Something That Needs Addressing About Elodie

I don't know who needs to hear this but people who refer to Elodie as "Claudette Number Two" need to seriously re-evaluate the way they talk about people of color. Elodie, quite literally, looks NOTHING like Claudette whatsoever and the sheer number of people that have been calling her Claudette 2 is disheartening. I tend not to be offended easily, I can take a joke if it is funny but there is nothing funny about literally saying something with racist undertones. Elodie's character model is entirely different from every other survivor in the game, and is obviously the way behavior is going in creating future character models and updating old ones. This isn't up for discussion, if you say Elodie is just another Claudette simply because they're both women of color you seriously need to sit down and think about your implicit racism. Sincerely, members of the community that are tired of people who think racist comments are funny.
Edit: To be clear, it's not the people who accidently thought during the trailer that Elodie was Claudette. It is SPECIFICALLY the people who insist on calling Elodie Claudette 2.0 despite knowing for a fact that they are two different characters that only share the fact that they are both women of color. It would be silly of me to call everyone who didn't realize Elodie was a new character the second the trailer came out racist. It is the people on the twitch stream, the people in fog whisperer's chats, and others who literally call Elodie Claudette 2.0 ONLY because she is also a woman of color.
i literally didn't notice she was a new survivor until i saw a new name which i didn't recognise. like it or not she IS claudette number 2 because she looks like her, blame the designers not the community.
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Um she really doesn't, completely different face and a completely different aesthetic
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She has a totally different skin tone and body proportions. And the style is also not fitting for Claudette.
the only things they have in common is not being white and not having straight hair.
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The issue with her and Claudette's design isn't Claudette's base skin its her cosmetics.
Also keep in mind in game you will not be seeing the front of a survivor in most cased and will primarily be seeing the back and that Silhouettes are the main way people can identity something at a distance.
More specifically "Curl and Glow" which gives her head the same silhouette as Elodie and if shes' also wearing nearly any none overcoat shirt and blue skinny jeans they only difference with the 2's silhouettes is that Elodie has an open mid-drift if viewed from any angel but the front.
This has been a design issue the community has brought up about Claudette's cosmetic design deviating too far from her base is that she's beginning to take up the possible silhouettes for other characters which is what happened with Elodie.
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She does look like her.
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I'm sorry but how could you even begin to fathom that these characters even look remotely alike. Anyone who isn't Helen Keller herself could discern between these two individuals besides somebody who simply believes that women of color all look the same.
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Literally their nose, mouth shape, eye shape, eyebrows, jowl presence, and jawline are all different... like I don't even know what to say anymore besides wut.
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They don't look alike at all. I just hope all the other characters get updated to look as good as Elodie.
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I've barely seen the new survivor personally, and just from seeing the two comparisons, they really do not look anything alike. How are people seeing similarities here?
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Elodie looks exactly like Claudette with the right cosmetic pieces on.
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I took a break from Dbd while the blight debuted and when I came back to see the new killer, all I saw was the back of Elodie's head for most of the game. I thought it was Claudette wearing a cosmetic top that was released while I was gone.
Of course later on I realized that it was different character entirely, but yeah...
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Yep the Glitz and Glamor/Silk and gold set head piece "Curl and Glow" is specifically what I was referring too.
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How exactly? This is probably the closest you can get Claudette to looking like Élodie and they still look completely different.
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Hm yeah, she's definitely not Claudette 2.
But "nothing alike" is also not true, there's obvious traits they share.
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Just curious: do you people also can’t tell the difference between chars like Meg, Kate and Nea? Because some of their cosmetics do (from behind) look kind of like they fit for another one, and those at least have the same skin tone..
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She's not even the same skin tone. Granted, if you're someone who pays no attention to detail, maybe. She's just very clearly a different character to me in facial structure, physical build, etc.
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if your looking at their face then yes....
However in game you rarely if ever get to look at players faces for longer then a second or two and most people playing killer can recognize the difference between the 2 by either the screams or when they hook them because they get to actually see their front/face.
The front of the character doesn't matter in a game where they are almost never going to be facing you as either survivor or killer.
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It's very clear that they're two separate people. I'm not sure where there was ever a "Claudette No.2" discussion at all! It's an odd comparison.
