A simple fix to the DC penalty

aidNbsns Member Posts: 32
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

There are many people argue whether the DC penalty is warranted or not, this solution would make everybody happy. Each trial survivors gain the ability to vote 1 player out, when 3 players vote one person the entity will instantly consume that survivor (with the animation from the endgame collapse). Note this does not work in a SWF 2, 3 or 4.

To answer if this can be abused or not or what this has to do with the DC penalty. The point is to make players want to appeal to their team, and if anyone DCs it is a 12 hour ban every time, never getting extended even if many DCs.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I am getting a lot off comments about being voted off for no reason. The system requires 1 player to initiate the vote, and both other survivors to confirm or deny. If there are 2 votes no kick, it needs all 3 players to agree. (Note; voting will not work when playing with friends Duo, Trio , 4 man)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    If you read the post it says it would not work when playing with friends, only solo

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    This would allow players to have control over their matches. It will give a new sense of respect to this game.

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    That is why players will be motivated to play better and appeal to their team, thus creating a healthy playing field and experience for everyone.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    Honestly why are we even arguing about a dc penalty this should of been installed ages ago like right at the start. All games have a dc penalty or a deserter penalty of some kind.

    Bottom line is the DC penalty is fine as is and we dont need a voting system or anything like that. Its normal for games to have a penalty just dbd took ages to add it for some reason, But if you really dont want to be in a game for whatever reason but you dont want to take the dc penalty then one hook yourself problem solved.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    The better solution is to penalize the survivors who obviously DC.

    Like survivor who goes down in 30 seconds into the match by a chainsaw. Killer picks up the survivor, but the survivor DC.

    Or when the game becomes extremely one sided, survivor gets hooked for the 2nd or 3rd time, immediately DC.

    Killer who DC after the ruin goes down 30 sec into the match.

    Survivor who gets camped/tunneled, immediately DC.

    U get the point. This will not harm the ppl who got random disconnect or game starts w a freeze as soon as the match starts, which happens on xbox.. Or when the PS4 pro overheats in the loading screen, etc.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There is no fix to the DC penalty required. People just stop disconnecting and the penalty becomes moot. :)

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    The 2 other players in the trial would all have to agree and vote as well. Likely they would not want to sabotage their own trail for no reason.

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    It is very unlikely that a survivor would be voted out for no reason. Because they need 3 votes to be out. A teammate would not vote out another survivor randomly as it would ruin their chances of winning. It could also be possible to make it unable to vote someone out after 5 min of a trial

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    Then the system will work perfectly. It does not need to be used every game. Btw when your teammate said to save pallets and you had iri evader emblem, you could still have used every pallet on the map to get it and screwed over your team

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Having played Left 4 Dead 2 Versus for thousands of hours, my opinion is that this is not a good thing to have.

    If i missed 1 pounce with Hunter, which i often do, i'll get vote-kicked.

    I suspect players in this game would respond just about the same to my mistakes.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    Dragon Age Inquisition had a vote out mode in multi-player. People would just randomly vote out others and it was wicked obnoxious.

  • LuckyLarry
    LuckyLarry Member Posts: 7

    I'm not so sure about the vote. I could see it as an option when someone is afk with crows but I dont see how this has anything to do with people DCing. I do think there should be a harsher punishment for when someone DC 5min and no rewards is nothing. At least raise it to 1hr and it raises to 6hr then 12hr if they DC more than once in a 24hr time span. Also I think there should be higher compensation for those who stay in game after DC. Like if they DC b4 any gen is done then make it so survivors only gotta get 4 gens, give a higher bonus BP and count the DC as a kill+hook for killer. I play killer and I get so many DC right b4 hook or after knock down. Some even do it just because they dont like the killer. I'm still rather new but have noticed this is a problem that needs to be addressed.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    In my experience, Vote-to-Kick systems don't usually do an effective job with handling the removal of players from a lobby.

    Either it's way too easy for a "majority" to be reached for kicking a player, which leads to a lot of players unfairly getting the boot (as seen in R6: Siege) or it's so difficult to actually get enough votes, usually due to large lobby sizes, that problem players are nearly impossible to remove from a match (like in Wreckfest).

    I can't see such a system working in DbD however you try to slice it, plus people would always find ways to abuse it and make it bad for the health of the game.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited November 2020

    This idea sounds like that show called (ironically enough) Survivor

    EDIT: that show is loaded with toxicity

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Im very confused. Does the person vote for themself, if so a player who needs to quit for maybe an hour needs their team to agree for them to leave, and that team may say no, costing them to have to wait a day to play the game. You also said that it doesn't work in teams, which means voting just doesn't work, and if you need to leave while in a swf or with one while in solo its a 12 hour ban for you. The dc penalty is fine, it punishes players who dc due to toxicity, and doesn't punish those who leave due to irl things. A lot of the people who complain either shouldn't play if their internet or pc is that bad, or dc a lot more than they admit.

  • Yffriium
    Yffriium Member Posts: 140

    This is terrible. Wifi cuts, game glitches, or someone's at the door, and instantly a 12 hour ban.

  • tj0108
    tj0108 Member Posts: 71

    stupidest idea ever.

