Keep crashing on Xbox series x



  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    Yup pretty sure this game breaking crashing issue is uniform across everyone who made the effort to acquire the series x on launch day. This is simply disappointing given the history of the devs' lack of priorities for consoles in general. At the very least, you would think they would have played a single match as killer/survivor on the series x for testing purposes, but I guess not. This just proves that the whole next gen optimization patch was either to stir up hype for their new DLC or just flat out rushed to meet launch day demand...probably a mix of both to be honest. My expectations for a speedy hot fix are basically non-existent at this point, so I guess I have to continue playing on my xbox one despite the series x standing right next to it collecting dust lol

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    Problem is, they’ve tested it on dev kits that they got a month or two back.

    seems like no-one had he foresight to test it on a release version, which everyone else would be using. Plus they had to send out boxes to streamers.

    also sat here playing it on my one x while my SX does nothing.

  • HulkinPUNK
    HulkinPUNK Member Posts: 9

    Heart breaking for me. I love this game so much, it was the first thing I installed yesterday. I've been trying to get through the rift for the David skin but looks like I won't be able to finish that goal any time soon..

  • Zir
    Zir Member Posts: 15

    Lol youre still going on about making it sound like its the players problem!?? Most of these ppl obviously have tried everything before commenting.

    You should just post a video laughing at ppl who have xbox cuz thats how it seems reading your comments...

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    It's such a shame because I just checked out the optimized version of Sea of Thieves, and I was brought to tears by its amazing graphics and smooth frame rate compared to the xbox one. Just makes me wish for this updated DBD patch even more 😪

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38

    Yup. Sea of Thieves, Legion, Valhalla, all look stunning.

  • Redfortunex
    Redfortunex Member Posts: 4

    This is exactly what is happening to me! Thanks for the video! 👍

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    Thane Valkarian is my GT and it's quiet often. after restarting the game more than once each time it crashing when I tried to enter a lobbyist killer the game would freeze and kick me out to the home it completely freezes when I try to open survivor doesn't load the lobby at all I have more chances playing as killer however I've only managed to get one match to work but after that it froze and kicked me out once I was at the tally screen.

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    Works fine on my Xbox one X when trying it on my series X it freezes and fails to load. And crashes to home for both killer and survivor. Plus the User interface is smaller as mentioned in a previous bug report by someone else.

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    Here's two videos as evidence if it helps any. Froze and crashes as survivor and the did the same for me when it found a match as killer. But it's also liable to free just by entering the killer lobby before searching too. Perspectives from sign in on bother sides. Had t share from google photos let me know if they don't load

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2020

    Honestly, there is more than enough evidence (videos, testimonials, etc.) at this point. They all show and describe the same problem. All that's left to do is to pray to The Entity for a relatively quick patch by Behavior

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    I'm sorry if you are reading my comments incorrectly. I'm getting as much information as possible from people in order to assist the technical team resolve the problem - the question with regards to whether or not someone can play on Xbox1 without issue is related to an account query that we had. I am in no way saying this is a user issue, which is pretty clear in the conversations that I've had with people.

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    Is there anything else we could add that might be of assistance to that task?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    @Thane_Valkarian I don't think so as of right now, I'm hoping the cause has been isolated. It's still early in Canada where the team are based, so I don't have updated news, I will check in with them throughout the day and if there is new news I will definitely communicate that here. I'm trying to pass as much information on as I can, both ways - so am in regular contact with them.

  • Agent002
    Agent002 Member Posts: 1

    Same thing happened to me as well on my series x. Every static freeze that led to the game crashing was right when I would load into a lobby. Went to make sure nothing was downloading or updating. Hard reset my xbox and tried two more times, to which I just gave up afterwards. Hoping the hot fix comes really soon since it's completely unplayable.

  • PorgWanKenobi
    PorgWanKenobi Member Posts: 5

    Hello, I have Xbox Series S and I can't log into games either as a survivor or a killer. The game crashes and after a while it restarts again. Even though I have reinstalled twice the problem persists and through Twitter I saw that other people are also having the same problem as me.

  • iimad_hatterii
    iimad_hatterii Member Posts: 1

    Hello! I have an Xbox Series X and I am experiencing the freezing and main screening. I have added a video of it happening.

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    *Cough* I've been a bit busy bringing people here that I find with similar problems. *Cough cough*

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38

    It’s also started being posted on the major Xbox sites, so it’s gathering a lot of unwanted attention.

  • PorgWanKenobi
    PorgWanKenobi Member Posts: 5

    Ok, as I couldn't upload the video, I transformed it into a lara gif showing how the freezing problem on the Xbox Series S

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    Wow, just saw gameplay of people playing DBD on their brand new PS5s without any issues at this really sucks for us

  • PorgWanKenobi
    PorgWanKenobi Member Posts: 5

    Yes, it's been frustrating to see my friends with the Xbox of the previous generation being able to play and me and others for 3 days without having a solution to this problem.

  • XxEddieAnatorxX
    XxEddieAnatorxX Member Posts: 1

    Possible Xbox series X|S loop around Crash fix?

    What I discovered that works so far (not 100% of the time) is I put the cursor on the left of the screen and spam A as it's loading the survivor so it instantly takes you to the bloodweb section as it's about to show up. Once done so the game freezes for a split second but then continues to play afterwards. Seems to work for me, for now anyway. Hope this helps.

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53
    edited November 2020

    Don't really understand. The game instantly freezes once you click play as survivor so there's no chance to spam any buttons while it's loading. Can you explain it better?

