to complain about it, maybe you should be running perks that help you locate survivors. Just saying.

    Like I said, fun is subjective. You can't argue that it's 'boring' because I could say the same thing about face camping, tunneling, slugging, mori'ing off of first hook, etc. yet those are 'play styles' that are backed by the devs yet somehow evading the killer isn't acceptable because you're making it boring for the killer? That's called a double standard.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2020

    That's not a hostage situation. At the very most (assuming nobody picks you up and it's first down) the "Hostage situation" ends in 4 minutes. (You bleed out into the dirt and die)

    You also have tools such as Unbreakable, No Mither, and I think Soul Guard to allow yourself to get yourself up.

    The situation we're discussing can last a theoretically infinite amount of time if survivors simply ignore gens and are good at hiding. Usually it's about 20 minutes in average from my experience which is far too long, especially when both survivors are not really doing it for any gameplay benefit other than to waste the killer's time in hopes he DCs.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited November 2020

    oh, tinkerer. explains why they were reluctant to touch gens.

    Also, Mother's Dwelling is the largest flat map.

  • quoclong
    quoclong Member Posts: 24

    Again killer mindset needs to change. Thinking 4k is only win is very naive and generally sums up the try hard killer mentality. Even professional DBD players know and have admitted that in some cases a 2k can be considered a win.

    As for holding game hostage both sides can do same thing. I have seen killers protect 3 gen situations (like in azeroth) and simply camp and wait for survivors to come to them. Then the try hard killer complains u r suppose to finish gens. My response is killers suppose to hunt down their prey as well so like I said it goes both ways. Killer mains need to start playing other side, survivors too, and stop bitching.

    I hear too many sides on both saying DS, UB too op but they say ruin/undying is perfectly normal. I hear survivors cry about tunnel and camping, so just run DS UB BT but then I get back to the killer crying. My response is just learn to deal with it and stop being the 90% potatoes in this game.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    At this point you're just repeating yourself, you got more than enough reply to explain why some consider 4k a win. Also the killer patrolling gens after survivors 3 gen themselves is holding the game hostage? really going to say that?

    this post is not about DS/UB debate, no reason to bring it up

  • quoclong
    quoclong Member Posts: 24

    I'm bringing up DS UB because people keep crying about it when they shouldn't. As for the 4k then u r telling me u r better or more knowledgeable than multiple pro players.

    As for 3gen yes u can force it if u r a good killer, which reading your remarks u question. Killers like trapper and hag thrive on that.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited November 2020

    It wasn't me trying to get the 4k. The last TWO survivors hid because they wanted the other one to get hooked so they could go for the hatch. My only option other than finding one and hooking them was to literally DC. Read my post before responding next time and stop biasing yourself to one side.