Do you remember your first game as killer or survivor?



  • Mischievous_Cat
    Mischievous_Cat Member Posts: 10

    Not the first one, but from some of the first few matches I got twitch clips to help me look back :)

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Pretty sure it was a meg match.

    I remember running Sprint Burst and Plunderers Instinct a lot back then.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Just short of 2 years ago, my friend got me to play the game with her, and I'm always scared to try out new games. I picked Meg because I didn't like the look of Dwight. We spawned in The Game map and it was a trapper but we didn't see him all game, so I simply escaped my first game, not the most interesting first game 😂

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Survivor, Claudette with two of my friends.

    We waited 20min for a game.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Don't remember my first killer game, but my first survivor game was against Myers on Backwater Swamp. I remember it was horrifying. I also remember trying to pull myself off the hook because I didn't know any better :'D

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    As survivor i was very scared ( especially of the huntress with lullaby 🤣) and lockers were my safehouses

    As killer, for my first 3-4 games i really thought that non stop hitting a survivor on hook was actually the way to get them on P2🤣 i was so toxic even not knowing what it meant

  • FruityMemes
    FruityMemes Member Posts: 55

    Damn I think my first game was as Meg or Claudette I didn't know what I was doing at all lol. I got downed and hooked tried attempting and got to second state I think I either wasn't ready for the space mashing or I just did it too slow or something cause it was just death lol

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001
  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    I was Huntress and absolutely decimated them on Lerys - I felt really bad. Played a few more rounds of 4ks and then got Haddon field as Wraith, didn't camp and could barely find anyone and got 0k (lovely teabagging at the gate as a gift). Didn't enjoy it when winning or losing as I prefer team play and haven't played as killer since.

    All I remember of my first survivor games was being scared, hiding and getting murdered. Frustrating when you first start.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    oh yeah, my roommate told me about this game and started a match for me in his xbox one. I was scared and running around like a dizzy cockroach and the trapper found me, I fell in seconds. Then I proceeded to try (and fail) to escape and Laurie managed to unhook me during struggle. I immediately run into the killer again not knowing the map or where he was coming from.

    A few months later i bought the game and joined the lobby with a ttv. Checked his stream and he was asking "who misses a skillcheck in 2018?". ME! I was a noob and missed all the skill checks, ok?

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I've actually got a vid of my second game as survivor, but it's kinda embarrassing commentary and has edits so I don't think I'll post it! Maybe I will if anyone really wants to see it.

    Casually failing skill checks, hiding behind rocks, leaving my two friends die on the hook... I was too scared to go and save them and by the time I did, they died. Typical rank 20.

    Anyway I was soon found hiding in an upper shack locker, taken to the basement and hooked. My friend said I had a one in 10 chance to escape the hook, so I dramatically attempted escape and on my last attempt freed myself.

    I then casually walked into the obvious trap the trapper had left near the basement stairs... he came down, stood there and looked at me. He seemed very disappointed.

    And of course, DBD wouldn't be DBD without bugs. So I was not able to recover, the trapper seemingly could not pick me up and so I eventually bled out.

    Fun times...

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Oh man haha, I remember my very first killer game. It was around the time clown just go released. My first game was with hag, I got a 4 kill game. Which was mainly because I had watched a lot of dbd gameplay before I got the game so I had an idea of what to it was rank 20. Tell you what though it was fun. I didn't not enjoy a single part of the match. Grinding bloodpoints I thought was fine. It was's not now. It takes weeks upon weeks to get all the perks you want on a killer. I feel bad for new players honestly. They need to do something.

    My first survivor game went alright. It was fun learning loop. And I gotta say I missed like one or two skill checks and from then on I was sound with skill checks it isn't hard. My first killer I played against was trapper. And it was fine except the trapper was rank 15 to 14. It was green is all I remember but yh I could tell they knew what they were doing but hey that's the rank system for ya it's still totally rubbish today. But back then I had fun. I didn't know about balance and I'm not gonna lie I was playing all nighters it was so much fun.

