Do you have cross play turned off or on?

On, I'm not trying to sit for 5 hours waiting for a match.
Edit: Also, regardless of what either side thinks, I have come to the conclusion than console randoms and PC randoms are equally stupid.
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Will always stay on for me.
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Off for Survivor, On for Killer. I like being able to chat with my teammates before the match starts.
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On. I couldn’t care less if the other players are on console so why would I ever turn it off?
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On ps4 i dont have to wait longer than 30 sec as killer
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On xbox one, I would have crossplay on when I'm survivor and off for killer. However, after playing the next gen update on the series x, I will have crossplay on for both roles as I think the hardware allows for a somewhat more equal playing field.
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I have it on since it lowers red rank killer times moderately/considerably/tremendously.
I'm also too lazy to turn it off for survivor, so I just kinda hope for the best. It has made me less talkative though. It's kinda pointless to say gg if the other team can't see it.
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on, im from pc and i enjoy going agaisnt console potatoes tbh but at the same time i dont like waiting so much and as killer with consoles enabled you get insta lobbys wich is always nice. as survivor still takes like 5 to 10 minutes but well is fine i guess would be more without crossplay on
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I have it on since the crossplay started.
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Playing on xbox one x, I have it on all the time for both roles. The experience is the same either way. Was hoping for better team mates when I see people playing on PC but just had a match with the other 3 PC players urban evading the entire match and lasted 5 seconds in a chase.
So the experience hasn't changed much for me 😂
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Off most of the time, unless I want a quick match. Most of the time when it's on there are trolls and people try and take the game hostage, which sucks because there's nothing in place to stop them. The reporting system is a joke fr lmao
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Always on, I welcome our Console brethren.
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It will remain off until Console is on equal playing-field with PC.
Post edited by Pulsar on11 -
On because why wouldn't I want more people to play with? Also i'm not one of those people that thinks all console players are #########.
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I’m on PS5. I’d wait forever without cross play otherwise.
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Literally no reason to turn it off.
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ON -> the killer wait is ~5 minutes but console users cannot end chat
OFF -> the killer wait is ~10 minutes with end chat (me and others from PC)
-> So I chose OFF cuz I need the end chat
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It's off while playing killer and on sometimes while playing survivor.
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PS4 - I turned it off after the first day. My waits for killer or survivor are only 1-2 minutes.
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Not a single complaint so far and the only thing that changed for me is way faster lobby search times.
Heck, i kinda like it when my 4 Survivors all have globes, so there's no trash talk after the game if i kill all 4.
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On when I'm playing pc; I'm content with shorter waiting and the players are all the same to me.
On when I'm playing on switch; It can be quite crinch playing killer vs possible pc survivors. But I do notice that all those hard games make you a better player in the long run. So I mostly enjoy crossplay.
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I enjoy going against full console teams - even if I lose badly, they cannot BM in chat :D
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Off for Killer, on for survivor.
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On because I don’t really give a damn about the limitations of the console hardware. Besides, in my experience, both console and PC are usually relatively equal in skill, I know that might seem like blasphemy to any PC Master race peeps (if they even still exist) but yeah that’s how I see it.
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I keep it off for now. Only time I have it on is when I'm doing things with some of my friends on PC (I'm on console).
Would do the whole "off for killer, on for survivor" thing, but I don't really want to have to adjust settings every other match (I swap roles pretty frequently).
If the game becomes proven to run more stably on next-gen hardware, then I'll switch it on whenever I upgrade (though I'm not in much of a hurry to do so yet). Or if by some miracle they can get DbD to actually run at a consistent and stable 30fps on current-gen consoles, then I'd also consider reactivating Crossplay and leaving it on.
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Always turned on. On xbox and only thing I would say is I would love some kind of cross platform chat feature. It gets lonely when youre the only one on your platform in multiple games!
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Ever since crossplay went live I've had it turned on, however over the past week my skill and game sense had dropped drastically, so I've had to turn it off untill I get better
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On for both sides , PC player here , i feel both sides have their really good killers and survivors both on the flip side also their weak links , i had Console players (xbox) being just as good as a looper as certain PC players ( i play R1 on both sides consistently)
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PC player. On for both sides at the moment although me and my friend that queue together often are thinking of turning crossplay off as survivor.
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on whats the point of turing it off?
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On for PC.
I turned it off when playing on console due because playing at 25 fps versus a PC Huntress or Slinger wasn't very fun.
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On. The only difference as solo survivor is queue times, and as killer it decreases the likelihood that I get an elusive toxic 4 man SWF. Win-win.
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I've had it turned off because of console performance being so poor but I think I'm going to turn it back on because of the PS5 version running so well (that and I probably wouldn't get very many games).
If I go back to PS4 it's staying off.
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Off most of the time. If getting a game takes too long then I'll turn it back on for a while. Though from my experience the queue times are pretty similar either way.
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ON. Faster games, and it'll have wonkey glitches either way.
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I've turned it on again and the game is running fine, if I have FPS issues again I'll turn it off, as that's what fixed it last time. Queue times remained largely unchanged as killer with either setting.
I'm guessing there is a glut of survivors and a lack of killers.
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Off for killin, on for survivin when queue times are long. Xbox1's are still getting that 60 frames some coming decade, right?
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Im tempted to turn crossplay on just to try and get out of swf lobbies on ps4 communicating in party chats.
Swf are disgusting
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Enabled on a PS4 Slim, despite being unfair when the game's running at 3fps against a 144fps PC killer.
It won't even matter that much now that the PS5 is about to be released in Europe (it was already pretty bad to play on Lery's against PS4 Pro killers as well)
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100% off. I get better games with no difference in queue time.
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Off, I play on Xbox and it's a small community and I like recognising the people I play with. Anytime I've turned on crossplay I just get slugged every single game, it's not very fun. I don't even want to try killer on crossplay.
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On. I don't care about playing with/against people from other platforms, just fast queues.
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I have found no reason to turn it off so it's on
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Always on. Solo with console survivors is usually ######### for me and it's annoying. Though I've had some that were just as good so that was nice but it rarely happens. Playing killer I see them more than playing survivor which is wack...
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Depends on the flatform and what I'm doing. I play on PC, PS4 and Switch. I always leave it on PS4 and PC and it stays on when I stream on my switch.
Though when it's off on my switch it's to play killer and mess with the switch guys that I'm in a discord server with.
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I have tried it with killer fellow Xboxer......... many a sad face