Terror Camping or camping in general isn't a strat.



  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Camping is technically a strategy. As you carry them to a hook, you think "yeah, I'm gonna camp this guy". That would fall under the definition of a strategy.

    Furthermore, camping is sometimes (very rarely, but occasionally) a good call to make, such as a gen almost done near the hook, or multiple survivors at the hook, you have been hook-bombed all game whenever you walk away. Sometimes camping is the right call.

    Sorry that the killer decided they wanted to play how they wanted to, you know, like anyone else who has bought the game?

    Also, NOED and camping crutches? Basement Bubbas crutches? What the hell are you on? Camping unnecessarily and Basement Bubbas are scummy, but NOED is perfectly fine, gives good players more value than bad ones, and if we talking about crutches, how many gens have you worked on in a killer's face cuz you know you have the small PP build up and running? How many times have you used Dead Hard to save your ass because you messed up? How many times have you gone unpunished for being unhooked in the killer's face cuz of BT? How many times have you had Spine Chill or OoO tip you off of the killer's location and would have cost you ur life otherwise?

    Survivors have 10x as many legitimate crutches as killers, and calling things like NOED and camping a crutch is laughable.

    1.5K hours and plays both sides at purple ranks BTW, so judge me as you will

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    I love playing Oni with the minotaur skin. Knowing how scary all that stomping, roaring and snorting is, plus tracking by blood orbs is so fun!

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    You need to understand context here. Were they camping just because it's easy without any other stratagem? Or were they defending a three gen and you happen to be in the middle of it?

    The latter is common with slower killers like, say, Deathslinger. It sucks, but ultimately it is perfectly manageable if people put pressure on those gens while simultaneously going for the save. I'm saying this because that tends to be my reason for terror camping. I think it's valid, and even the smartest strategy in this circumstance.

    People who just proxy camp at 5 gens with little strategy beyond just eliminating people from the getgo suck, yeah. Just punish them with quick gens, tbags/flashlight clicks and waiting as long as possible at the exit. As a killer player, I approve of this retribution.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited November 2020

    No it just sounds like you are irrational, sorry to say but the world doesn't revolve around your preferences and the reality is that camping is indeed a strat regardless of what you say because the definition of a strat is basically playing a certain way or having a plan that will benefit you or give you an advantage.

    Sorry that killers have a brain and know that chasing a survivor to 99% gates with other survivors to body block is pointless and won't benefit them. You want those killers go to rank 20 or stop being irrational and deal with the fact that "playing smart" exist because we as intelligent creatures can analysis and understand the advantages of playing a certain way to come out on top.

    Post edited by AChaoticKiller on
  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79

    Iron Will? On Bubba? Would that make him stop grunting or stop his chainsaw from making noise?

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Ah, yes, because I see no BBQ auras to go for and earn Devour Soap stacks, so I'm supposed to just WALK AWAY like I don't see you Blendetting behind a bush like, 3 feet to my right.

    If I know people are being lurkers waiting to unhook in my face, damn straight I'm sticking around.

  • IF you're hunting a specific survivor it's a good strategy- a lot of times if they're solo survivors, you can sniff out the one or two red rank, overly altruistic mother-hens that will constantly pop up to derail your mission- taking them out becomes your top priority, because that ONE survivor is the whole teams crutch

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2020

    Think of it like this.

    "I'll guard this hooked person so survivors are forced to make a choice of a trade or one less team mate".

    "I'll slug this guy so I can take others off generators, so I can put pressure on them".

    "I'll eliminate this person as quickly as possible because they're the best on the team, and they'll be the biggest threat".

    From top to bottom, you have "camping", "slugging" and "tunneling". All of those are strategies.

    For survivors:

    "I'm sure the killer will "camp", "slug" or "tunnel". So I'll bring perks to counter that".

    "I usually don't get healed by my team since I'm solo, so I'll bring Self Care to help that".

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    I've camped when it is clear the group I am playing is hammering gens but it also overly altruistic, so in that sense camping is a strat that works.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I'm pretty sure I meant Iron Grasp and defaulted to Iron Will because who tf uses Iron Grasp lmao

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Here is what I’ve found all day. I’m level 14 but have been lower. The killers who camp are so annoying because it’s there only skill. I’ve played 6 games today and all 6 camped.

