Just Wasted 15 Minutes

Was having a good game. The survivors were playing pretty good. I only killed one by the time they had 1 gen left, but made a lot of progress since when they repaired their second gen. Then all of a sudden I get notification spammed from across the map. To go over and watch all 3 of them teabagging and clicking their flashlights as they jumped in the hatch. Playing Demogorgon - not one of my best Killers, still learning. Like it was obvious they were SWF to begin with, so I went in thinking the worse. That doesn't help.

Immediatly it felt like I wasted all that time that game. Not even worth the effort. Frankly what's the point of playing killer at all anymore, when even the little things you can't get any enjoyment out of?

Inb4 getting harrassed that it's one game, that I wasn't doing the best in the game to begin with, or other dismissive comments that doesn't discuss the main issue that playing Killer is such a waste of time, and unfun experience.
