To my red rank solo brethren



  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    It's hard to say a percentage honestly. Im getting close to 5k hours, equal killer/survivor time, all solo. I escape most of my games regardless of my teammates. But I die a lot too. I mean I can't help getting tunnelled off hook and my team doesn't have BT, or the moris I get in a lot of games. I also never run DS. I run adrenaline, borrowed time, any means necessary, and we're going to live forever. Any means is a recent addition but I'm finding it to be really helpful. Saving pallets from my teammates bad plays and I like the fact I can throw pallets myself with less fear as I can just save them. Also helps in chase, killers almost always break the pallet when I try to pick it up in their face, breaking the pallet removes bloodlust so I almost never get bloodlusted.

    As a killer you play 1 against 4. Everyone knows this. Took me a while to realize solo survivor is also 1 against 4. You need to analyze your team as you play. And some times you need to know when to let people go. If your own play style doesn't mesh with the other players you're just going to have a bad time.

    So are they all being stealthy? Don't rush to gens because you will get chased the most since the killer probably won't find them. Being loud while your team is in stealth mode just makes it easier for the killer to tunnel you. If you're the only one they can find it's kinda your fault for not playing along, at least a little bit. It is important to get on gens as quickly as you can, but I usually give it a second at start of match, find a vantage or line of sight, count to 10, watching your team, seeing what they do, then decide your course of action.

    Are they all rushing to get unhooks and no one is ever on a gen? Someone needs to be on a gen at all times, better get on one because they certainly aren't. Or is it the opposite and no one goes for saves because they are all scared? You need to fill the roles your team is leaving empty.

    Analyzing your team's play style as a solo is just as important as figuring out the killers perks and play style. A lot of times I commit to gens or make crazy plays based on faith in my team from watching how they have played. Or I knew that my team was throwing or playing poorly, so I rush gens, getting as many done as possible so I can exit out the hatch when they die. Which leads to my next main point.

    It's also really important to understand the hatch mechanics as a solo player. Having faith in your team is one thing but knowing your team isn't going to make it is another. You need to be ready for when they all die. I'm not telling you to go camp the hatch and not work on gens. Don't be that person. But knowing when the hatch appears on the board, finding it ahead of time, has saved me so many times. Having that information can tell you if you should go for a door play or straight for the hatch.

    So has the killer seen the hatch? Have you seen the hatch? If you know the answer to those questions escaping becomes a lot easier. Just remember 2 people alive, 2 gens left, hatch appears, and, 3 people alive, 1 gen left, hatch appears. If you go to the hatch for a standoff with the killer, face to face, and they do not hit you, RUN. They know how the hatch works and you won't make it through. The killer has priority to close the hatch in that situation. If they do try to down you on the hatch however, they are stunned for a second from the swing, losing their collision, and you can spam m1 and escape, provided it opened.

    Sorry for how long this got or if you knew any of this already. I try to write for any new players that may read this.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    I practically only play solo, and in a set of 12+ games, I'm lucky to survive 2, whether gen and gate completion or killer mercy. If I play solo and climb ranks solo so everything I have I've earned. If you don't "survive 70, 80%" don't feel bad. The truth is you will face a ton of hardcore do-it-for-the-killer killers, especially in the evening and MOST solo survivors won't stick their necks out. But keep your chin up, there's some of us out there who will pull our weight with a "team mentality"!

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    It’s a compilation of things everybody should be aware of. They’re pretty obvious to me but well summed up.

    The only thing I would say to you is, there’s an issue: most survivors are so incompetent it physically hurts. So more often than not competent players will find themselves having to do 80% of the work for 20% of the reward. You will most likely die too. A Claudette will probably get the hatch.

    That’s solo queue dbd.

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    Same for me man my whole team someone only gets out about 30%

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes I would totally agree, and often why rando solos don't seem to escape as often. I have been injured finishing a genny with another survivor. Killer shows and they run leaving me to go down, like why not take a hit. We need more people as solos that do trade hooks for their team

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, no doubts, They better my teammates, the better my odds of escape.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks, the solo survivor red ranks is kinda the last accomplishment I am trying for.

  • That_one_slashy_boi

    I mainly have a 5% chance of survival due to how I play. My standard build is DS, Dead hard, Borrowed Time, and self-care.

    The majority of the time I us DS is because I do it so I can help other survivors and take hits or get them off them hook.

    Everything else should be self explanatory.

    I have the mindset of them getting out before me.

    I'm mainly just stuck with safety pips.

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    Im red rank dev 7 i dont loop or use meta perks always solo dont even own headset have never dc escape 5 or 6 outta 10 but i have a teammate dc ragequit or sandbad 80% of the matches itsa 12 point system for survivor and most players dont get that it seems

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I am not sure I get what you are saying. I was curious how often solo survivors escape.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I mostly die. Usually I'm the only survivor that knows how to loop so I can keep a killer busy. But I guess my teams are blind bc they never touch a gen

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    No problem! You'll get red, just have fun while doing it~ it is a game after all. Might as well enjoy it.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    All you can do is hope the killer is really bad honestly. Luckily there are just as many boosted killers as there are red rank survivors but the killer only needs to rely on himself. It only takes one bad team mate to screw everyone over. The problem with survivor is you can only boost other survivors so much. Even if I try to get the killer to focus on me, nothing I can do if my team mates waste it all self caring and hiding the entire time.

    Red ranks has rank 20 quality survivors more than not. It is a treat to see a red rank survivor know what they are doing. Most competent killers can easily abuse a poorly matched and ranked survivor team.

    All you can really do is try to read the killer and your team. Do they all go down instantly and not do gens? Play extremely passively and make the hatch your goal. Do they try to get gens done but cant loop? Then I will attempt to run the killer. Have another good looper on your team? Bust those gens bc the other 2 survivors will go down fast. Sometimes the randos will clown around enough to keep the killer off gen petrol so I can safely get most of them done.

    Solo is an rng experience and extremely inconsistent no matter your rank. Killers like to think VC is what makes SWF strong. It's not. It's because we get to have a full competent team that knows how to play and help eachother and we cant have that can we. ;^)

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    5 or 6 escapes out of 10 solo q the other 5 or 6 are dc rage quit or survs workin against other survs

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 255

    Around 60-70% in red ranks I would say? I do survive more often than not, although matchmaking is questionable, no matter which side I play.

    Sometimes I get a killer that chases me for 5 minutes before they DC, sometimes I get chased for 3 minutes without a gen getting done, other times my brain turns off for some random reason and I go down almost instantly but my team is good enough to cover up my mistakes.

    My strat for solo q is to take aggro whenever it is smart to do so, since the chances of teammates just holding m1 correctly is higher than them being good in chases, so whenever somebody is found first and is injured near me I try to bodyblock and either buy the chased survivor extra distance, or get hit and proceed to loop the killer. If I didn't despise OoO as a killer so much I would probably run that too, not because of the information, but as a sort of taunt to get the killer after me.

    If I am not getting chased I focus on splitting gen pressure, if somebody is running towards my gen I leave and look for another one, which in my experience is often better (assuming the gen is still <30%), since there is no gen slowdown and if the killer applies regression to the gen with pop and chases after the survivor on the gen I can run back and finish the gen, instead of getting pressured with the other survivor.

    The last thing I really focus on is to prevent 3 gens by almost always focusing middle gens early on, in doing so it's almost impossible to 3 gen and killers have more areas without objectives that they have to travel trough while they patrol gens, thus resulting in less chase time usually.