The promised LGBT characters



  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I don't want them too overdue it,

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    I hope it's not but I have a feeling it will be. Fingers crossed they have representation before that.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    They'll eventually add one it's just gonna take a while. In the mean time imagine one of the current characters as being so.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    They promised it eventually, down the line, sometime before the heat death of the universe, etc

    that didn't mean they signed up for immediately dropping any new characters and content in favor of forcing a LGBT characters it just meant when the started to make new ones, probably 2-3 chapters are already being made in advance at a time to some degree,

    that said once they start making a new concept it might be LGBT, but complaining that they didn't instantly make it isn't going to immediately fix it

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I wouldn't mind a LGBT charm be added.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    If they really did it for the quick cash, they would have just made the next Char LGBT. But they didn’t.

    also while they didn’t confirm the sexuality, they mentioned several heterosexual relationships of some chars, and with the statement during pride month they actually just said they will handle LGBT+ topics just like they already did those mentioned relationships. No one said there would be a character which sole focus would be LGBT and no one asks for just that.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Who cares and why is it important? No disrespect intended!

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I wouldn't have an issue with them not explicitly stating someone's sexuality (and leaving it up to the players imagination) had they not explicitly went out of their way to identify characters as straight - even when it adds literally nothing to the story or lore. Either don't do it at all or be consistent and inclusive about it.

    Psychologically, LGBT+ people are generally drawn to horror franchises. The campiness not withstanding, LGBT+ people identify with various characters in horror franchises. Strong female characters resonate amongst LGBT+ people. Horror franchises also embrace stereotypes of "the jock" and "mean girl" and kill them. A large amount of LGBT+ are bullied by jocks and "popular" girls in school. Seeing these typically mean and rude people killed on screen is like a form of vicarious karma. Even the killers get a lot of support and even sympathy - people can get behind seeing someone take down these "mean people" and can even identify with having to hide your true identity from society. There's been a lot of interesting studies done on the appeal of horror in the LGBT+ community.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I don't care if it gets added or not wont change anything love is love.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    I actually find horror movies to be extremely comforting. Which I used to think made me odd, but after reading into it, I’ve discovered that horror movies can bring comfort to people as it allows them to escape their own lives and minds for a moment as you’re too focused on somebody else’s terror. Considering I’ve suffered from depression since I can remember and I’ve never felt like I belonged in this world, it all became crystal clear.

    A lot of the LGBT community has either felt the need to / or continue to hide their true selves from the rest of the world. It’s no surprise that a lot of them find themselves drawn to the world of horror.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Yea, just mention, in passing, about a same sex significant other.

    I mean, David's lore wouldn't have changed much if they'd given his ex male pronouns. It's literally just one less letter and they'd have done a great deal to make people happy and stop being heteronormative with their lore.

    And would Felix's lore have really changed so much if it'd been him and his boyfriend deciding to adopt? You'd need to change more than one letter, but it's not like you can't tell the same story about a new father wanting to be there for their child like their dad couldn't.

    Just switch up the fricking pronouns the next time they bring up a significant other in someone's lore and they'd be good. Promise kept.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Yes, because we really need a character with his entire description filled with how gay or bisexual he is, not actually interesting story. I'd rather see their priorities aimed at balancing and fixing, instead of finding a way to fit in unnecessary agendas.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Tbh, I've said before as someone who is LGBTQ+, I don't care about any sexuality in this game, even straight but that's because I feel like the story and personality of characters comes last in this game, but representation would be great. I just don't want them to make it a stereotypical thing ya know? There's enough stereotypes in media with LGBTQ+ people like the overly flamboyant gay man, the extremely boyish and ######### lesbian. So I hope if they add it to the game they don't give skins that add to the stereotype.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    Nurse, Frank, Julie, David, and Felix have already been confirmed to be heterosexual through their lore. The OP is just asking when we'll get an LGBT one.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    They've had some in the past, which once again raises the analogous question? Can one believe in the same god when religion is a spectrum? All their past has done is confirm what sexualities it cannot be. Having relationships with the opposite sex excludes homosexuality for example, but that doesnt make them heterosexual. This is easily comparable to talk about the abrahamic god and claiming they are christian, even though they can be jewish, muslim, babist, rastafari, samaritan. They could be protestant or catholic. Its not A=B here. I know its easy to claim you're going to be right because in the majority of cases you would be right, but yet you dont claim someone to be christian without knowing their beliefs yet unless you're an agnostic christian yourself.

    There aren't any inclusions in a heterosexual relationship, only exclusions. It's only untill they exclaim they only want to be with the opposite sex that they themselves are confirmed heterosexual. It can still swing multiple ways, encourage those ways, show them why certain characters would be something more than just a person having relationships with the opposite sex, show them how a lore-existing relation that isnt hetero nor sexual can naturally explores sexuality as a spectrum rather than a wall between heterosexuality and anything else. If you want to do that, you yourself have to actually treat it as such too. You adding in a split between heterosexuality and anything else is adding on to the problem of there being a split between them.

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    I dont know then. Its hard to tell what BHVR wants to do.

    Then again, it can take several months up to over a year to develop an entire chapter. They may still have it in the works and two chapters just hasnt been enough time to push it out. Dont gaming companies usually plan things a year in advance or something? Maybe give it a little time and we could see it in a later chapter. This is always such a touchy subject, its so easy to offend someone so I dont think Ill post any further on it.

    Hope a future chapter works out in favor of their promise though.

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    I would rather NOT have a character's defining trait be their LGBT status.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    We all know nea is gay lol maybe Dwight ?

