Let's talk about NOED

Yes, before I get into it, I am a survivor main. I wanna talk about NOED because I think the general idea around it is really, really stupid.

Now I have a lot of hours and don't get me wrong, I don't think this perk is op, I just think it is a dumb perk. Let's think about it this way, why should any perk in the game, AND I MEAN ANY, grant you a free kill? You should not put a perk in pre-game and already be guaranteed a kill (unless you are a bad killer). Same goes for survivor, you should not be able to run a perk and be granted a free escape which to my knowledge I have never heard any streamer say, "(specific perk) grants survivors a free escape," but I have heard streamers say, "NOED only gives you one kill." Giving you one kill for losing your objectives makes 0 sense.

And the main argument I have seen is, "just cleanse all the totems!" Are you serious? This is your best argument? Cleansing all the totems is actually very hard on many maps and even harder in solo queue and if you don't believe me, take Undying/Ruin for example, sure, you have some games where ruin goes but, most games ruin stays up the whole game because of how hard it is to find all the totems and because of how much time it actually takes away against a genuinely good killer.

I also hear people say, "just run small game and detectives hunch with a rainbow map!" So since you put on one perk, I have to change my entire loadout now? Hmmmm, totally makes sense.

Once again, I am complaining about the idea of NOED and how I think it makes no sense being in the game, not it being op or anything because it definitely is not.

AND BEFORE YOU SAY "WELL THESE SURVIVOR PERKS AND THINGS ARE STUPID BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH," just because I addressed NOED here doesn't mean I think NOED is the ONLY bad thing in this game, just something that was on my mind right now. I am a very experienced player in this community mainly because I have probably spent 1000 hours watching streamers play this game and learning it so no, I'm not a mong...for the most part.

Please be kind ❤️


  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Never been a fan of NOED myself. I stopped running it real quick when I realized how unsatisfying it is to be handed free kills undeservingly.

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2020

    NOED gets activated once an exit is opened.

    Survivors already 99 gates instead of triggering them to avoid this. If you have a DS ready and get downed near a gate (Realistically pretty far from an open gate is fine.), you start crawling there and the killer can do absolute jack about you because he has to wait 60 seconds for you to lose DS, by that time you'd crawl out 5 times or pick you up, eat a DS and lose anyway.

    Apart from that, the exit is likely to be open very soon. So get the heck out if you don't want to deal with NOED. Endgame is already heavily skewed towards survivors.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Actually, NOED is activated once the exit gates are powered, not opened.

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111

    Point taken, nevermind that part.

    Anyway, endgame is still very skewed into the survivor's favor mainly by healthy survivors body blocking the killer as the injured target runs out. The killer can't do anything about that unless he has NOED or some other method of getting a 1 hit down.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I mean... Noed doesn't give free kills?

    All it does is give you a movespeed bonus and insta downs after all the gens are done. That's it. It doesn't teleport a survivor onto a hook. Even without Noed its entirely possible to just finish getting the last down you're in the middle of then camp him or camp the guy you already have hooked and scrape together one kill that way. Sure NOED makes it easier, but all perks make something easier. That's their job.

    Also... there's a much much easier way to deal with NOED instead of breaking every totem. Just make a mental note of where dull totems are on the map as you play... then come late game if a buddy gets hit with NOED, check the totems you know about... see if any of them got promoted. If one did, cleanse it. Congrats, you've countered 25% of the Killer's perks and all its done is made getting one hook easier.

    Besides that, you know another reason NOED should not be changed? It is 1 of 2 perks in the basic killer set that is not just plain bad or a tracking perk. There's a reason why newbie killers have a tendency to run it. They literally have nothing better.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I also hear people say, "just run small game and detectives hunch with a rainbow map!" So since you put on one perk, I have to change my entire loadout now? Hmmmm, totally makes sense.

    Yes, it does. You don't get to ignore a perk's counter and also demand to be exempt from its effects. You are playing against a killer who has three perks most of the time and still want more?

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    I don't even understand the point you're getting at. Killer runs one perk and I have to run an entire loadout to counter it? Uh huh. Good one Jimmy.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2020

    NOED does give free kills though. I can tell you SOOO MANY TIMES a survivor (not just me) has died to NOED when if the killer didn't have it, they would've escaped.

    There's a reason insta downs are so strong and it's because it gives you free downs. The difference with NOED is by endgame, most killers camp to secure that one down they earned from NOED and I don't blame them for camping, but most of the time they would've never even had the down without NOED.

    Sure perks make something easier but, this makes getting downs and kills way too damn easy, and my issue isn't how easy it is, it's the fact that the perk makes getting downs and kills easier BECAUSE you couldn't get downs and kills without the perk.

    And you say find all the totems instead of breaking them and just take a mental note of where they are, THE ISSUE IS ACTUALLY FINDING THEM LMAO. Sure, like I said, breaking totems takes a lot of time but if ik the killer is no longer gonna have a perk I'll break them, THATS IF I CAN FIND THEM THOUGH. Finding totems is a lot harder than it seems, ESPECIALLY in solo queue which is why there are dedicated perks and an item for it, but I shouldn't have to bring a map every game to counter NOED. Or bring small game or detectives hunch. It's stupid.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You don't have to, no, but if you're having trouble countering it via gameplay alone, then it helps.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    NOED is a stupid perk that punishes survivors for doing the objective.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709


    Lets be clear: NOED does not give you a free kill, it gives you a 'free' down and as an extension you can state a free hook state at the end stage of the game. Unlike Rancor for instance, that actually provides you a free kill in the end game (one shot and mori) NOED only allows you to down players in one hit. The survivor teams have a choice to make, whether to try and help or abandon you. You do not actually need to cleanse all the totems, it is just a way to prevent it completely, the alternative is to cleanse the one totem that activates after the gen completes, simply cleanse the totem before going for a save and voila their 'free' kill becomes a no kill.

    You argument that it is difficult to find totems and cleanse them is why you can bring a small game or detective hunch or simply a map? Your argument that some are hard to find is no different than the majority that are extremely easy to find, the dice rolls both ways. You don't have to change up your build at all, yet for you there is an option to counter these perks you hate going up against. The choice is yours really... not to mention that totems should be a collective team objective and all survivors should be on the look out for them.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but you do not want to use perks to help you deal with totems... you are most likely using objectively the survivor meta perks that are saving you from a hook stage or down while the killer would otherwise be hooking you and gaining that pressure & hook progress to begin with? Your argument is that a perk like NOED makes no sense to even have a spot in the game to begin with?

    Compare that to the health state recovery perks that are on the survivor end from Adrenaline, DS, UB, SB as they move you up one stage, which are all unpreventable by the killer, they are just told to deal with it and focus on someone else and let that person go regardless of the situation. Recovering a health stage is the opposite effect compared to NOED which 'skips' a health stage on hit, it is literally all it does. Therefore do you believe all these meta perks on the survivor end also have no place in the game at all? I personally have some issues with like DS and believe it could use some tweaks to remove the weaponization of these perks, but also think that they still have a spot in the game and a role they fulfill.

    Seriously NOED is an end-game only Hex perk, if that isn't even allowed to be a huge power spike for the killer... they are dedicating 1 perk slot for it and it might not even activate during endgame or deactivated soon after by actions done by survivors.