Just Wasted 15 Minutes

Was having a good game. The survivors were playing pretty good. I only killed one by the time they had 1 gen left, but made a lot of progress since when they repaired their second gen. Then all of a sudden I get notification spammed from across the map. To go over and watch all 3 of them teabagging and clicking their flashlights as they jumped in the hatch. Playing Demogorgon - not one of my best Killers, still learning. Like it was obvious they were SWF to begin with, so I went in thinking the worse. That doesn't help.
Immediatly it felt like I wasted all that time that game. Not even worth the effort. Frankly what's the point of playing killer at all anymore, when even the little things you can't get any enjoyment out of?
Inb4 getting harrassed that it's one game, that I wasn't doing the best in the game to begin with, or other dismissive comments that doesn't discuss the main issue that playing Killer is such a waste of time, and unfun experience.
Thats exactly why the key is such a high priority item. If they found it mid-game and hid it until they escaped, thats just the luck of the draw. Aside from emblem tweaking, actually having all four survivors coordinate a hatch escape is rare so don't feel too beat up, only Franklins Demise can prevent a key escape.
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"Don't feel too beat up" - exactly these dismissive ideas is why this game is so unfun for Killer. Every match if it's not the hatch, too many pallets, SWF, too many second chances, or the overall fact that while playing Killer you are not getting the feeling you are being rewarded for playing good. It's just expected that Killers "be fine with it". That they all should just go "That sucked" and just move on. While the survivors can bully, harass, and abuse the game as much as they want.
Play Killer and you're expecting to have a bad time, you have to just accept it, and move on. Play Survivor and the game should be catered to you to the point for the most part you're having fun.
Play Killer to do a job you're not being paid for. Play Survivor to have some semblance of fun, even with friends.1
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The BS part is the survivors spamming you to do it in your face.
If you are going go through the hatch, go. No need to make the killer watch, we figure it out when you all disappear and the game ends.
Like school on Sunday, no class!
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What you should learn from this is not to take the game seriously. If I'm mori'd or survivors escape with a key I roll my eyes and move on.
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Lol. Thousands of hours playing this game as killer. Maybe had multiple people escape by key in 20-25 matches out of thousands.
Not a big deal at all.
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Play Killer and you're expecting to have a bad time, you have to just accept it, and move on. Play Survivor and the game should be catered to you to the point for the most part you're having fun.
Play Killer to do a job you're not being paid for. Play Survivor to have some semblance of fun
Playing killer is the most thankless job you don't even get paid to do. On the forums I see players talk like the killers are NPCs who need to be nerfed for survivors' benefit, fun be damned because hey, there's no person actually playing killer anyway, right?
DbD is the one game I play where playing the objective isn't fun and I have to make my own fun, whichever side I'm playing (gen repair is not fun, either). As killer I screw around a lot and do basically everything except giving survivors what they want/expect. DbD really doesn't reward players enough for the amount of effort put in trying to play the way the game wants you to, so I basically ignore all that crap and do my own thing, even if that ends with like no BP and 4 survivors escaping because at least I did what I wanted to do and not what others expected of me.
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Keys are an awful mechanic. They grind the game to a halt as all the survivors stop working gens to immerse and find the hatch. Or you get screwed over because one teammate decided to blend and hunt for the hatch at the expense of everyone else. Keys ruin gameplay on both sides, and it feels very dissatisfying to be doing well as a killer only to have survivors randomly escape the match.
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Great dismissive comment. I'll keep that in mind while this persistent issue is never fixed, because people like you are fine with the fun of the game being non-existent.
Wanna throw statistics at me like that, because many people have games back to back to back of straight Key's, and/or finding key's in the chest. Litterally you can take 1 perk and guarentee you're getting at least 1 key out of 2 chests.
Honeslty maybe we should just keep this thread up as "How many dismissive comments can we come up with, so that the Dev's never actually make playing Killer fun and rewarding"
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Lol settle down there, chief. I think both keys and moris need a rework. But taking a loss to one of them to heart serves no one and only hurts yourself. If that's what you're into, go right ahead.
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at least you get to play, i can wait 15mins for a lobby sometimes way longer depending on the time im playing and get people kill themselves or quit with under 1k points...