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Sorry but in the trailer I personally thought she was Claudette with new skins and she was with David. The trailer itself was cartoon based so it very much didn't help, when I first saw the trailer yep I thought it was her, because you never know with BHVR if getting a new surv, new map etc. I haven't made any racist comments, and well sorry but this was my first impression via the trailer, don't hate on people just because some literally like I thought it was Claudette in the trailer. But obvs when I see her in the fog, etc then no nothing like Claudette but maybe perhaps take a step back, view people as I who very much take something at a first glance. Peace.
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Tbh when i saw the trailer i thought that's kind of a weird art style for Claud and David. That's what my first thought was. Of course after having seen a few more pics of her i agree she's obviously a different character than Claud, but i also think you can't deny they share similarities at first sight. It's not racist, at least not from my side, i also mistook Nightrider(?) Kate and Zarina for Meg for quite a while after i came back to DbD after an almost 2year break.
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Its more the nature of this game's cosmetics that I immediately assumed Elodie was a legendary for Claudette when watching the trailer, until Victor shredded David that I remembered its a chapter.
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I did too and I got excited and I said to Mr Mushwin oh it's a new skin for Claudette but it's like I am now ashamed to think of such -rme-
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Knew it was a different character right from the trailer. Why would they put "Claudette" in a brand new cosmetic set, but leave David default? It makes no sense. Claud's big curly hair also isn't even as big as Elodie's. She isn't Claudette #2 and she never will be. She's Elodie, and I don't see how people cannot tell the difference unless they are either visually impaired in some way or frankly just don't care and think "black girl #2 = black girl #1." They aren't even the same shade or shape, nor do they sound the same.
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I felt very much your OP may of offended literally innocent people, as there is similar differences with Elodie and Claudette, I feel your post seemed to of bashed people that just felt at a glimpse it was Claud and even calling her Claud 2 is not been racist at all. You are basically calling people like myself a racist just because I addressed things that are similar which I don't think it's right and the devs, mods would insta ban people been racist which I cant see posts of such a nature.
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I thought it was Claudette at first. I just thought they'd changed her model a bit.
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We have had David King in Darkness among us, as I said it could of been a new cosmetic, David looked like he was protecting, looking out for Claudette, to me that is. It is a known thing of survs been in trailers, people shouldn't be judged just because they thought something.
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I just thought I was getting a new skin -.-
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Thinking it was a Claudette skin promo trailer at first is not necessarily racist, you’re right. But why would someone call her Claudette #2 when they’re completely different? Different nationalities, personalities, looks, voices and mannerisms. Claudette is a skinny nerd and Elodie is a glamorous thief. The only thing they have in common is that they’re both female and black.
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That was my very first thought.
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In the initial reveal of her and David walking together with the fog/distance I can understand thinking it's Claudette with a new outfit as she does have one hair cosmetic that reminds me of Elodie's hair. But it's pretty clear she is someone else pretty fast from there as her facial features are different as well as her skin tone. When it cuts to her opening the chest, it should be obvious especially with her freckles being very noticeable. To add to that, David is in his default outfit so it makes sense the other individual would also be in their default outfit.
But to be fair, I recall some people calling Felix, Ace 2.0. Meanwhile I was just excited to get a generally good looking blond guy in the game. Those have gotten rarer. xD
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It was purely from the trailer if I am honest thats it. From all else I see no they ain't the same, but that was my thought from first thought but I don't feel like peeps should be negative on such.
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Yeah, thinking just based on the first moments in the trailer it’s Claudette is totally legit. There they use a different artstyle and lightning so I can see why people think that could have been Claudette with new skin. It’s just the kn-game models look more distinct to one another than, say Meg and Kate
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Yes!!! I purely thought the graphics too got better lol
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It's hard because it was cartoon based so it was a little more difficult I feel if it was a trailer as the others then maybe some wont of been as confused *s
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Yeah, I've heard people call Kate " better Meg". Though I can understand where people are coming from when they refer to people who know they are different but still call them the same thing. I kind of would just see it as a joke. The same way people call Nea a goblin or the kate thing. I just get flashes of "how to purple as medical professional?" from my tf2 days
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Nea looks like a foot! and I enjoy kates bewbs jiggling and janes butt but just -.-
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So wait a minute, you're telling me that the Old dude and the woman who's into wearing tank tops are not actually Dwight No. 2 and Meg No. 2?
SMH, yeah right, Next you'll be telling me that the squeaky girl isn't Rule 63 Jake!
