If you play Deathslinger, how tired are you of the hate you are getting?
Was that the same streamer who apparently convinced viewers that Deathslinger must be a massive racist etc because 'evil cowboy'? cause that's the other 'reason' for him getting hate, what one gets to hear in chat or on social media commonly if you play him.
(Seriously, I lost count of how many people confuse/equal him with Micah Bell)
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Personally, I have nothing against The Deathslinger. I don't play as him and I rarely face him so I don't have any real reason to hate on people who play as him. I wish he was a bit more common to figure out how to counter him more effectively... still up to this point I don't understand how breaking the chain works... sometimes I break it and I get no damage, others I break it and I get deep wound inflicted others I don't break it and I still get deep wound inflicted so it's really confusing to me.
Tunnelling Deathslingers and camping Deathslingers are horrible to face against whatsoever. If people use him like that, it's fault of the players and not of the Killer himself.
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I disagree. Monitor is meant to make a first hit easier, yes, but not to make the killer stealthy. For that there are other perks actually granting Undetectable, with their own restrictions (and rightfully so). Let me phrase is this way: If a combination of a killer and perk makes the killer pratically stealthy the whole time (out of a chase) without any powers used or restrictions, there's something wrong with it. GF, Pig, Wraith all have Stealth as part of their power, they have to activate it to get the effect and have limitations in using it. DS + Monitor just works. Sure it does not remove the TR, but since he has ranged attack he can get near enough without the survs hearing it.
The core issue with DS + Monitor is not the perk, but DS totally screwed TR music. Bc it is so hard to hear, it's not so much 24 meters, but more like 16 meters. Monitor on top it's down to 8 meters, or less than 2 seconds to react. And thats only if he does not try to spear you.
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Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most, tbh.
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Alright, I main deathslinger and I don't get that much hate for it. Also in terms of "playing fair" if you aren't using cheats anything can be "fair" it might just piss you off, like keys or moris which are unfair.
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go to twitter. go to the search. search for 'deathslinger'. read through the results.
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I play him almost everyday and i don't care.
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I mained OG Freddy back on Xbox a few years back and got so much hatemail and false reports I actually got put into "low priority" matchmaking in several games. And my account was "at risk" for a while.
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I never got that argument since hit detection goes way beyond just its ranged elements. Hits through pallets inconsistent animation ranges. Sure it has improved but for every nonesense huntress hit there are just as many demo gorgon lunge hits or freddy strikes, vault hits that shouldnt connect.
Understanding the actual hitbox on characters is important since as we all know character models do not share the same look but there hitboxes are all the same. Certain killers ranges goes beyond the animated range demonstrated. Hit register is not as snappy as other games and that down to the games humble foundations.
Even grabs are hilariously inconsistent sometimes straight locking a player into a permanent grab lock if the bug arises. No I don't buy the range hits are aggregious because the game was not built for it. I'd argue its foundations in terms of how hits register and are animated in general leaves a lot to be desired.
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The list of mentioned killers consistently under perform against the creme de la creme survivours. With small success here and there should blatant mistake be made. Deathslingers stealth elements is powerful because of a large list of restrictions put on his kit.
Gun range is abyssmal, his movement speed is reduced and his capacity on his magazine is a measly one shot. There was a lot of his power budget spent on giving him a low tr that isn't even worth it.
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The crux is, even with his chase potential, DS is only mid-tier and can be gen rushed easily, which can make him frustrating to play (esp. if you miss your shots like i do). But it's also frustrating to play against him in a chase (at least for many), and difficult enough to "just run gens" in solo queue. To summarize it (badly): You only have fun as DS when you are against potatoes / randoms, or against him when you genrush him with your swf.
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Freddys has always been the most egregious for sure. Ghostface is another culprit. you can often drop a pallet before his hand is even raised and still get hit even with low ping.
And grabs, don't get me started on grabs since dedicated servers.
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Too bad freddy will be gone for console players once they upgrade to ps5
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It's because of his hit box getting hot through a tree or an open hallway they need to make it so the surivior does not get injured once he breaks free and his reel times are completely unbalanced pig you want to shot people bit me personally I prefer him to iris head huntress but let's be honest it's a punish the survivors and help killers I play both sides and I never have problems getting four k's oni huntress so I know how broken it is I play solo solid purple rank starting red can't get past rank four survivor and rank 6killer so I am not saving this out of hate I love anna they gave survivors break away then put the hooks closer together ruined iron will look down there are blood stains and your insta heals let's not forget hex ruin demolished to help promote there fan base what would help with that is stop toxic killers prevent tunneling camping I had 4people interested the other day all quit and won't be back because of a bubba and spurt that just was relentless tunneling they won't play with me I have quit multiple times myself these are issues that need addressed they should give everyone borrowed time period straight off the hook or the killer should not be able to approach any hook while a survivor is hooked so bubba can't seperate the surivios ion different hooks and camp the middle please don't let my game die or one better five hooks per map that would be a challenge not the 50hooks so close together on every map I use to have people wiggle off now I never do unless I am trying with them
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ignore them. you bought the game and his chapter so you can play whoever you want
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I totally feed on salt.
On Xbox, you can turn off message request (messages from outside your friends list) notifications, and just never open that section of messages.
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I've played shooter games my entire life so when I play deathslinger, I understand why they're upset.
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Really? what logic filter did they use to come up with that one. Is Freddy just too 80's to be compliant with a 2020 console lol
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The licensing for freddy hasn't been renewed and that's why he isn't on switch either, @TheClownIsKing confirmed he didn't have freddy on ps5 which means all progress console users have put in to freddy will be for nothing if or when they do upgrade
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tbf i rarely get any
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As someone who plays a bit of Deathslinger in sick of seeing these posts made by the same few people about him that want to do nothing but ######### on everyone who has an issue with him and will refuse to listen to the other side of the argument.
