Opinions on DBD
Hello everyone! This post is a spot where you can put any, and I mean ANY, opinions that you have on DBD. Bad or good, I wanna see them all and I will try to respond to as many as possible. Can't wait to hear what you guys think about different things on DBD!
You cant put any opinion here since forum mods and devs dont really like critisism.
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There's literally opinions everywhere on the forums tbh.
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You can,but some people really don't understand the difference between criticism and bashing though
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First I wanna say I really do love this game. I have 2,000+ hours and I've been playing since October of 2017. I've made a lot of memories on it and I've had a lot of fun on it, not saying I don't anymore but not very commonly as I used to. I wish the game would receive more changes instead of constant Chapters every 3 months. This game needs a lot of work when it comes to balancing for both sides and that's why I don't have as much fun as I used to when I first got the game. When I first got the game I didn't know what the hell was going on and I also think the game was a lot more balanced back in 2017 when I did buy it and that's why I had so much fun on it from the start. I still play the game everyday because I love the grinding aspect, but I never really expect to have fun most of the time I am playing it really anymore. I would say 2/10 games I actually have an enjoyable time. But yeah that's my overall thought on the current health of the game 😊
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Exactly, people put opinions all the time as long as you aren't bean rude about it the devs take it respectfully.
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Umm, you stalking me or something? Did you like know exactly how I feel about this game or something? LMAO. This is literally me I'm not gonna lie. I have less hours but have also been playing since the end of 2017. I don't enjoy the game as much but I still play it almost every day because I'm low key addicted. I agree with pretty much everything you said. Thanks for posting here ❤️
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Devs should bring back first person Mori perspectives for killers. They're so much better and feel more personal. The only exception to this would be ghostface's Mori. Transition to the camera's POV when taking the photo.
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That would be cool. Would be nice to see them switch between different perspectives on Mori's to make it more "dynamic" if that's the right word choice.
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You know, I think they should just add Old Freddy back. I never got the chance to play him but he looked like a blast to play. The new Freddy is kinda cool, but he doesn't feel like Freddy. Having a killer that played so differently looked like a lot of fun, and I'd love if BHVR added a similar killer, one that survivors couldn't see or hear until they were pulled into the same world that they reside in.
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Old Freddy was very fun and cool, but was very weak. Probably one of the weakest killers in the game if not the weakest. It was a very cool concept though so maybe they can make someone like that but stronger. Would be cool. Thanks for the response ❤️
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The matchmaking makes or breaks this game imo. I have a group of friends that I play with on a regular basis which helps, but getting matched against far higher skilled or a lower-skilled players just ruins the fun. Supposedly a new MMR is coming, but they've been saying that for months now.
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I agree. I play with my friends pretty much all the time not because I like to bully killers in SWF (in fact we usually lose bc we just f around lmao), but because playing with randoms makes me so mad because they just aren't on the same level of skill as me and I can't get mad at them bc it's not even their fault lol. And mmr was added but removed bc it really wasn't working very well but it's supposedly coming back so we'll see. Thanks for the comment ❤️
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The PS5 version looks AMAZING. I was in awe when it finished downloading. I just wish it wasn’t counted as a separate game so my trophies could cross over. Honestly I’d go as far as spending a couple dollars to have my trophies cross over. I REALLY don’t want to start all over again. Adept Nurse was hell back when Adepts meant a 4K, so it’s going to be even worse now that you have to double pip.
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I hate how literally using anything but the top like 5-10% of perks is worthless...try running a Sabo build with Breakout, MoM...so pointless even with 2 oak offerings on, literally 6 hooks within 10 meters of eachother. Oh you don't force yourself to run borrowed time? Here's a depip because Killers tunnel EVERY game...On top of that the bloodweb system is terrible. I'm sorry i've got to spend 150,000 points to get one perk at tier 3 pretty much, being P3 50 character. Btw getting 150,000 bloodpoints on survivor probably take an hour depending on offerings...not to mention my dead characters I can't really use because they have no offerings and why would i spend bloodpoints on characters without offerings to gain more bloodpoints or play a good map or to even use an item that i have loads of on a character i don't like to play as....
I feel like these are bad issues in the game that will never get addressed. Most maps are becoming really dead zone orientated and with the current bloodlust with Undying and Ruin meta, Killer literally has the power role right now...and it seems I might be a "entitled survivor" these are underlying issues that even SWF's will struggle with these days, which is sad for people like me who rarely plays on coms with a full team or at all...
Again i can see certain issues with also playing Killer "gen speed too quick" that may be on some maps but not really the case anymore. I shouldn't be getting a 4k on Shelter Woods with Myers so easily before 3 gens are done. But that happens because there's about 5 pallets on that map and I can get easy bloodlust with tier 3 speed.
The pip system is a complete waste of time and only aggravates the players...oh I got instantly tunnelled and mori'd here is a instant Depip and 3k bloodpoints....what is the point in playing a match like that? I even feel like when i play Killer and 2/3 people escaped the hatch at the end I still even safety pip because i've managed to get enough points and even if i don't safety pip, i'm laughing my way to the bloodweb with all my killer bloodpoints i got by doing nothing.
The fact is though, we will never see these changes that so desperately need to be made in the game, everyones opinion get's silenced or i feel ignored, i've offered a lot of feedback in surveys and on the forums and i get it you can't please everyone. But my issues i've talked about and if they got addressed would please EVERY player on the game.
P.S please add a bloodmarket, the game is crying out for it. Having the ability to share items across characters is a must. Let us sell the worthless 600 brown toolboxes that will never get used for some small bloodpoint reward or even a trade up system...
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Wait you've played on the PS5?! Tell me more please!!! Is it much better than PS4?! Would like to hear more. Thanks for the comment! ❤️
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I’ve only looked at the loadout screens but the graphics are outstanding.
@TheClownIsKing can probably tell you more as I think he’s played some matches on it.
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I agree with most everything u said. This game needs a lot of changing for BOTH sides. There are many dead zones now. Thanks for the response ❤️
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Okay thanks!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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It’s absolutely fantastic.
The performance.
The framerate.
The crispness of the graphics.
Everything is HEAPS better.
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WOW that's exciting and promising to hear. Thank you for getting back to me, much love ❤️