Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why are pyramids addons so bad?

Member Posts: 487
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

All of them are garbage except the range ones but even those aren't really needed.who cares if trails last 20 seconds longer I'd rather that add on be something like hitting a survivor with potd makes them tormented. I don't even use His addons because they do so little just wish they changed them to be less boring

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 487

    Jesus a 105 speed killer that's barely faster then survivors who would use that lol

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    I mean if it was a permanent M1-instadown you could run it with Nemesis/PWYF but there really wouldn't be a reason to play that since it's basically a much worse infinite tier 3 Myers.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    His addons aren't bad at all, they are just hard to use, a theme for more recent killers.

  • Member Posts: 487

    His addons are not criminally underrated they're just boring and bad lol

    1st addon combo: I don't use these as you don't need to put a lot of trails at loops nor spam your power more

    2nd combo: having more then 3 beats is a little bit unnecessary as you can probably tell what they're doing by the 3rd beat

    3rd combo: lol this one is funny because not only do you have to be on trails but you got a whole 15 seconds of oblivious like they can't hear your sword on the ground and see you coming

    4th combo: spamming his power at loops with no animation lock is inconsistent using these addons will just make you want to spam it and waste time putting trails everywhere

    5th combo: Never had a moment where I was like "damn if only trails lasted 20 seconds longer" they last a long time by default

    Range I feel are the ones where I often miss a pots only cause I didn't use the range addons

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    One of the eggs is decent. Been a while since I played him but I remember most of them being "why would I ever use this" tier.

  • Member Posts: 207

    His ultra (pink) and very rare add-ons (purple) are a slap in the face, those add-ons need a rework, the green ones to below are pretty decent i guess

  • Member Posts: 252

    I agree with you. The ranged addons and iridescents are the only good one. And even the iridescents are just ok. I would like to see this new addon you've mentioned, it would make sense and be a really good addition.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I don't mind any of his green or below add-ons. It's the purple and red ones that really irritate me. Very rare and Ultra rare add-ons are supposed to be the most interesting and creative ones that really change up a killer's playstyle and instead they just gave him the most boring, gimmicky status effects. It's disrespectful to Konami and the Silent Hill IP.

  • Member Posts: 613

    He needs a buff in general

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    The reason why I made this addon reduce your movement speed to 4.2m/s is because i originally reduced it to 4.4m/s but everyone said it would be to strong so I made it like that but basically I wanted it to be like the game cause in silent hill 2 he was very slow but also very strong.

  • Member Posts: 199

    You know what is bad?

    Missing 32k with 100 points.

  • Member Posts: 3,409
  • Member Posts: 4,033

    That’s from getting eleven hooks. You can make up that 100 by hooking during EGC. I usually just finish the match rather than fiending for the full 32k.

  • Member Posts: 120

    His addons should actually have more unique effects, like maybe an addon that gives survivors hit with the POTD attack the Broken status effect, or maybe one that causes survivors who run over a trail to have their aura revealed for a few seconds(Instead of the killer instinct duration increase)

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    How are the recharge and duration addons bad? It allows you to place way more trails, block of way more areas, and force survivors to crouch more often or become tormented.

    I can agree the hemmorhage one seems kinda pointless i wonder if they meant to make it mangled instead.

    There are plenty of uses for iri seal, basically a free bbq for tormented ppl and combined with those duration addons it could be rlly good. Sure it's not the greatest iri addon but there are far worse ones.

    A bunch of freddy's addons apply blindess but no-one considers them bad.

    Pyramid head is one of the only killers without those pointless meme addons and all of his addons have a use, the use might just be harder to pull of or not a playstyle you enjoy to/

    Look he may not have the best addons, but he definitely by far does not have the worst, and there are many other killers who more desperate need looks at their addons. And if you rlly don't like the addons, just don't use addons at all. That's what i do on 3/4s of my killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    His base kit is really powerful. PH would be completely busted with crazy good add ons. He's bad at defending gens, but he's incredible at taking people out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,951

    I have a idea for the iridescent seal of metatron

    .Punishment of the damed applies torment to hit survivors.

    short and simple hit someone with power they get tormented simple and strong addon.

  • Member Posts: 6,291

    Could I show you something in the fine catalog of Amanda's Discount Add-ons? Perhaps arrange a trade or two?

    I'd say Dorito Head and my lil Piggy could both use some add-on luvinz.

  • Member Posts: 120

    I think that would be better as a Purple add on instead.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Because he is a strong killer that doesnt need super good addons

  • Member Posts: 487

    Spirit is a strong killer and almost all her addons are great

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