I know Deathslinger is complete BS, I complain about it a lot, but I still play him and don't care what other people have to say, he's fun. Why should you care, at all, in any way, on any dimension... if people don't like a character you main in a videogame? That's so pathetic.
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Like what? Name one counter thats FUN to do.
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I don't even have an issue against Death Slinger
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Those are the only 2 feasible ways to play against him, yes. It's dumb but...hell idk I can't even be bothered complaining about this killer anymore. Anyone who thinks he's fine turn into brick walls and refuse to acknowledge your opinion of Slinger being boring, and will go to unfathomable lengths to tell you why you're wrong, and anyone who thinks he isn't fine have exhausted all their talking points to death now trying to get through to said brick walls.
Honestly I don't even hate Deathslinger anymore I'm just numb to it at this point and no longer care.
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I'm not against people finding deathslinger unfun, never have I said and hopefully nobody else has said that everyone must enjoy versing him. I find Billy, Pig and Myers boring as hell for my own reasons, and I fully expect some people to hate slinger for valid reasons.
One thing I do complain about and do have a problem with however is people refusing to get better against him and spewing out lies such as the "he has no counterplay" argument. He is basically just a bunch of 50/50s at loops, he is no where near the extent of no counterplay which in contrast is old Legion.
Also a bit of generalisation there, saying anyone who thinks he has counterplay is completely stubborn. I'm fully open to people to say how he does have counters and if anyone can prove to me how he is literally old Legion, go ahead. From my time as maining him however, I know he does have counters both in chase and out.
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dodging shots is fun. and even if you don't find it fun, fun isn't the killers objective for you to have, it's to kill you. what's fun to you may not be fun to others, and vice versa, so its really a matter of opinion.
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Also with deathslinger, you can get a lot of fun making him miss trickshots. I don't mean in the 'toxic teabagging' sense, but it's mutually rewarding to challenge him to a trickshot by positioning yourself, and see what he can do. if he misses, you get some satisfaction, if not, he does. and it's pretty easy even against red ranks.
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Because your literal argument is he's boring. It's a poor excuse. And, the only reason you guys insist on using this excuse is because the devs use it as well, quite poorly.
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I can't imagine it can get any worse than my year as a Spirit main.
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Well, at least I'm sure you got plenty of kills at least.
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The damage you take is dependant on the Deathslinger. The deathslinger can lunge even when he has you speared, doing this breaks the chain. When you don't take damage its because DS lunged and broke the chain, you take damage if the deathslinger lets the chain break and endures a 4 sec stun.
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It's a poor excuse for what? All me and everyone else is doing is stating an opinion, it's just you and everyone else who plays this killer have taken it so closely to heart and can't stand to hear anyone say this about your main. Literally why do you even care what we have to say about this killer?
And I have no idea what you mean by the second statement. That's not our only reason for calling Deathslinger boring tf? If the devs didn't "use this excuse" our opinions of the killer wouldn't magically change. He's boring because he's uninteractive as hell in a chase (the only thing that the majority of survivors find fun) and your skill as a survivor doesn't mean anything, not because the devs said so.
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You guys really are NPCs huh?
A lot of people find Nurse, Huntress, Demo, Oni, Blight and Billy fun, myself included. All of these killers have something to deal with long loops and can end chases fast. But yeah you're so right! We DEFINITELY only want to literally run in circles, see how far that gets you against Blight, Nurse and Huntress. If a survivor is running in circles around you for the entire match, which according to you wise killer mains is literally all we do against killers that aren't Spirit and Deathslinger then you need to really get better at some of these killers because almost every single one of them has good anti-loop.
I'm deeply sorry that people find your killer boring and they want to express that opinion on the forums :(
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Thank you for taking the time to explain it, I appreciate it. As I said I've faced him easily less than ten times so I didn't have the faintest idea of how it worked. I was confused as to how it applied Deep Wound or not.
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You can't dodge his shot. Thats why he its fun, but huntress is.
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Not true. Nurse is my favorite killer to go against, and I find slinger boring.
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you can very well dodge his shots.
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Not when the game doesn't give you enough time to react. It happens in a 60th of a second, and Scott jund proved this. It is not possible.
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Then tell me how I managed to dodge rank 1s just fine.
Not everyone plays like jund, and I think the logic here is part of the problem: People see those big name streamers claim and 'prove' something and parrot that, treating others accordingly.
It's another thing I commonly hear/see, people nagging about how they 'insta-dc against slinger cause he has no counterplay'... how would they even know? oh, they saw it in a video/stream of an experienced player. ah.
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You arent dodging though. His shot isn't possible to dodge unless he doesn't quickscope, meaning that he missed.
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no, you can dodge even quickshots.
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No you can't. Hes just missing.
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If you have any more questions feel free to ask me!
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yes, because you dodged them
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Honestly its probably time for people to understeand that if you are playing for fun and you choose to play either spirit or slinger you should remember that survivor players want to have fun too. Im not playing this game for someone else's fun. I am playing the game because I want to have fun.
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I give no #########, I know he is getting changed eventually, but I am trying to enjoy him at the moment.
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Nope, because he can't aim.
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I find it normal people dc. It is an extremely boring killer to play against. There’s many others though.
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You're not allowed to play a certain killer just because some survivors don't like it? Dude, why didn't anyone tell me I could will boring Ghostface out of existence.
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Boring = excuse to nerf things. But No, you don't want to nerf him you'll just complain ad nauseam about him and how Boring he is hoping the devs do something about it but that's not a "nerf".
If your only true argument against him is he's boring in chase people shouldn't listen to you about balancing.