I swear, you survivors all look the same to me.
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I snort farted into my drink reading this!
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Actually, it is up for discussion. Allow me: OP, your inherent racism is honestly more problematic than anything I've read on these forums. You might consider how YOU talk about people of colour. First of all, othering people of colour by condemning people drawing similarities between them is pretty gross. Have you ever seen a Nea and accidentally referred to her as a Kate? I have. It happens. And I know I'm not alone. Removing, in this instance, black people from these types of conversations places them on a pedestal which is almost like a backhanded form of racism where you negate them being part of conversations that happen normally in majority populations. Which, for the record, is part of the process of getting all people to equality. Now I'm white. The country I live in is made up of mostly white people. IRL I've got one of those, "Hey, do I know you from somewhere?" kinda faces. "Hey, you look like this dude I went to school with". "Is your name _____?". If a POC were to say that to me I would never, in a million years, assume it was a negative comment. So why are you trying to make it negative in this instance? If people were like, "Durrrr, is that Claudette? All black people look the same to me. I can't tell them apart." I would be more inclined to agree with you as that generalizes an entire population of people and others them by making it seem like they don't have unique aspects to their appearance like other races do. Nobody is saying that. Literally no one.
Secondly, Claudette is one of the strongest survivors in Dead by Daylight. She has some of the greatest perks for newer players and has the strongest stealth game out of any other survivor. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps people referring to Elodie as a potential Claudette 2.0 a GOOD thing? There's a reason that killers dodge lobbies with Blendettes. Perhaps people are excited that there's a new survivor that might have the same level of blending potential as Claudette. And Adam, sorta. Or maybe they're just excited to have a different type of black woman representation. Who are you to try to take that away from them? Oh yeah, a racist.
Thirdly, there are some real injustices that happen to people of colour all around the globe. Trying to make this one of them is absolutely disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. You're not gonna solve racism by white knighting behind a keyboard towards a fictional character that people are excited for. Chill out. Check yourself. And put that energy towards something that's actually going to solve racism. Like starting a not-for-profit to invest in black communities as an example.
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She has similarities but not for the reason you think “her skin”. Elodie’s main hair resembles one of Claudette’s hair styles for example. She also seems to have similar fashion styles.
I think it’s another way of saying that the Claudette model (Meaning the 3D model) seems outdated in comparison. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has to do with design and textures.
Meg and Nea both share similarities too, and again, nothing to do with skin tone. They both have buzzed cuts with sportswear styles.
I honestly just think people need to lighten up and chill sometimes. Like, especially when you have to take things out of context to make your point across.
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I am NOT at all meaning to be racist or mean.
Someone thinking two characters look alike does not mean anything. Would saying two white female characters (say, I don't know, Meg and Laurie who I've had friends mix up at a glance.) have racist undertones? No. This is the same thing.
You are not the be-all end-all of whether two characters (regardless of most physical attributes) look similar.
I didn't think she was Claudette 2 until you said something, and now I can see how someone would mix them up at a glance.
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Watch out, common sense isn't appreciated in this thread. Lol
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You are the one who brought race into this.
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Bad take, gross use of hyperbole, super bad faith response.
OP is being vocal about a very insidious trend and some of the ignorant and defensive responses illustrate the problem pretty well. Yours included.
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How exactly is this racist? Because she's black? They look similar, its not racist to say so.
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it isn't but people cant express an opinion it seems without been called racist
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I have actually mistaken Nea with Meg or Feng depending on the cosmetics used because they can be very similar, especially when running around in a match. If they give Felix dark hair cosmetic it'll be easy to confuse him with Ace if not paying attention. It's easy to mistake characters for one another because of how similar some of the cosmetics are. At start of trailer I thought it was Claudette in new skin - thought they were giving her matching outfit to Jane like how Dwight and Adam have one - BUT then I saw close up of her face and realized it was the new survivor. Then I saw the picture of her from ptb and saw just how different they are. Will I confuse them in a match? Probably if they get similar outfits, give her straightened hair and I'll probably confuse her with Jane in a match when I'm running around.
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Care to elaborate then? I'd love to hear from you how comparing two people somehow, in this instance, makes black people less than.
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At a quick glance it's easy to mix them up. Don't get me wrong, they are very different when you stop and absorb the details, but it's kind of like Kate and Yui. I get them confused all the time til I see their faces or recognise their outfit.