The promised LGBT characters



  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    It's not a slippery slope, as long as they don't make a typical stereotype. I don't see how you can say this isn't the game for it when they've said themselves that it is, They're adding more lore and revealing relationships of characters.

  • NoObzBoiYT
    NoObzBoiYT Member Posts: 198

    they don’t have to add gay characters if they don’t want too. They probably just said that to please the lgbt community. Be patient they’ll add a gay character soon. They have to make the lore first.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    Except, the statement literally says that they want to.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    No they don’t have to, that’s right. But they do want to. They stated this very clearly, even though they admitted they didn’t want to include anything straight or LGBT before that (and tbh they probably said that in the beginning to please the anti lgbt community)

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    If they don't make the character stereotypical or make their lgbt involvement their whole lore and personality then idc what they do.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    at this point I would love someone where it’s subtly mentioned in one or two words in the lore and another one where it’s Every. Single. Word. And everything else, from head to toe. Every cosmetic. I want a playable rainbow!

    (Just so that people that hate on it just leave or put themselves in end game chats to get banned.)

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    My whole point. I don't want it shoved down our throats or anything but I'm all for adding an lgbt character.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Please I dont wan't drag queens running around getting chased. Keep it somewhat like a horror/action game

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Honestly I didn’t expect anything any time soon because more than likely these characters that have come out since were already in the pipeline.

    I know BHVR stands with the LGBT community and even if they don’t go as far as giving us queer peeps some cosmetic goodies I am still grateful for them acknowledging us across the player base.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Why would chasing and killing drag queens not be horror related? They are just normal human beings that may dress somewhat differently..

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited November 2020

    I was just about to say this. This is most likely the reason why there hasn't been any LGBTQ survivors/killers in the realm yet.

    I understand representation matters, and as a basic white woman, this issue doesn't affect me like it does so many others. However, I do believe that BHVR recognizing that it matters is a big step. Hopefully down the line we will see LGBTQ, Middle Eastern and Asian (not just Japanese/Korean) survivors/killers added meaningfully to the roster and not just dumped in to appease the masses. Lore is very important to some of us.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited November 2020

    In their words they never said they were or wernt going to Give a character a preferred sexuality and they apologized because they did and didnt want it to go unnoticed

    And who the f### cares its a video game why are you trying to sexualized a fictional character

    Edit im not lbgtq-

    but come on its a game I fine with cosmetics and charms but this is a work of fiction

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Your post tells me you do care.

    it will only be some words in the lore, not something sexualized but maybe the mentioning of a boyfriend of a male character. They did that with heterosexual relationships, and they explicitly said they won’t exclude LGBT+ anymore.

    being LGBT+ does not have anything to do with oversexualization. Relationships or struggles with the own identity can just be character traits like being a musician or working as a nurse.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ok shure btw never said I'm postivite just not. Negative

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I don’t care ‚what you are‘.

    but I do wonder where you were when heterosexual relationships were added and why you nor anyone else complained about these inclusions.. those are just as irrelevant as LGBT+ themes in a horror video game after all

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    As someone who is part of the LGBT community, I honestly do not care.

    The game isn't focused on who is screwing who, it's focused on surviving/killing. It doesn't affect gameplay in any way.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    edited November 2020

    I called it a night the other day at 4 page now we at 7 wow.

    I said this before gay or straight don't matter because thing change I mean in the lore some are straight outside the realm David and Felix had a girlfriend and wife there not in the realm with them thing could change in the realm.does it say in the lore any of the survivors are together?

    sexually there this big gray area thing could change in the realm I don't care if they add LGBTQ+ survivor or not because like the straight survivors thing could change when your play as survivor they who you want them to be because your controlling them.

    look at all the odd outfits together everyone different.

    again Love is Love nothing will change that.

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167

    Maybe they wish to keep the community safe? I already have a slew of racist SOBs hating on my Claudette, this game has LITERAL BLACKFACE BUBBA with the wearing of Claudette's face and every time I run across it I'm tunneled, face camped and KKKed in post chat. I'm not even black and seeing it always hurts my soul.

    Maybe by not stressing over a characters sexual orientation they are low key protecting a lot of people from a lot of potential nasty behavior and hate because their community as a whole is disgusting?

    I can't imagine getting tunneled and BMed and hated on because you played 'the gay guy' or 'that lesbian chick' and receiving more hate and vitriol on a game, while being part of said community, because I use games to escape the hell that is reality.

