PTB on consoles

I have a background in game testing and I have beta tested games on the PlayStation 4 before they go to retail. It is possible to download test builds on consoles via code redemption through their respective stores.
Now that next gen consoles have released, I hope BHVR provide codes to download test builds to perform testing on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X consoles. I would be more than happy to test the game on both the PlayStation 4 and 5.
Console players on the forums that I am sure would be interested in this:
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After the ps4 performance issues recently I really hope they look into this. I would be up for testing before live release, especially if it'd avoid the performance issues ps4 recently experienced.
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Hi @MandyTalk is this something you can bring up with the team please?
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Bro they can't even get a solid 30 on consoles. How the hell are they gonna manage to seperate versions of the game.
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As mentioned on my opening post, this could potentially be managed through test builds on each platform before the live release. This method would allow for testing and fixes before making the build live on console versions.
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It's also possible on Xbox through a certain app (Don't recall the name) that allows beta testing, which it commonly does for Minecraft, and I believe has done it for PUBG and Twitch aswell.
So it's possible they do the same for Xbox.
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Yeah, I get that. But the PTB is already extremely buggy. Expanding that with 2 or 3 more versions would get more feed back sure, but would probably be exrtemely poorly optimised and even more buggy. Plus, most players play the PTB for a day or two and then go back to live. It wouldn't be worth the time or effort.
It would be cool for console players. But I highly, highly doubt it'll ever happen. It'd be a waste of resources.
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Whilst I agree it would take up more resources, I do believe that having the PTB on consoles would help address console specific issues and save the team time in the long run.
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Thanks for sharing this @NoOneKnowsNova I will look in to this.
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It is very much possible. I remember Battlefield 1 had its own version which managed to come to consoles.
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No worries, after doing a bit of searching on google (which I'll confirm when I get home) I believe it's called the Xbox Insider Hub.
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Yeah, it is common with AAA titles.
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They need to get the already existing DLC characters for next gen first then talk about ptb for consoles
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Gonna assume still no Freddy? I think that license is gone forever.
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They said he is 100% coming soon
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Sony make it way too hard to go through their approval processes for all the requests BHVR would need to send through for review ON TOP OF their requests that need to be reviewed for the live version of DBD as well.
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Yeah, every patch has to go through Sony's certification system and approved. I'm not sure if this is the same said for beta versions, I guess so.
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The thing is that the PTB uses the same game files, you could say that you need to download the PTB over the base game then when you are done, download and install the regular "Patch" which is really easy for pc to do but on console is considerably harder
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it would be a dream to be able to participate in the PTB, especially considering that there would be cross play available.
I wonder if the "code redemption" is for a maximum number of users though - at that point the PTB for console would be too much of a hassle for the big public?
The easy solution is to give PTB access to me alone 🥕🥕
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Microsoft also needs to approve any additions to a game (which is why games aren't as optimized as they could be)
And I do agree that consoles need a PTB
I would love to test the new stuff before it goes live (even more so since crossplay... cause consoles are farther behind learning the new killer and perk builds)
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The constant waiting of permissions from consoles would make this a waste of time, It’ll never happen unfortunately.
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I think it would be nice if they made made a separate application that only works when the PTB is live. It’s free, but also carries the information on the main application to the PTB application
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Thanks for the pin! I think this would be a great idea they could get feedback regarding the effects the changes they do effect console.
The only issues I see is
. if they would actually listen to the feedback and be able to fix this issues.
. If the could get permission from ps5 and Xbox to add the ptb
. Huge worry I would have is how it could possibly hurt my new console tbh I've seen some people having their Ps4 die because of dbd that's scary stuff.
But that being said
I won't be able to get a ps5 for awhile don't trust buying new consoles off the first release (xbox red ring of death victim) lol
I just hope they keep up support for Ps4 users that choose to stay and xbox 360 switch needs support also.
Would love to give them my time if it had effect for the console community in a positive way tho.
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Also add endgame chat to consoles so people can actually discuss the games too.
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I am certainly interested, thanks for the tag!
Do you think this will come to the Xbox One/PS4 as well, or only to the PS5 and Series X?
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You're welcome. This is something I have recommended to BHVR, I guess it's up to them and I hope they consider.
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This has got nothing to do with BHVR and everything to do with how the certification process for new content works on consoles. Both Sony and Microsoft (and Nintendo) use a certification process that a PTB would need to go through every time a new PTB was released, which would massively hold up the testing process and would lead to delays in releasing new chapters. This is why BHVR don't release the PTB on consoles and has nothing to do with the performance of either current gen or next gen consoles. BHVR have said it'll never happen until the certification process changes, which it won't sadly.
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As a compromise, It would be good to test a major update on consoles instead of every PTB.
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Another problem of consoles... just.... stop buying consoles and buy PC.... u will save a lot of money and u will be able to play far more years than in a console, and with far better performance and graphics...
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People are entitled to make their own decisions. I didn't create this thread to entice a console vs PC war, thank you.
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Yeah, of corse, as i make my own decision years ago, and as i can share my opinion, as u did, and as all. And i didn't wan't to make a PC vs console war, i just say what i think and what i think it's the truth.
Have a PTB on consoles is far harder than in PC, and less people will test it so maybe it's not worth for them release it. Of corse, could be good, but as games as H1z1 or Rust if i can remember, they didn't release PTB for consoles...
But yeah for console players will be great and also they could test bugs and problems that just happend in console and with the controller.
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I respect your opinion, no worries. I would like the game to be around on next gen consoles for a long time and being able to test the game and provide feedback can only help with the health of the game.