    It's why I criticise this game heavily I freaking love this game and I want better quality so it can be better for everyone.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, my earliest memories of DbD blend together with all the let's plays and streams I watched for years before actually playing the game. I genuinely don't know what I watched from what I actually experienced, it was so long ago.

  • murnk
    murnk Member Posts: 6

    Hey, I created an account just so I can share my fond memory of my first game as a killer.

    I played as clown and did pretty well for my first game, managing to secure 3 kills but losing one to the hatch. The part that made it so memorable was the post-game chat. The players were quite toxic, calling me trash (despite my 3 kills), and one even going as far as to call me a “clown [n word]”. I Just found that hilarious and laughed it off, and I’m glad to say that I’ve not met anyone quite as toxic as them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I don't remember my first Survivor game but I do remember my first Killer game, unfortunately.

    Probably about 2 and a half years ago or so. I played Wraith and got matched with three Red Ranked Claudette's and one Rank 18 Claudette. They had flashlights and it was NOT a good time for me. Old DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline and Prove Thyself I think. I got hatemail for like, an hour after the match because I managed to kill the low ranked Claudette.

    And thus, my dislike for all Claudette's was born.

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    A dwight, I popped the gen like three times and then just stood there so at least my buff was active. I was literally panicking at the computer worrying about ruining the game for my friends XD Only I died.

    Then my first game as killer I played nurse thinking 'Oh! She can teleport, she must be easy to play!' I think I got a single hit that whole game.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I played billy, got 4k and last survivor (claudette) I got was a random chainsaw through the entire map (corn).

    I got billy to lvl ~7 (it was like lvl 20 in current measures), then I abandoned him for Nurse. I also played trapper and wrath for a while, but I don't remember those matches lol.

    I also remember how I got scared of wraith on one of my first survivor games so much that I hid in locker until afk crows and got hooked then

  • deadaim6
    deadaim6 Member Posts: 18 too, but I only had a 2k lol (and on PS4).

    I did get a 4k with a level 2 Plague w/BBQ first time playing as her, after a break. 😅 Myers is the best though, especially with Monitor and Abuse.

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    I was playing Trapper (obviously) and didn't know any game mechanic except for m1. Face camped and hit people on hook thinking it would fasten the sacrifice lol. As survivor. Meg with just sprint burst hiding in locker for a frigging trapper; running in straight lines; "what is pallet?". Boy, those were the days. (early 2018).

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I got pulled into this game by a group of friends, so both my first Survivor and first killer game was in a KYF.

    When I was Survivor I remember I picked Claudette and ran Lithe, Premonition, Lightweight and one other perk I don't remember and ran like a scared rabbit in the opposite direction whenever Premonition went off. I wasn't completely useless because I had actually done the Survivor tutorial... but yeah. Scared Rabbit 100% described my survivor play style for quite a while.

    When I was the Killer I had not in fact run the killer tutorial. I played Trapper on Ormond. I didn't see any other trap so I placed my starting trap in a random patch of grass and I was the only one who stepped in it. I didn't know lunging was a thing and one of the friends knew how to loop pretty well so I could not catch them. I did however catch and actually kill another friend who I've later learned does a ton of blending... which you can't do on Ormond.

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2020

    I remember both. I remember my first round of survivor on midwich as Ace everyone died and I almost opened the exit door but I got scared from the heartbeat and then died.

    As killer I played deathslinger on yamoka estate and didn't get any hooks and everyone at the end game was a high rank and told me matchmaking was broken and not worry and to keep at it.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    My first match as a survivor, I played Meg, I know I blew up the gens a lot and I'm almost sure I died. My first match as a killer I played The Wraith, ended up on the hospital map and had no idea what I was doing, so it was hell and did not kill anyone.