    Im sure I’m not alone when people get annoyed when players drop out. BUT - it I go to rescue 2 people and both times the killer is camping, I either walk straight to the killer. Let him hook me so I can go play a different game. If IM on the hook and the killers camping me I’ll just hit close and go to my Boyfriends profile instead of the penalty is on.

    i Just don’t care to indulge in game play with these killers. It isn’t fun. If they want the points so badly, or they find it so fulfilling to use me as bate... screw you. I have better things to do with my time then indulge a poor player without any skills to actually play the game.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I don’t think a killer who stays within 95% striking distance has skills. That’s all. It’s a waste of everybody’s time. Why indulge a killer with me as bate when I can say f you drop out and find a new game. If they need the points they aren’t getting as many by playing that way and if it’s because their egos are so fragile they need the win so badly then by all means -here. You killer me. Happy dear?

    And I didn’t say it was cheating. Sure it’s an available option but not one I feel is good sportsmanship and I’d rather play with experienced killers who need their ego strokes to get a win in a video game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    Sometimes defending hooks is the better tactic than defending gens if survivors are super altruistic about it. If you want to give the killer a good reason to not stand near hooks, do gens.

    If you are going to d/c whenever a killer "camps" you should probably just find a different game to play instead.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    What is being altruistic? Staying on a hook. Watching players come closer to try and save and then they get killed and hooked too? What is altruistic staying on a hook so other players get to continue to make points while you sit there waiting to die? Let me put it this way - camping on hooks is the absolute easiest way to guarantee kills. Either as bate or players letting them die. It’s just so simple to do. If that’s how you want to play I could care less. But I’m not gonna sit around and wait when I can easily go join a new game.

    And I’m sure I’m not alone. If you get upset because players D/C so easily - they likely are doing it because what’s the point? You want the point? Here, have them, If that gets you off. BUT if you also complain about players who D/C then F you. Learn to play without making the game absolutely pointless if I stay in the game - meaning I don’t get to play at all if I stay or from staying and gaining no points from leaving.

    But you do you Boo. Like I said - if you get off playing that way Go For It. But do not expect people to just hang on a hook when they know it’s pointless and can easily go to a new game by jumping off the hook three times in a row and die anyway.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    What, because I use Devour Soap?

    On Blight?

    With Thrill of the Hunt and BBQ?

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    Why does it have to be EITHER OR? Even going to the next Gen on either side is close enough to head back if they get released. But at least the game FEELS like you have a shot to try and escape without the killers hacking you down before your even move from the hook.

    i am not implying you must let players win by going all the way across the map... but injuring more players and actually letting them play - and trying to get healed or hunting them down in a great chase.

    What game is worth playing if you KNOW you are just going to die in less than 5 minutes? Would you feel like sticking around for any game that STARTS the moment it starts as a losing game, why play?

    If a KILLER knew they would lose as soon as they hooked one person - what’s the fun? Would your skills improve? Would your points? Are are you just deciding, “wow, sitting here watching someone die is so fun. I’ll just stand here and watch. This is so fun not moving. Whoopee this is thrilling.”

    But like I said.... skilled players do not rely on the most simple way to get a kill. If you want to play that simply, then I’ll simply let you and say Bye!

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    I guess what I call camping is a different idea than what you are referencing here. You strategically TAKE a body to a space where there are multipole generators and options for players to take to try and rescue. At that point you may circle around a few times, expand your search a little and then who knows what may occur. This I can understand to lure people in and give chase to the survivor that's trying to unhook. It opens up the possibilities. It's also leaving the opportunity for 3rd player to swoop in and rescue -AND it can possibly lead to the killer to hook a second survivor nearby or not much farther away. In that case you are giving players options to also be strategic and work together, and if they aren't on a team, doing so in a cooperative way without conversation that TRIES to lead to different outcomes. This sounds like how people mainly play the game.

    I am specifically pointing out the Killer who hooks you. Waits nearby or literally standing in front of you, preventing any rescue. Literally standing in front of the hook full view - no questions that anyone would ever get a chance and just watching someone die. I also feel if you are doing the same thing waiting mere feet away with an invisible perk I can see you. I can see where you "hid" I have better things to do then be bait. Why part of the lure? Why help you lure the other players in? Might as well save them from danger and save yourself pointlessly waiting to die That's being altruistic. Saving the players from getting killed to while they can just go keep working on generators. i get to go play a new game.

