How to fix deathslinger

So there’s been a lot of hate recently with deathslinger. People claiming he has no counter play in chases cause of his instant ADS and people want to increase his ADS but that will gut him and make worse than clown. Here’s my changes of how to make him more fun to go against and play as
1.After ADS you cannot shoot or attack for 1.5 seconds.
2.if your outside his terror radius you get a sound cue for when he ADS
this would fix all the problems for the survivor side and make him more counterable but as for the killer side he will get some buffs.
3.increase chain range from 18 to 24 meters
4.reduce reload time from 2.75 seconds to 2.00 seconds and reduce the cooldown after missed shots from 1.50 to 1.00 seconds. Nerf the reload and missed cooldown addons
5.make iridescent coin range limit 12 meters and make hellshire iron addon a infinite range chain.
these would fix deathslingers viability while also fixing his zoning and annoyance.
what are your thoughts do you agree?
I don't think there is a problem with deathslinger currently he is a good killer that does not rely on survivors mistakes like most killers. He can get the job done without the opponent messing up which is why he is so good. Too many killers rely on 2 things their power which can help and survivors messing up. You should be able to get the job done without the opponent messing up. It should be you messing up which screws you.
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number 2 is already a thing though.
you literally get a super loud ringing bell in your ear when he aims at you.
for 3, you'd have to drastically increase the durability of the chain aswell now, as otherwise you wouldnt have enough chain durability to pull them towards you.
and for 5 i'd honestly just want to get the current version of the Iri Coin completely scrapped and instead receive a silencer for his gun. and what exactly do you mean with "infinite range chain"? that there is no limit to how far he can shoot? or that the chain never breaks?
the others sound okay, but how exactly they would affect the game is sthg we cant really tell without playing it. a 24m range on him does seem quite far though.
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He's fine. Just get better at getting away from chases.
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I agree with the buffs but not the nerfs since still kinda easy to avoid deathslinger if you know when he is gonna shoot.
Would be very interesting to see a passive effect if he misses a survivor like giving them Hinderance for couple seconds only if they were in chase so Deathslinger can reload and try and get another shot but this happens at random so they cant just abuse it.
And maybe have hit boxes slightly bigger since sometimes he shoots through you and your still not harpooned.
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What I meant with the Hellshire iron is it makes the chain range infinite meters so if you shoot at a exit gate from far away you will spear the survivor that’s there it’s basically like a huntress hatchet but in a straight line.
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Drop Pallets earlier.
Lose line of sight (just like nurse!)
Gain Distance!
Make your movement hard to predict. A straight line gun-shot is an easy down. If you're in the wide open, that's really your fault. Same goes with anyone with an insta-down power. If you're out in the open, that's a hit. Not Slingers fault for you being out of position.
I gave you some examples. Anyone saying this killer has no counterplay.. Just doesn't like to play different from other killers.