    12 hour ban because the game crashes? 12 hour ban because power cut?

    no thanks.

    plus who would intentionally vote there players out? that would literally make it harder for themselves

    no offence but this is one of the stupidest posts i’ve ever seen on this forum

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Why would they do that though? Make it a 3v1 for no reason?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Just make it to where if someone presses the leave button, DC penalty. If they pull the plug or the power goes out, no DC penalty.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    12 hour ban is drastic like what if I dc because of connection error?? Now I can't play the game for 12 hours! What kinda ######### is that?!

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2020

    I have couple of questions because I really don't understand what OP suggesting and why.

    What is the point of kicking player? You will be instantly screwed in 3vs1 scenario. Why would you do this to yourself?

    Why do you want DC penalty be fixed? It works fine. And how your suggestion of kicking players related to DC?

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Exactly my thoughts! Kicking players works in games where players can backfill running lobbies. But thats not the case with DBD, a kicked out player is gone, and you are left with a 3vs1 scenario, so kicking a player would be highly detrimental for the survs.

    In the mobile version, that could work, since a left player is replaced with a bot, which could itself be replaced with an actual player again if implemented (could work like in Overwatch, players connecting to a running lobby get a BP bonus and do not pip / depip). But even there, voting someone out for whatever reason and replacing them with a bot might turn out worse than keeping the "offending" player. Only with ppl afking or working with the killer it would be an improvement, and this instances are pretty rare.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    This is the same game where certain people will take issue with someone saying gg and treat it like you just insult them and their family. Where people will sand bag or try to sand bag you for no reason. That or heck will call you trash in post game, even if you escaped or killed them all. That or call you sweaty for trying to win the game as if doing your objective is a bad thing. That and everyone is random strangers here. So it's unlikely three people would have any issue with voting out a team mate that carry them through out the whole game, due to believing they did nothing.

    That and how would this fix dc issue at all? Since it doesn't fix the issue with people randomly dcing and screwing over their team. It doesn't stop the dreaded three vs one happening. It just grants random people the ability to screw you over for no real reason and just give you a ban for 12 hours, even if you played a match out from start to finish and play to the best of your ability to support the team. That and what is to stop someone from dcing before all three other players can vote them out? For surely a 5 minute time out would be way easier to deal with than a 12 hour one. This sounds like it would force people to dc, to avoid strangers screwing them over due to voting and giving them a random time out for no reason. That or more skill players might get a lesser skill people on the team who might of just install the game only a few days ago and ruin their experience by giving them a 12 hour time out, when they have not learn how to properly play the game yet. That or if anyone has play among us, you can see how sometimes it easy to just get people to agree with you for no reason by shouting out red did it and everyone just goes along with it for no reason.

    That and in every other game that lets you kick a player from a server. It doesn't ban them from the whole game for 12 hours. Team fortress 2, left for dead come to mind. That and from my understanding, correct me if i'm wrong. The dc penalty is in place, to stop people from leaving the match early for no good reason, in the case of killer stop a match from happening or in the case of survivor stop someone from screwing over their team mates. Not to punish them for playing a whole match from start to finish or randomly get kicked during the middle of a match that is still being played out. Like even if we go with the idea a majority of people or everyone is trust worthy and won't abuse this system. It seems like a bad idea, that can be abused or at the very least is pointless and fixes nothing related to why we have dcs in the first place. That and it would also lead to other issues. Like what if someone is on second hook when a vote happens? Since they will be forced to vote and well have to die, due to being unable to spam the space bar.

    While one can without a doubt say the current dc system has it's own fair share of issues. Like the hacker issues, leading to it needing to be turned off. That or how the rewards for someone quitting the match, is barely anything for what is more than likely a depip match for the survivors. If anything rather than punishing someone, maybe there should be a reason given for the remaining survivors and killer to stay in a match and finish it up. For here is what normally happens when someone dcs. The three survivors remaining lose hope and just give up or two of them give up and the one who wants to play, doesn't get to play a proper match. Basically the remaining survivors reward for remaining in a match and trying to play it out, is more than like jack in terms of blood points and a depip. Where if the survivors [and killer] were given a safely pip, due to having to play basically a three vs one for the whole match or everyone given some more blood points, it would give a reason for everyone to want to keep the match going, rather than just giving up.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'd just like it if I didnt get a penalty when someone else has already DCed.

  • dark_bassist
    dark_bassist Member Posts: 6

    Mate.... Have you ever played Rainbow Six Siege on console? They have that system you're sugesting... Is bad... Like really bad, you get banned for no reason at all, not a solution but a different problem

  • aidNbsns
    aidNbsns Member Posts: 32

    That's not very nice, Im sorry I thought it would be a good idea

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,959

    So instead of getting a slap on the wrist for DC'ing from time to time, i get a 12 HOURS ban for crashing or for forgetting to check the integrity of game files after an update or get voted it out by players who want to meme and platform elitist.

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    What could fix this is an non-ranked sessions like Rainbow Six has done. Have a quick match mode where you can leave when ypu wish but when you wanna really sit down and play hop back on ranked. Only issue with this is that it's hard enough too find matches as it is with just ranked though.

  • tj0108
    tj0108 Member Posts: 71

    i see what your trying to do but it just wouldn’t work with how dbd is going

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 136

    That's what I refer to as the survivors' rulebook: teammates edition 😂