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    The entity is actually Bi. J/K

    But in all seriousness, TECHNICALLY there are atypical sexualitys already. Pretty sure a large portion of the killers are asexual.

    Also the way a video game works is that you as the player are allowed to assume ANYTHING that is not implied or explicitly stated. So if no lore says a character is straight then you can assume whatever you want.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited November 2020

    Why. Does. It. Matter.

    There's so many posts about this. It's getting stale. WHY does the sexuality of a horror game character matter?

    It's not a bad thing, there's just no reason to expunge energy on something so trivial.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    There's a reason why there's zero, 6 months is not a lot considering most chapters are planned MONTHS in advance, just take a look at Oni and Blight, the devs said they planned Oni almost as soon as they released Spirit and Blight was a whole 2 years.

    And even now we can see that our new girl Élodie has ties with Felix, and Felix has ties with The Entity as his father was taken, hints show that maybe The Observer is Felix' father.

    I'm sure we're gonna see a LGTBQ+ character in the near future, just understand why we haven't seen one yet.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Loop hole!! Guys! LOOP HOLE!!!

    Technically Texas chainsaw massacre, Nightmare on Elm St, Halloween, Scream, Stranger Things, Silent Hill, ect ect are all part of the DBD extended world! So any LGBT characters in any of those franchise should count! Ok guys! Whoever can bf'd to do it go research every third party franchise in DBD to see if one technically already exists in-lore.

  • n_coming
    n_coming Member Posts: 31
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    I'd also like to add the devs never promised anything, they just said they're more open to consider it.

  • RamiSamii
    RamiSamii Member Posts: 173

    Elodie and Felix knew one another in the real world before being taken by the Entity. The two of them and two other unknown characters, whom I hope we get soon, were friends, themselves being called "The Pariahs."

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Élodie, Felix and others (presumably) ventured together and found an old internment camp, while exploring The Entity snatched her parents and she never saw them again, I'm assuming this is the event that took Felix' father as well, Élodie was only 14 at the time and the others were probably similar in age.

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    Who cares? Some characters sexualities aren't even confirmed but there is no reason to fantasize and complain about the possibility of there being or not being an LGBT character in the game. If they do forcefully crank out characters that only focus on them being horny at the same gender just for the sake of wokeness it would be very cringe

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    It matters to the people who care, because the devs said they would add LGBT characters since they've already added, and continue to add, heterosexual characters to the game.

    If you don't care and it doesn't matter to you, why bother commenting? Let people who do care talk about it and go talk about something else.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    OP cares and you clearly care, because you bothered commenting.

    There are already a number of characters with mentioned relationships, but all of them are heterosexual. People mentioned this to the devs and the devs said they wanted to do something about it.

    Nobody wants the devs to start making porn or draw rainbows all over the maps or whatever you're worried about.

    They just want them to mention a male character's boyfriend/husband or a female character's girlfriend/wife in their lore, instead of making every mentioned romantic relationship in the lore a heterosexual one.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    I rly don’t think it’s a big enough deal to complain about lmao. If it happens it does, if not then so what.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm still hoping Feng Min is lesbian.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm hoping they one day add a character like the pyro in tf2 where it was a complete mystery what his gender and orientation was.

    Finding purses and stuff in Pyro's locker was so fun

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    While a character's sexual orientation has no impact on gameplay i guess we can all agree that lore is designed with a very specific purpose, to flesh out and convey a sense of identity to it, sure, Felix having a pregnant wife does nothing gameplay wise but the devs still made it part of who he is

    Exactly, which is why I think it makes sense that characters aren't just casually rewritten for the sake of representation. It's preferable to wait and have a character designed from the ground up instead of having the backstory changed as an afterthought.

    So if any normal person can care for a fictional character's struggles and burdens, why are LGBT struggles not as valid? why do they need to be justified ?

    And also exactly this.

    The fact that there is such (in some cases extreme) opposition to a simple discussion such as this shows why it's important to fight for representation. It shouldn't have to be a big thing, it should be natural.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Just because they say their gonna do something doesnt mean they are? 😂😂

    Take console optimization for instance, its been what?... 2 years we were promised this and we still waiting.

    Hate to be that guy but i wouldn't hold your breath.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Ngl I'm bi and I'm totally cool with no open lgbt characters. There's enough leeway in a lot of characters to make your own headcannons about their sexuality and background, that it's fun.

    I think things like representation are more necessary in story-driven games, or in games like Overwatch- where the lore is insanely rich and detailed and has a lot more to it then just what little you get in game. DBD is kinda the opposite in thay regard, so lack of open representation is a 'whatever' to me.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Openly heterosexual characters are already here, and the basic lore (mostly surrounding the Entity) is actually reflected in the basic gameplay.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I didn't know they made this announcement. For me, adding a gay character or not is not that important (and before you flame me, I'm gay), because the game has no real story beside the character's story resume when they are released and the rift stories. But aside from my opinion, I know that there are people who care about this, so if they promised it, I hope they deliver it and either introduce a gay/bi character or announce that fact about an existing character in one of the rift stories.

    An example, not about sexuality itself, but about representation, I have a friend that is French and when he learned that the new survivor is French too, he was so happy. Said he had waited so long for a French character and that she would be his main. I never even thought about a survivor or killer of my nacionality, if it happens, ok, if not, ok too. But for my friend it was so important and I had no idea he wanted that. So, different people want different things and I hope, for the sake of representation, that a gay/bi character is indeed released/revealed, so the people that are waiting for that to happen can be pleased.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426


    Every character who wasn't explicitly mentioned as being straight is actually gay.

This discussion has been closed.