“Hello, I’m quitting DBD forever!”

I have played for [inordinate amount of time] and I am completely fed up with [mundane easily avoidable problem]. I can’t believe the devs would ever do something so stupid, how could they ever allow [mundane problem] to be in the game for so long. I am so frustrated with the problems in this game that I played it for [four digit number] hours but now it’s not fun anymore!
Because I never got enough attention as a child I am now telling you that after [four digit playtime] I am completely burnt out with this crap game until [mundane problem] is fixed!
I see your running an experiment. Understandable have a nice day.
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Hello and Goodbye
See you tomorrow
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I've always been bad with ad libs, not my strong suite.
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Snarky reply.
Dismissive hand wave.
25 -
[Insert Teabagging Kate Denson]
[Insert a few flashlight clicks]
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As someone who's reached Red Rank multiple times, you're just not gaming hard enough. Sad to see you leave, hope you find another game that's for you!
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Vaguely on topic remark on how things used to be when the game was in its first year, followed by a meme of some sort.
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winter is coming
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Users who post this usually have lower than 500 post as well :P
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Yeah, but they only came here to tell us they're leaving.
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Reading this thread, and it's comments. Mocking the players that leave because they get sick of the toxicity that people have been complaining about for years. It's exactly like BHVR treats Killers like Warner Bros. treats Johnny Depp. Same with how they treat Survivors like how Warner Bros. treats Amber Heard, and you all act like those crazy Amber Heard fans that don't listen to logic, or proof.
Like even someone who is "Trusted" came in to comment to laugh at other's expense - these are the members you consider "Trusted" the ones that only supports the toxic and bullying behavior in the community. Yeah. This is dissapointing to see.
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I think you misunderstand, leaving a game because you don’t like it is a very normal average thing to do. What I don’t get is all the fanfare people insist including with it.
”I’m quitting this game for life!” posts are a Dime a dozen. They come off as shoddy attempts to garner attention to me, and make all the less sense when they cite having played the game for thousands of hours; of course you’re going to get bored, that’s a predictable response to doing the same task for so long.
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[Insert Second Kate Denson Giving "The Pointer"]
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And sometimes they are true. Sometimes they are not. It's an addictive game. Hell the whole basis of a game like this is to get people addicted and to keep coming back to spend money on DLC's. The revenue comes from the DLC's, everything else is extra.
Some people when they've had enough - speak up. Regardless of the reason why, it's still valuable information about the current state of the game, and shouldn't be made fun of, dismissed, or mocked. When the Dev's have been hinting (an enourmous amount) they are having trouble keeping Killers in the game because the Killers are not enjoying it. They are also have a hard time keeping solo players (which most solo players prefer killer). You're response is to further make this community worse for people?
This thread is only garnishing the same problem all these people were talking about - that you mocked. It's like watching a group of junior school bullies. Do you guys have anything better to do with your lives than to belitte and make fun of others?
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This is one of those scenarios where the OP is mocking a subset of annoying posts, but coming off more annoying then those other posts.
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I just came here for a small laugh. If my comment offended you I'm sorry.
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Simple solution to [Mundane problem], just get a better gaming chair
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Possibly because most people logically assume it is potentially beneficial for a company to know when and why it's customers are abandoning them. Leaving it in public gives others who may be feeling the same way the opportunity to up the signal towards the company.
And it gives dismissive douchebags a brief moment to feel better about themselves by being a jerk to people they don't know over an issue they don't care about.
Creating a thread like this is hypocritical in the extreme. You think they should leave silently, so you write an attention seeking post that has no effect on the "issue", when you could just as easily skip every single "I'm quitting" post and keep your own silence. That wouldn't get you up votes though.
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Longtime players voicing why they're leaving can be valuable data. There's a reason they frequently run surveys.
Threads like this on the other hand serve no purpose but to mock people for daring to hope someone might read and give a ######### why the thing they put literal thousands of hours into is no longer enjoyable to them. And then ironically this thread claims the only purpose of those threads is for attention. The unbelievable irony.
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High quality 💩post 🥇
Love it
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To be fair, the problem is those people are voicing their reason why they are leaving when they already made up their minds.
it’s more often than not a brand new account, we don’t know how many hours they played. We do know they didn’t give any feedback or suggestions in the forums during their active time in the game, they didn’t made their voice heard. They didn’t want to be part of the forum community but they feel the need to tell us why they leave.
maybe I am naive but nobody cant think that’s how you reach BHVR to give feedback..
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Sometimes they are even brand-new accounts.
I mean, thats the logical thing to do - create an account in the Forum of a game you say you will never play again.
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Hey Quitting Dbd Forever, I am dad.
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Probably because anyone with over 500 posts doesn't want to risk getting banned.
I respect people like the OP who have a sense of humour.
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This isn’t the airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.
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The people who actually legit quit the game, they do it silently without posting "i'm quitting" on forums.
Those threads are baits.
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This, except it says they only have 1 post
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Like people who quit social media they first have to make multiple posts about how they are quitting, your narcissistic personality disorder on display for all.
Classic. LOL
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You forgot to say how camping and tunneling is OP and so is legion since he makes you mend for an eternity (12 seconds).
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Today, I also quit DBD forever. Just like I did yesterday, the day before and the day before that. Tomorrow I will also quit forever, and probably the next day too.
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[Empathetic reply]
[Wishes of good luck]
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[angy reply]
[trashtalk of person]
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[Insert me caring here] or dont
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What will you spend all your upvotes on? I'm thinking of getting something simple like a Ferrari
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I love this
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I blame the devs because I'm the best, most non-toxic, non-sweaty [main] on pc
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I was thinking a pool for summer, but maybe a biodome until the rona calms down.