Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Some good balancing for Freddy

Member Posts: 32
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

A core issue a lot of players have when facing Freddy is his ability to pressure multiple areas of the map quickly, strong anti-loop and his passive game slowdown. The changes listed here would provide solution to the frustration when playing against Freddy, and make him more fun to play/play against.

  • Movement Speed (-5%) from 115 to 110
  • Lunge Range (-50%) cut in half
  • Dream Snare (+10 sec activation time) prevent boring anti-loop
  • Dream Snare (Can now trigger up to 5 times) to compensate for last change

If you have any Feedback let me know, ill be glad to give further explanation for these changes!.

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  • Member Posts: 3,676

    This feels like a new acount of someone who doesn't play much freddy if any. Like, his lunge is the same as all other lunges and you other changes are equally bad.

    Only thing he might need are some small number nerfs to see how they affect him but nothing as major as your changes.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I have a few hundred hours on console and go against/play a decent bit of Freddy. Recently joined the forums. I feel if the changes suggested were implemented they would make everybody happy.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Dunno why you felt the need to post this twice, but I’ll repeat the comment anyways.

    The only change here that I’d like is the third point to an extent. Change it to 7 seconds and snare spam isn’t strong anymore. The rest seems like a change that’s much more major that I’d rather not have.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I don't think he needs touched. I actually really like his current form.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


  • Member Posts: 120

    I think Movement speed reduction and the cast time required for dream snares are good ideas. I'd rather dream snares be limited use not reusable without having to be placed again. I don't know about the lunge however.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I feel like Freddy players get hate often and people seem to dislike playing against him. Just the other day a survivor DCed when she saw I was playing Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 32

    Players tend to complain about Freddy's lunge range as it always seems to hit them from much further than intended distances. This change would stop the complaining and make everybody happy

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    Freddys lunge is the same as every other killer, if survivors get greedy at the loop it's their problem.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Well I don't mean to be rude, but this is definitely not what he needs lol his snares would be even more OP with this. I feel like a few changes to his base kit are necessary. Even so, his power is fine right now. There are other killers that should be looked at as of this moment.

    Pre throw pallets when you are about to fall asleep or are asleep if he is using snares.

    Always wake up whenever you can, sucks sometimes but is the ultimate counter to him because doing this robs him of his chasing potential.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    He need reworked completely again. I just know he is godly overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 879

    I know i will stop playing freddy if those change happen. Those change are so bad you make old freddy look amazing and i used to main old freddy he is the reason i bought the game

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I don't think bringing him down to 110 is the right play. He needs longer cooldowns on things like his teleport and a slightly longer time in-between placing snares.

    Teleporting should be a flat 45 seconds and not affected by how many people are asleep, especially with the way his sleep mechanics work. Passive sleep timer, when you fall asleep the clock is on the complete opposite side of the map, snares now affect you, no terror radius, survivors waking each other up takes longer each time you do overtuned for absolutely no reason. And when everyone's asleep that 45s timer gets down to around 18s. 18s to teleport to the other side of a map, directly on the survivors objective, with nothing slowing you down whilst you're teleporting over? It's absurd how much he gets for free.

  • Member Posts: 841

    I feel like Freddy has so much going for him that it's almost ridiculous.

    -One of the best mobility tools in the game, which can be used to trick survivors.

    -In-built slowdown mechanic that adds a level of stealth to Freddy

    -BT just doesn't work against him, so enjoy getting camped.

    -Snares make looping easily punishable.

    It's a lot. I'd personally weaken his mobility out of it all, maybe make it so he has to ''snare'' or mark a generator before wanting to teleport to it, so it isn't a case of teleportation to anyone on the map, but rather a particular area.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Freddy is very powerful, but can still be dealt with. These changes are unnecessary and definitely not the way to go if we change Freddy.

    Also every Killer has the same lunge, Freddy's just looks longer because of how small his weapon is. The people complaining are uninformed, and we shouldn't nerf a Killer because of that.

  • Member Posts: 416

    Sorry those suggestion is just going to kill freddy they are really bad especially with lunge range he has the same lunge as any killer it just due to weapon he uses but good tip when playing against freddy if you know any other killer can hit you if they lunge at a certain point then it is the same for freddy.

    He just strong on shutting down long loops with the snares and the pallets means you have to remeber where pallets are and which one you use. so in a sense freddy power is based on survivors keeping a eye on the map and using their heads to know what is the most likely places that snares can be placed and which pallets are real also it is up to the survivor if they want to stay in the dream world and deal with his traps and add ons or get out the dreamworld asap.

    I would argue the reason why people hate him so much is in part they try to treat him as a normal M1 killer and believe they can loop him for several loops. Best counter to him is when he setting up snares on loop move away from it cause he cant attack when he charging the snare there a chance for you to get away. If you stay there you will get hit or downed then that is survivors fault not freddy. Also you cant get affected by the snares if you are awake so if you are awake then yes loop him normally but if you are in dreamworld DONT treat him like a M1 killer cause he will shut down any loops if he place his snare correctly.

    If you try and treat him like a normal M1 killer you going to end up on the hook simple that is what he counting on, so play differently keep him guessing make it hard for him to read your movement predict his most likely snare placements and keep track on pallets if he running pallets. Hes a killer that actually forces you to play differently which is needed for this game different killers that forces you to play differently not the same old loop to pallet and loop again that is boring i want killers to be able to force you to play differently like Spirit, PH , Doctor, Nurse etc only thing freddy need is the block add on (especially the purple block) to be reworked.

    Also the vast majority of his power is based around how survivors play so use it to your advantage he has counters use them will it be easy nope he a strong killer but he is not unbeatable just requires survivors to be smart and play to his weakness keeping awake and being unpredictable.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    He's just a simple killer. I think he's just a nice killer to play when you don't want to spend days learning a killer.

    The hate he gets is unwarranted imo.

  • Member Posts: 183

    He can teleport, and his dream snares slow survivors. His movement speed should be reduced slightly.

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