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You're still not helping the discussion any.
You're right. It would probably be better for the Killers not to play at all, because the real problem is that Survivors have to wait long lobby times - since all the Killers are leaving the game because the game is no fun.
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This match was three days ago, have you encountered anything similar to it within that timespan?
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Geez your lucky I work alot play maybe 2 hours a day and have what feels like that many in a month. I give hatch every single gm (unless my version of toxic) so the hatch don't bother me but Having them on the ropes then dip out does suckkkkk. However I find it much much more annoying when a teammate has one and gets chased and dips into it and screws over what's left of his team. I always end up being the one who dies over that.
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Play 2 hrs a day just to clarify not work lol.
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I have had games like that on Demo as well
And PH
I'm not good with either of them... and survivors grind the salt on it...
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Every day. I just got out of a game against a 4man SWF with key and OoO. It was a terrible time.
The problem is, when you win a lot of games with one Killer - you only face teams likes this with that Killer. It's how the MMR works. For some reason, some dev, thought it was a good idea to have how many players are in a SWF to be considered in matchmaking?
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So what you're saying is. I should just not play the game because I was good at it? Typical. Clearly no problem there.
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I think maybe you should sit in the corner until you can post without being outright mean.
If you just wanna be gassed up for your bad game, not have a back and forth, maybe you should take a break until you can be polite?
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Lol you're funny.
Oh wait were you serious? That's even funnier.
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I thought this was different thread when I replied, lol.
Just stop being a turd dude. It's a game.
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"The Hardcore Base of dbd is in the minority" - When you are literally going back to back against these players on the few Killers you primarily play - then they are deffiently not the "minority". Like why don't you go waste someone elses time and lie in some other thread?
The game is currently facing terrible survivor que times because the Killers are all still leaving the game - it's no fun for them. There's no point for them to keep playing just for the other players amusement. Go soak your head, before coming to be toxic in my thread.
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You wonder why people are "dismissive" of you, when you're running around acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum to anything anyone has to say that is counter to your own opinion.
Seems the problem is you, my friend. Nobody was being rude in here but you.
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That was a reply to a discussion about balancing the game with a weight toward high ranks. That's why I swapped it.
Here I was making fun of you for being a jerk. At least get my lies right, homie. :D
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I am not acting like a child. I just want the game to be fun for killers and stop being a waste of time for killers. Honestly with this thread, and community included - BHVR might as well make Killers bots, because you all don't care that there is a person there. Even in this thread has persistent bullying, proving my point further.
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Never give in, whether you're killer or survivor both sides have people being toxic for the sake of it. Just ignore em, you'll enjoy the game more that way
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Ebony Mori cheapens the game just as much. There should be changes on both sides
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If you think this game is unfun for killer, then you're gonna have a ton of fun as solo survivor!
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Mori's they just have to change to only work after the second hook phase - instead of the first.
The whole hatch mechanic was added to the game because Survivors were taking the game hostage. The Dev's delibertly added a mechanic to the game that rewarded the players taking the game hostage. Then after a few changes to the Hatch - that's all it does now. Why they added Key's is beyond me, but they shouldn't be available in Chests.
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I play Solo survivor all the time - most of my friends stopped playing the game (for good reason) . It's not nearly as bad as playing Killer. Even if I get a bad team, I have the hatch for a free win. Back to back wins all the time. Like didn't you know that if you wait out the hatch you just have to go to the door, or the hatch whichever is furtherest from the Killer? Free escape unless he slugs for the 4k.
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Playing killer is incredibly chill compared to solo survivor lmao.
The hatch is rarely a free win, be realistic.
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Not even statistic's back you up, and anyone who actually plays the game knows how easy survivor is compared to Killer.
Realistic. It's not hard to track where the Killer is as Survivor. You have all match to find the doors, and you have from 5 gens and less to find the hatch. Survivor can sacrifice the time to find all 3 if they havn't already found them seeing how 76% of normal Survivor pathing in maps goes over the Hatch.
Find the furthest door from the Hatch, and 9/10 you get out for free - it's as easy as that. The dev's designed it that. Intentionally. They want the game where the Killer can't get more than 2 kills. They want the last survivor to get away every time.
Post edited by Mandy on0