Terror Camping or camping in general isn't a strat.

So, to keep it short; the killer isn't straight face camping but they're terror radius camping. Its like they won't face camp you, but they won't let you out of their terror radius.

For the record, this isn't a strat; it's a crutch, muchlike NOED. This usually leads to tunneling, Slugging, and or straight face camping when the killer fails. I don't know why people call it a strat to win if you have to resort to camping yo get a kill; it's lowkey pathetic if you have to resort to that. It's not every day that I see people tunneling, face camping, or just going so low just to get a kill but its the ones who do that get really get me.

Usually, I see that in lower ranks and that's very often. I haven't been running into NOED often but I HAVE been running into campers and tunnelers. For the record, it doesn't make you any less of a bad killer if you have to resort to camping and tunneling to get your precious 4k; and no, again, it's not a strategy to win, it's a crutch.

A strategy is a plan something THAT you think up and roll out. To getting a better definition; this is what the dictionary says.

Strategy - Noun - a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Camping does NOT fall under this pretext because you didn't plan it out, you just said "Okay, so I suck or I want my 4k so I'll resort to just making the game unfun for everyone and get what I want." That's right, I'm calling ya out on it. So, don't try to call it a strat.

Back to my main focus, Terror Camping. Yeah, so this lowkey ain't really fun for many because if you don't have deliverance; you're screwed. It basically says "That's right, I'm camping and i'll slug you if you Come any closer." This apparently works out with killers like myers, ghost face and stealth killers in general. This leads to the survivor being put in the second phase, The team rushing the killer, the survivor gets tunneled and it's an easy kill for the killer; again, not a strat, it's a crutch. I've seen people DC from this either because that killer is tunneling them and has a Mori, or because they were basically tunneled the whole game. *Not fun.* Can we work to avoid doing this?



  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Again, camping still isn't a strat; and every killer falls under this pretext since every killer believes they're entitled to it when they can't get a glorious, wonderous, outstanding 4k.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    "playing smart." Isn't a thing, its child's play. We call camping puppy guarding but on a more serious level. Camping isn't a strat, its just saying "I suck so I'll resort to underhanded things to win." I ran into so many killers back then who didn't have to camp to win, they were on the ball and those were the ones that had me on the edge of my feet. Now people just camp because they can't get a 4k or getting a kill to even feel successful, its really pathetic.

    Like just now, I got out of match with a Plague and she wasn't camping, tunneling or anything she got two kills and applied pressure. A feng min and I escaped but you don't need to camp, tunnel or slug to get proper kills.

    Sounds like another entitled killer who supports making the game as boring, bleak, bland and just annoying as possible. Nice to know.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    There’s really no problem with camping. It IS a strat despite your definitions. Deal with it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    this post is a mess starts with to keep it short then writes 2 paragraphs ranting that terror radius camping isn't fun and it isn't a strategy

    camping for a 4k is a strategy because its a plan of action to camp to achieve the overall aim of getting a 4k

    by definition its a strategy

    does it make in fun for both sides, no

    but the main deterrent of camping is that its not fun or can make a killer lose against good survivors

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Just do gens, let there be a sacrifice

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    I'm so confused, did you have a bad match? Did your other survivors not come and get you since the killer was nearby?

    You made a long post and with alot of detail but I'm not finding why a terror radius near your location is a bad thing. There are so many other factors to consider, such as gen location nearest you, maybe the killer is hunting people nearest you, maybe the killer's mom cook them up some chicken nuggets and they can only play with one hand. Like we don't know what is going on lol

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited November 2020

    Edit: wrong thread

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    "Strategy - Noun - a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

    Camping does NOT fall under this pretext because you didn't plan it out, you just said "Okay, so I suck or I want my 4k so I'll resort to just making the game unfun for everyone and get what I want." That's right, I'm calling ya out on it. So, don't try to call it a strat."

    By your own definition it is a strategy, but you just go on to twist the situation to suit your salty needs. This is what happens more often, "Ok I just hooked that nea and I saw one person on a gen far away with bbq, the other two must be nearby since I didn't see them, I'll look for them." Or more straight forward. " I am going to circle this hooked person because I know someone will come to save them, then I will chase that person." How is that not a plan of action that achieves a goal?

    You would have to be willfully ignorant to not see that. I don't care about your camping argument either way but at least make valid points. Not ones that are clearly tailored to suit you. Just because a strategy is scummy doesn't make it NOT a strategy. And FYI the community calls it proxy camping, not terror camping.

  • scrceress
    scrceress Member Posts: 7

    I play survivor in red ranks (usually rank 4, sometimes rank 3) and camping and tunneling are a common strategy here. Yes, let's call it a strategy. That doesn't make it valid or more likeable to me, but per definition it's a strategy.

    As pointed out, the easiest counter to camping is for the other survivors doing gems instead of going for the rescue, so that only the person on hook suffers from the lack of skill of the killer. Call me biased, but in my opinion it's a massive lack of skill if you have to camp or even facecamp just to get a kill. There are scenarios where I understand camping, e.g. after the survivors genrushed or the exit gates are powered, but from the start? That's just pathetic.