    Seems like some easily avoidable suffering if you ask me.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    They already confirmed they will add LGBT+.

    also bubba wearing Claudettes face is not black face. At all. Some racist people might use it as such but they would still tunnel and camp Claudettes without that cosmetic. But that’s really not the topic here.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    When they made the entries on Frank and julie, that's fine. They're both playable and it's important to their lore. It's not like bhvr was just like "look, a hetero couple!!!!!" And that's what I'm afraid bhvr will do with the lgbt character. If they can add an lgbt character and implement it into their story without it feeling forced then that would be great.

    Please don't jump to conclusions on my stance on lgbt people either. By implying that I have an issue with lgbt lore and not with hetero lore, you're implying that I don't want lgbt people in the game.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871


    Wanna know what's worse than not having diversity? Forced diversity.

    Give your head a shake, the characters sexual orientations doesn't matter - the characters matter. Who are you, or I to assume their sexual orientation. Who are you to demand they even have one to begin with?

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Here's the thing with legion lore. Frank and julie's relationship isn't the WHOLE story, it's more prevalent in the archives tomes though.

    And I know it wasn't your intention to assume my stance, but your wording came off as if you were implying I didn't want lgbt characters.

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Well apparently BE has done more than enough for the LGBT community...

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    You don't think you know what you mean when you say rewritten.

    It's the same way people use the word retcon without knowing what the hell it means.

    You can't rewrite or retcon something that hasn't been established.

    Revealing Feng Min is a lesbian isn't retconning or rewriting her character because what she was interested in has never been established.

    However saying someone like Frank was gay or Julie was a complete lesbian that would be retconning or rewriting as they've already been established to be in a heterosexual relationship and both have sexual feelings for each other as well as romantic at least on Julie's part.

    I don't have a problem with revealing someone in the current cast is part of the LGBT community they don't have to completely redo another character but since they already made the choice to make certain insight into some characters they can't really go back on that so they need to be careful.








    Have already had their sexualities hinted towards if not outright confirmed as being heterosexual. ( David and Ace specifically being revealed after the fact not at the introduction)

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    To me and many other people it would feel like pandering. That's why.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    As a gay person I don't want bhvr to add a gay character just because they'll get criticized for not doing so. If they add a gay character that's whole story is just them being gay, that's ######### pandering. If bhvr is gonna add a character that I can identify with, I want them to do it right.

    There's a ######### reason why Frank and julie's story isn't pandering. Frank and julie are straight which is the norm. If bhvr just shoves someone's lgbt down our throats then it'll be pandering because they'd just be doing it to make it seem like they care.

    Remember when I said don't jump to conclusions? Yeah, this is why. Now I had to reveal something I didn't think I'd have to just so that you'll stop thinking I hate my own group of people.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    What you're demanding isn't equality, or diversity. It's pandering. The dev's are doing a fine job creating characters because you don't know what all the characters sexual orientation is. It could be Claudette, it could be Dwight. It could be Spirit, or Trapper. What makes you thing Frank and Julie are heterosexual? Maybe they are Bi.

    I am as gay as they come, and the only thing against diversity I see here is the Karen demanding the community I am in to be pandered too.

    Heads up for anyone else here; Don't take @ImmersedNurse behavior as how people in the LGBTQ+ act, the people that act out, and demand to be catered too is actually a small minority that find being LGBTQ+ to be cool. Most of us are just quiet and live life like everyone else - we don't make a show of it. BHVR has done a fine job so far with keeping up with equality, and we don't expect to know every characters sexual orientation - because that doesn't really matter in the horror game, nor is anyones buisness.

  • Hex_2_Thicc
    Hex_2_Thicc Member Posts: 1

    I mean...I'd rather them fix them fix the game first and worry about some lore later...Representation matters sure..but they need to fix a whole bunch of stuff u can make ur own fanfiction, fictional character with back stories and what not

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    no one asked for them to straight out state the sexual orientation of a the characters. Just equal treatment in lore. BHVR is luckily on ‚our‘ side and sees that they did treat these topics not as they originally intended. They can’t take the heterosexual hints away. Yeah they may be bi, but they restricted themselves from revealing samesex relationships and won’t anymore.

    this is a good thing, even if some people come across as ‚demanding‘ it, there are a lot that just appreciate the side BHVR is taking.

    and many people just demand to not include anything LGBT+ without any argumentation but it wouldn’t fit horror or its adjust a video game or they would shove it down our throats, while no one complained about the inclusion of heterosexual relationships (and here was ground for complaining because they said they wouldn’t do this).