    That is the difference. If no matter what, when you're on the hook then after immediately when you've been unhooked you are back on it before even taking two steps, then what's the point of me sticking around? If i don't even get a shot at trying to evade, why play? My skills aren't getting tested, your skills are at best, are amateurish and I have other matches with other players to go play instead.

    BUT once again - You can play however you want. But if you camp in the way I'm describing specifically - Your complaints about survivors DCing is moot. Try actually playing the game WITH the survivors. A killer and a survivor just standing looking at each other waiting for the survivor to die - there is no longer any point to the game.

  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79
  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    When I load into a map as killer am I map camping? Lmao. Seriously tho it is a strat whether you agree or not. But there's no such thing as terror camping sometimes there's a reason why the killer stays around the area for example BBQ didn't show auras or maybe the survivors have been insta saving with BT. Its a simple strat.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Well, whatever you want to call it, I just with my fellow survivor mains used it as an opportunity to gen rush and leave that killer to their 1k.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    My idea of camping is making it impossible once the person is hung to have any chance from doing their best escape and utilizing the skills they've learned to evade or with assistance from another survivor. No matter what it called - making the game pointless is bad gameplay. Also, PLENTY of killers don't camp and win games all the time without taking all of the fun out of it. Chase and pursuit is 1/2 the game skills that separate the players from challenge you some times win or lose. Any game tgat feels inevitable it will be over for you no matter what happens - go play how you want - i have no desire to indulge you. If the win is so desperate - here have the points. I could really care less.

  • BBWH
    BBWH Member Posts: 38

    And like EVERY game you play - If its pointless - like you know your only bait left to hang and die - you start a board game without less money - - you start to play pool but they start with only three balls on the table - you play cards but you will never be dealt any Jack Queens or Kings - Screw That. go jerk off to your big win that was inevitable before the game even begun.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    I feel like it still is a "strategy", but not a very good or thought out one. Kinda like if your strategy to play soccer is to close your eyes and randomly kick around hoping you'll kick the ball. A strategy, but not a good one. The people who play killer are probably the people who like power, and they're going to do whatever they can to make sure they stay in control. Tunneling, camping, whatever it takes. There's no changing that

  • Deckergirl
    Deckergirl Member Posts: 39

    So when killers camp

    ( hag draws a trap or trapper places one)

    You just die on hook, head into the next game & enjoy it.

    You just stop pretending like your getting paid to play because at the end of the day, no your not. It's just a videogame.

    It's funny when people QQ at me after I drag them into my basement & make them scream for help, like yes! Bring your squad peasant.

    N E S W say you enter basement from E then you want to hook them on the S hook because that wall literally right there you can insidious behind.

    Instantly grab people trying to be altruistic.

    At the end of the day you know you did something right when someone gets upset because your not playing by his/her imaginary rule book.

    Salty tears flow a long way to other people's happiness,

    Nothing makes me more happy knowing my unique playstyle made some kid on the internet cry.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so today i was playing killer and the group three genned themselves. there were two hooks near, so i hooked in my area and patrolled the gens... am I camping? nope! not at all.... is the survivor still there? yup..... so in essence while the survivor is on that hook in the a rea i'm patrolling not camping. most will still call it camping, but what am I supposed to do? take 5 minutes, walk the survivor across the damn map hook them away from the remaining gens? oh and they stopped trying becuase I was getting the hits and dows for it. lol Camping is very rarely a successful strat, same with tunneling, but it is rarely a successful strat none the less. If I'm moving around a hook it's because I'm looking for people, as it's my JOB to keep survivors on the hook or keep putting them on it. but keep thinking what you will, it's just something you have to get used to.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I agree if you dont want the killer around, give them a reason to leave. also if camping killer and you are on the hook, wait it all out. waste the killer's time while the others get the gens done! it sucks for points and pipping but that's ONE match... the next time it might be someone else and you do the gens etc.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's a good strategy since it works for most people. This thread is like saying gen rushing is not a strategy because it's not fun. You simply don't understand the word.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    They don't even need BT or DS with how hitboxes decide to just disappear sometimes when they decide to hook-dive:

    You can tell I noticed David chasing me to the hook. That's why I instantly charged up the chainsaw after the hook animation yet it quite literally did NOTHING to him OR the unhooked survivor.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree and that is the smarter way to play Killer. Its always smarter to go on the saviour instead of the saved. Unless 1 thing, when the BT guy bodyblocks the hell out of you, that doesnt happen often though but if that happens in that case you just tunnel him then, cuz I mean... well he is offering himself to you for a free slug ;)

  • PrimeSkooma
    PrimeSkooma Member Posts: 5

    Insert crying baby gif

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Pretty convenient you left out that no other survivors have to be around the hook for that penalty to apply. So camping IS a strat if people are bumrushing hooks or you are nearby to somebody close to being sacrificed. I don't support just facecamping because its boring. But if people think killing people is winning and facecamping is how they want to do it? Let em.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    4k is so easy now so many killers need to think they're good and play with 'hard skill strategies' to feel better

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Look at it this way...

    If you are a killer and you realize that the moment you turn your back, there is someone there to save every time you hook someone. Chances are the killer will catch on and start proxy camping more than leaving immediately. That to me becomes a strategy because you are basing your actions on how the other side seems to play.

    I do agree that this can be abused though, and people will force a trade or a stage 2, and that to me isn’t a strat. It’s basically just taking advantage of a built-in mechanic. Same as a survivor who wants to say they were outplaying you when they have 2 extremely good set ups next to shack.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Didn't plan it ha I always plan it if I see a survivor with a torch I plan to camp the sh*t outta them especially when they have paid for cosmetics so it is classed as a strategy just you don't know if they plan it out

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    To avoid this I'll go for the saviour and if I lose that one and bump into the hooked one well they find themselves back where it all began... doesn't stop them moaning tho 😂

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It looks like your chainsaw only hit the Kate’s hitbox, and since she had invincibility frames while stuck in the unhook animation it did nothing. And when a survivor is unhooking their hitbox is actually a bit behind where they’re standing since they kind of lean forwards, but their hitbox doesn’t - so if you’d aimed a little more to the left you would have caught David as he unhooked.

    Kind of silly, but that’s how it works. Whenever I aim for an unhooking survivor now I always aim behind them and I pretty much always hit them. A lot of killer players don’t know this and inadvertently hit the guy being unhooked.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    It's a strat that works when survivors choose to run around the hooked survivor instead of doing gens. Sadly I see this work enough times and I'm at rank 4/5 survivor. It won't work on a well coordinated team of course. But in solo Q, it def has a high success rate in my survivor experience.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    In conclusion, killers should hook someone and then go to the opposite side of the map and facecamp a wall.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    its most of the time not the killers fault ( at least not when I play). I’ll hook someone then look around with bbq and see all 3 rushing the hook, I’ll walk towards one hit them and they’ll use the boost to get to the hook and unhook with me right there than boom 1 on hook and one who just got downed

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Thanks for letting me know. I will keep that in mind next time I encounter a hook diver.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Uh, so on an unrelated note to this; this the only post i've had that has over 4 pages. The majority says that it is a strat it just depends on the situation and or used my own words against me. I get it, I was wrong. It's still an annoying strat and I refuse to acknowledge it as such.

    For those giving it tips, thanks! I'll read over the posts and see what I can do to avoid getting underhanded like that.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I see.

    Doing something to create a desired effect or outcome isn't a strategy.

    If you need to make up your own fictitious definitions to deal with or rationalize a situation, you may want to re-evaluate your worldview.

    You come off as very entitled, throwing around the standard tropes like 'crutch' and 'bad killer.'

    Just another cringy post on the DBD forums complaining camping, tunneling, crutches, and bad killers - killers so bad that their 'non-strategy' has them downing, hooking, and killing you... upsetting you so much that you ran to the forums to fight a dictionary.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Best advice would be to not let your emotions get the better of you, but acknowledgment is a positive step forward.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    So camping is an underhanded way of getting kills? What about genrushing being an underhanded way to escape? Sometimes the smartest thing to do is camp, so dont get mad if the killer is playing optimally. You sound like another entitled survivor main who thinks that he should get everything handed to him;)

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are technically wrong. It is a strategy, just not an effective or original one. And it has a goal in mind, since the killer's goal is to kill, and it does almost ensure a kill. Same with Noed, albeit more effective. I agree both are kinda scummy ######### things to do tho