  • noed_user
    noed_user Member Posts: 2

    My first game of survivor ended up with me getting hooked 3 times in the first five minutes, my first game of killer ended up with me killing all 4 people on the hook as wraith, but not before they broke a rainforest worth of pallets over my head

  • BigAsh123
    BigAsh123 Member Posts: 22

    First killer game I even remember the date - 31st October 2017. Wraith, instantly fell in love with the game. Got a 4K, and still had no idea what I was doing. First survivor game was the same night, with friends. I escaped through the hatch, back then you had to 2 gens for the hatch to spawn, we just about did 2 (we were all pretty new) and I escaped after the others died. It’s amazing when you think about it, how scary the game is when you are a brand new player.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    I remember my first survivor game. I was scared to death, hiding in lockers, but somehow I was the last one alive (thought I will die right away). The pig found me and carried around for god knows how long (I didn't struggle) and I was confused about her not hooking me. Finally, she dropped me next to the hatch, but I didn't know what should I do about it lmao.

  • Syfik
    Syfik Member Posts: 9

    Yeah, I waited 5 minutes in a queue, got disconnected from the queue because it used to kick you if you queued too long. Finally got into a match with friends. Got face camped by a trapper and uninstalled the game. Then i came back three years later.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    In fact, it was a week ago that it hit 3 years since I've been playing this game.

    Anyway, my first game I was a David, and it was against a Hillbilly, I had no idea what to do to avoid him, I just knew that I had to do gens and I always hid in lockers when I heard the heartbeat.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    My very first survivor game was great, i loaded into the map, about 5 seconds later all 3 of my teammates disconnected, and then the wraith found me and killed me immediately lol.

    First killer game was over a year later (was way before dedicated servers so killer was host and my upload was 0.5mb so i was convinced i couldn't play killer) all i remember was i played Hag.

  • FreezingFire
    FreezingFire Member Posts: 18

    When I started, my friends helped me. They are red and purple ranks so they really helped a lot, especially as survivors. I remember that I was doing crappy skill checks as jake park. My friends hard carried, but I learned quickly based on how they played. We also did a lot of customs too to help me learn. I believe I played a bit of hag, then I moved on to huntress.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    I remember the first game against Nurse, when she was just released. Solo game, everyone was so scared and hugged the walls for around 5 minutes, doing nothing, while she was screaming in the fog.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Don't remember my first game, but I do remember one of my first five killer games. I was playing Huntress on Lery's, and the hatchet collision with objects below my camera was confusing the heck out of me.

    RIP Lery's, but I hated it as Huntress.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Started playing in 2017, the dark period for killers. Despite I didn't know about pallet looping being OP and survivors being insanely strong if you was not Nurse I have better memories of my first killer gameplay. I was the Trapper. But I played just one round as him, then bought Myers and I played him until the Oni's DLC. He can do the same of Myers, but 10x better.

  • TheOsSloth
    TheOsSloth Member Posts: 14

    I only remember my first killer game, not very eventfull though

    Bubba on The Game

    Got a 4k

    That is all

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306


    Was a baby Kate, who watched the game before actually playing it. At the time I was obsessed with watching montos toxic builds. You guessed right. I was a toxic little #########. For about five ranks. But just pure trash. I was against a freddy. Camped every pallet, t-bagged at any chance and was a hiding pleb when injured. Got hatch after leaving my teammates to die. I could only loop at the infinites, lol. I I versed my old surv. I'd slug email to death lol.

    Killer: I hoped on plague thinking she was OP. When in reality was really weak. Still like sometimes. And as stated previously. I loved montos toxic builds. Although since I thought plague was OP, I only used a cypress but would slug to use it. And since I didn't know how to play her properly and would always infect after downing them. And thought her stream slowed them down lol. Also on haddonfield.

    Also when buying killers I saw spirits picture for the chapter on the store. And thought she was a BOLD MAN WHO USED MIRRORS TO TELEPORT AND ATTACKED SURVIVORS IF THEY GOT TO CLOSE LMAO. I then played her and thought she was weak. Lol was I wrong later.