    Yes, I do play killer as well. I am really bad at it. I often don't get a single kill at rank 17. Is that frustrating? Sure. I could get my kills through noed, moris or camping. But I don't gain any personal satisfaction with it. Why are people so adamant that this is a valid and fair strategy when you could just try and get better? Just practice. There are great killers out there, I played some super matches against them, where they can get a 4k without any of your so-called strategies, and I am genuinely happy for those killers because they got these skills through hours of practice.

  • scrceress
    scrceress Member Posts: 7

    In that case I'd rather go for the person that unhooked instead of tunneling. This way you don't have to worry about BT or DS, you are not tunneling and still get a chase with a survivor, who honestly deserved it for farming others off the hook.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    There is just one thing that is not clear to me: Whats your authority in this? Where you appointed, or voted as a judge for this things?

    If not, why should everyone respect or even care your opinion, when you clearly not respect or care for those that differs from yours?

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Have you ever considered BBQ and chilli. It’s honestly amazing looking around after hooking some one looking in one direction and seeing at least 2 survivors running closer. So of course I’m gonna stay closer to the hook cause the second i fake walking away they run at it

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Did....did a survivor player just say that I can do that?

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    They said it, they can't take it back.

    Quick, everybody take a screenshot.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Hm, to be honest with you, I always get camped and tunnelled. In most games. I expect to be tunnelled and camped.

    Then again, I do tunnel and play scummy because I want to and it’s the most optimal way, so I understand because I see both sides.

    People should experience both sides more often.

  • I have seen plenty of survivor teams where I hook one person, and then ALL THREE OTHERS are immediately coming for the rescue. What am I supposed to do as a killer after they do this the first time? Knowingly walk away from 3 easy targets to kick a gen, when I KNOW they are all going to be hovering around the hook within less than 30 seconds?

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Well, if you think you'll DC if you see a iri head, it's a stretegy too?

  • Me: *Plans on camping and tunneling all game before I'm even loaded into a lobby.*

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Sure but its a pretty ######### strategy which guarantees you lose.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    As somebody who plays both sides equally I feel like plays need to realise that not every single thing is a slight against them.

    Usually especially as a survivor you need to take the time to think and analyse the situation before you go off on an extreme tangent about camping or tunneling.

    If you noticed your teammates are being super altruistic you need to be careful because it usually means the killer is going to end up patrolling a lot more often.

    The amount of times as killer I have barely been able to walk to the nearest pallet to break after hooking a survivor before they get saved is ridiculous. If you have situations like that guess what the killer is going to start to do they're going to start to intensely search around the hook for those survivors who rush it.

    Camping becomes a strategy depending on how the survivors play usually overly alteristic survivors of very easily countered by slugging and camping. If I know all the survivors tend to rush for the save why the hell will I go across the map to try to find the mystical fifth survivor.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    By chance were they running ruin undiying you know the perks that require you to apply pressure or was the last gen done and the killers goal is to kill or were they in the mid of a 3 gen there are several reasons for the killer to "camp" then and if not just accept they are dead and speed gens

    Had a bubba game where he was hiding behind a tree w insidious and the hooked person had kindred and I solo did 3 gens while the randoms decided to challange a bubba " great idea" bc surivors are so smart if they win with the u cant touch me build but the killer is bad if their plan works

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    Bad news, though:

    I also give permission for survivors to play however they want.

    There, that about sews it up. Y'all go have fun. If it's not fun, figure out what is and go do that.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ahh yes I planed this exact thing at this time with this map bc rng dosent exist and I'm otzdarva galaxy brain come on the plan I go into each game it to Get 3kills and adjust baised on the situation at hand. A definition dosent work when randomize things are thrown into the map and those who dosent let up on a definition the killers plan is to kill

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Sometimes camping IS a strat, sorry. If a survivor goes down in the middle of a three gen, for example, they’re getting camped if I don’t want to throw the game. It’s nothing personal, but I’m not gonna walk away from every possible objective just so I’m not technically camping.

    It’s on you to make camping unappealing to the killer. Don’t go down in the middle of a three gen, don’t go down next to the basement, don’t bomb the hook, make it so that the killer feels pressured to leave the hook area so that they won’t lose more gens. You have 60 seconds so you can make them sweat a little bit. If they still camp, they’re throwing the game and you can teabag them on your way out of the gate. If you feed camping though, you make it viable.

    If anything I would say that the worst kind of camping is the premeditated kind. Insidious, NOED, Bitter Murmur so they can get everyone no matter what the survivors do.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Here we go again

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77

    A killer has to work off information in order to know where to go next.

    If a survivor is unhooked and i'm still close i'll head back to the hook.

    If I see a survivor close by the hooked guy, i'll go after him.

    If you're expecting killers to run off and leave you alone after you've been hooked you're dreaming at the speeds gens get done.

    If you're the first one hooked, congrats, you're the weakest link.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Plan of action dc against iri head

    Overall goal, not play in a match with iri head

    seems like a strategy to me, because literally any action is a strategy

    Not that I agree with all of them but they exist

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    thanks, I will be sure bring oni with franklins demise >:)