    EDIT: Okay I tested this out multiple times on my series x but was never successful. On the main menu screen and after you click play as survivor, you still have control of the cursor as the game loads. At that point, your game either freezes instantly or it can load a little further where you can see the menu bar on the left side of the screen. I marked the spot on my TV where the blood web would be and spammed the A button to click that option. However, it always freezes and doesn't give me the chance to access the survivor blood web. I was never able to replicate your suggestion but, even if I could, it's too unreliable to do every time as I had to repeatedly open and close my game about 20 times for about 4-5 chances at even seeing the menu bar on the left.

    Post edited by tonyischill on
  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38

    It also doesn’t fix the crash when you load into the lobby with other players, or when you hit the end screen.

  • HulkinPUNK
    HulkinPUNK Member Posts: 9

    I hope we get an update on something soon.. not knowing anything about it makes it worse, especially for those of us who sold their old system when they got the series x.

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38

    Me and my mate in party (both on our old Xbox’s) just literally said this.

    can’t believe they haven’t said anything, like ‘we’ve found the issues’, ‘patch will be a few days’ or even ‘we honestly have no idea’. Anything is better than silence,

  • iStaceFace
    iStaceFace Member Posts: 1

    This has been dealt with so poorly, don't think they realise how many people they have disappointed and to be honest I don't even think they care 🤷‍♀️

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    True, I just started playing DBD a couple months ago and this whole next gen debacle has pretty much ruined my perception of these devs

  • HulkinPUNK
    HulkinPUNK Member Posts: 9

    I've made it into a private match lobby and tried to join a friend who is still on xbox one and I received this message. We are both in the same version of the game.

  • Goten
    Goten Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2020

    This is happening to me as well when I try and play surviver it freezes then crashes.

    When play killer sometimes I can get a match but then it freezes then crashes and I lose all my progress.

    I uploaded an YouTube video showing what happens when I choose a surviver

    GT: Darcia

    Post edited by Goten on
    USSEG Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2020

    Signed up as the others to report the same problem. When going to play as survivor the hud disappears, but the background stays. The Music stops and you can hear the breathing for a few seconds. Then the game crashes.

    Xbox account: Captain Striker

  • carnage10x
    carnage10x Member Posts: 1

    So can anyone say if there is an option for version control on the series x like on the PS5. Apparently you can install just th PS4 version on there if you don't want to update to the new one.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    I don't know of an ETA on the fix I'm afraid as I don't know if it's going to be required to go through Microsoft Certification etc, I believe we have isolated the cause and a fix is being worked on but I don't have a time frame for it I'm afraid to say.

  • Cokitus
    Cokitus Member Posts: 4

    Ok, but how are you going to compensate those who have paid the rift pass and cannot play?

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    Okay so I guess no next gen update until next week just as I expected and feared. Sucks we lost the coin flip to PS5. On the bright side, who’s hype about playing the same laggy, FPS-dropping, stuttering game this weekend while our $500 investment collects dust????

  • PorgWanKenobi
    PorgWanKenobi Member Posts: 5

    Wow, really ?! It means that as much as I paid for the game, for the slit pass, that I am days without being able to advance my progress due to the company's irresponsibility, I do not even have the possibility of having a compensation for the 4 days I cannot play ?! It really is amazing!

  • jjb985
    jjb985 Member Posts: 60

    What a joke. Last season pass I'll buy through this game. Outriders Feb 2nd peace DbD

  • fusy
    fusy Member Posts: 2

    A timeframe for the devs for their fix would be enough for me, at least then we'd know there's been progress. Two days to even acknowledge the issue, four to get a vague 'it'll be fixed in an indefinite amount of time' isn't good for a paid product.

    I'm sure Microsoft would push the update since they would've paid for a game on Game Pass that is yet to work on their brand new consoles

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38


    then again, certification would of been bypassed if the last patch was tested at all.

  • jjb985
    jjb985 Member Posts: 60

    This surely was tested tho before launch? You can't say they even tested because it's 95% failure there's no way everything was perfect and now it's not. I think their attention more often than not is fixated on skins, microtransactions, pc streamers and never on the same old bugs or issues this games had for years so something even like this I feel was never properly tested most likely pencil whipped.

  • Lavindathar
    Lavindathar Member Posts: 38

    Whilst they won’t admit it, I’m pretty sure they tested their build on the dev kit. We play on the retail kit. They are obviously different, so the retail crashes for everyone, yet they couldn’t replicate the issue.

    I guess they assumed they were the same. I probably would too. But obviously not.

  • FalloutPhoenix
    FalloutPhoenix Member Posts: 3

    I’m curious about this as well, I haven’t been able to play since Tuesday and I’m not expecting a patch to get pushed during the weekend. The rift pass is so grindy that a week will probably make or break it for most players on their progress.

  • jjb985
    jjb985 Member Posts: 60

    It will most definitely break any entire console playerbase from hitting it. They also are greedy as #########. So funny expect anything in return for their own failure

  • FalloutPhoenix
    FalloutPhoenix Member Posts: 3

    Its a stretch but this is also such a failure of a launch that a part of me wants to be a little optimistic that they’ll at least do something

  • jjb985
    jjb985 Member Posts: 60

    Do you see what they did for Halloween? For everyone? Biggest event for a horror game? Not looking good

  • FalloutPhoenix
    FalloutPhoenix Member Posts: 3

    True enough, time will tell. After this I definitely plan on voting with my wallet either way.