Potential Fix to Babysitting...

So we all know one of the key issues with the twins is that a survivor can take your power away with little consequences so I hopefully have a fix for that.
I think Charlotte should go into an anger mode when victor is on someone's back. Now I know the devs don't actually have time to make a new power so it would really just consist of a movement speed buff (120 or 125%) and an extended lunge (Maybe faster break animations as well idk) but something that actually makes her somewhat threatening. I think the effect should last until victor has respawned. I mean to quote her lore "With a tight grip on her sickle, she charged into the fog, prepared to eviscerate any who set foot near her bother" but right now she kind of lets her brother roam free and get crushed without any care.
I also think she should get a killer instinct for the person that is carrying Victor.
Let me know what you think.
Idk I really like it but there definitely are some key issues that need to be addressed.