Tiffany/Chucky and Pinhead

Tiffany Valentine Ray adores her Good Guy doll and enjoys his killer intuition even more. She pursues victims with Chucky close to her bosom and releases him from her embrace to do the stealthy hunting (a twist between Spirit husk and Amanda crouch). Of course a doll cannot dispose of a human body so she picks them up and elegantly places them on hook for her true love. A duo that slays together stays together <3

Pinhead has a way of enticing people with his puzzle boxes. What if he could hide them in interactables like generators, chests, and totems? Interacting with them would set off a timer (similar to Amanda head traps) that would release chains from Hell to hold you down (like a Trapper’s trap) so better hit the random skill checks to keep them at bay while you continue your normal gameplay. Only catch is, like a normal puzzle box, it can be passed to another player. Yikes!

Dont forget to Vote up! if you like my ideas or comment below! 


  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    Or what if Tiffany could place Chucky dolls like traps and if a survivor went within a certain radius of the doll (so similar to a Hag trap), he ran out and injured the survivor..
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Eh, I don't see pinhead working that way.
    The cinobites play by certain rules. 

    Largely that it takes desire to activate the puzzle box. You basically cannot be tricked into activating it.
    You also cannot trick someone into doing it for you.

    But if the survivor feels like the puzzle box will free them from the trials, and entity, or they prefer it, they might want to use it.

    Maybe the couple from hellraiser one, or two looking to use blood to revive someone?
  • redotter
    redotter Member Posts: 28
    I really love the Tiffany and Chucky idea!
  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37
    What if Chucky’s attack would be a “sever to the leg” kind of attack and slowed them down for Tiffany to chase?..
  • mudbloodwolfie
    mudbloodwolfie Member Posts: 37

    Flashback to when I had the idea of Tiffany carrying a Chucky doll she would release to injure people while she remained a husk. Kind of like new killer...wait a minute...

  • SpookySZN
    SpookySZN Member Posts: 95

    Yeah they definitely had a sense of code in the first two but once hell on earth came pinhead pretty much did whatever he wanted