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Who cares what's their orientation, I can understand wanting a character for a certain race or ethnicity added to the game but does it really matter if Nea is trans, Jake is hetero and Claudette is lesbian? If they added said characters in then that's fine but if you're wanting them to go back and revist every existing character and point fingers with labels then I don't think that would sit well.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Here's my thoughts in the simplest terms. I'm saying that for me personally, if they add an lgbt character and include it in their story in a good way, similar to legion or nurse's then it's fine.

    All I want from bhvr from the lgbt character is for them to not go over the top with their involvement in the lgbt community. They didn't go overboard with any confirmed straight characters and I don't want them to go overboard with the lgbt ones.

    And no, you never directly said that you wanted me to share that about myself. But you're painting a very nasty picture of me right now.

    And as far as bhvr going deep into subject like homophobia etc, that's fine. I'm not talking ONLY about lore right now.

    TLDR: I just want bhvr to implement an LGBT character like with legion or nurse etc. They can either take the subtle approach or the more noticeable one like legion. And yes they can implement an lgbt story like legion without it being the whole story.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Just god let it be about horror. The end.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710


    with all the lore already present no one should draw the line at LGBT+ inclusion.

    what’s the matter?

  • tiger3319
    tiger3319 Member Posts: 3

    While I agree that there needs to be a LGBTIA in the game I want them to do it right not just say they are without it making sure it makes sense.

  • tiger3319
    tiger3319 Member Posts: 3

    There is also nothing that says that any of the original people are not. They don't list anything in the way of coming right out and saying it.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    mook ######### does it matter? i want to play the game, rage at Mr Mushwin when i am killer and that be it i dont care about anthing else, I mean do I go on other games and have this stuff to deal with? I have friends, family etc in this but hell ITS A HORROR GAME THINK I WENT THROUGH THIS WHEN SILENT HILL 1 CAME OUT! nope

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    No one forced you to care about it. But let other people care if they want. I wouldn’t affect you in any way or form. You will still be able to play the game just like ever.

    this is a horror game with multiple distinct characters that have established backstories. It’s just logical that relationships may be part of those backstories, there is no need to exclude everything LGBT

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    I am not saying that I would not care of a lores sexual preference or whom they are it's just not important to a game.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    Subtle is good, but I am worried it will be something like this:

    "Gaylord (actual name that exists) the new survivor hopped down the rainbow-colored stairs homosexually to kiss his strong, sweaty daddy-boyfriend on his queer, lucious masculine lips. Then he left his Barbie-colored house to go to his job at Sauna Beefcake. But he was run over by a car and woke up in the Entity realm."

    It shouldn't be the character's only defining feature. Just fit it in naturally in the backstory.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Because this game is about Horror, especially slasher horror. Not about who the characters shimmy with. I'm fairly disappointed in you, and how bad you are making the LGBTQ+ look. It's not all about us being gay. That's a small part of who people are as a whole. We get a guy, and it's mentioned in their lore that they had a husband. Great. But if they make a character act flamboyant, everything about them is about being gay with their out of the closet story, and is bleeding rainbows - then that's obvious pandering. Like the whole Overwatch Tracer thing all over again. Big blow up that there isn't an LGBTQ+ character, and then next lore update "Btw Tracer is gay, look at all this gay we can throw at you, now please buy our merch of Tracer being gay".

    That's what you want?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Does it really matter? Honestly? I'm gay. When I'm looping a killer out in The Fog the last thing I'm thinking about is who my main Felix is hooking up with. One of my favorite game series, Trails of Cold Steel, features a dating component and the MC Rean flat out tells another character he's not into other dudes. Oh well. I had fun pairing him up with the same girl in every game. If I really felt the need to play a gay character I'd play Mass Effect or something. Forced representation is one of the worst things to happen to the LGBT community in the gaming industry because it creates stale stereotypes that aren't beneficial whatsoever.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    I like how your argument back is to literally repeat what I said to you, and to try to tell me to stop acting like you (when I never was acting like you) lol .

    You're not going to get pandered too. Wait till you actually have the lore on all the characters before saying there isn't an LGBTQ+ character. This game is about Horror, and not about sex.

    Case closed. See you around Karen.

This discussion has been closed.