Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

This game isn't worth for solo survivors.

Member Posts: 6,090
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not only took me 10 minutes to find a match (PC, Europe), I get green and purple ranked team mates and killers who cry about "genrushing" even though that's the only thing you're supposed to do.

I have 3.6k hours in this game, and it just gets worse and worse.

Why is it taking me 10 minutes to find a match with people who aren't even my rank color? If I was waiting less than a minute to match with these, sure, but 10 minutes? bruh.

And what is up with killers being toxic (nodding, hitting on hook, facecamping) for "genrushing"? What do they expect survivors to do?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Feel bad for you mate I'll still get potatoes for teammates. But I play on mobile it only takes a minute or two to get a match as survivor and a little longer as killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I wouldn't be as pissed if it was fast matchmaking, but it makes no sense to wait 10 minutes to just be matched with whatever ranks.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Would also like to add that the match before this was me (rank 4), 3 rank 18 team mates and a rank 11 killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    If you're sitting in queue for several minutes matchmaking will typically throw you in a lobby with every-rank survivor even if you're red rank.

    Another indicator for a "new-ish player lobby" is default skins as displayed in the screenshot.

    As for toxic killers... Well... That guy is probably new despite his rank 3 and gets stressed out the second Tinkerer triggers a single time.

    Try not to worry about these kind of people. There's plenty of overly salty and toxic people on both sides. You know that.

    Try to focus on the people that are/were fun to play with/against.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Unfortunately, lobby dodging for seeing default skins would just make me have to wait at least 10 more minutes. If the Q times were instant, I wouldn't have a problem with the crappy matchmaking.

    It's always at night as well, during the day I actually have team mates of similar rank and barely takes a minute to find a lobby.

  • Member Posts: 974

    PC survivors take me some time in the evenings. Always ALT+tabbed out looking up something or w/e online while sitting in que.

    For me personally I don't care about popping 5 gens and escaping. Only do gens with a co-op buddy since you always get more points. Hit 7-8k points in objective never touch a gen again and run around popping totems, altruism stuff, looting chest or screw around with the killer. Maybe escape or start EGC if it seems like everyone dying.

  • Member Posts: 250

    Killer mains always act like they have it so hard, meanwhile solo survivors have been getting constant nerfs and weak/useless perks for reasons caused by SWF, which ironically decreasses the amount of solo survivors and increases the amount of SWF.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yep, that screenshot is the story of my DBD life lately as far as matchmaking goes.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    The state of the game now. Too many huntresses because of unfair advantage, broken hitboxes, not enough defenses and little counterplay. I see Tinkerer too. How unfun.

  • My mental is actually burnt to a crisp because of this. My games always go the same.

    The killers feel super fast recently, dead hard is useless because servers are trash, my solo teammates get downed and hooked within the first minute of the game with 5 gens left. Meaning games pretty much over or I have to sweat sweat to try and get out... Killer's keep complaining about SWF. Never about how many solo teams they demolish in a day. Idk I've stopped playing surv. My games have the same outcome.😀

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited November 2020

    I keep saying this nerf swf put an action reduction speed depending on number of teamed players and buff solos. Stop nerfing/balancing solo and swf in the same metrics the gap in efficiency is unbelieveably obscene between solos and swf.

  • Member Posts: 305

    why i dont play dbd more, bs hits, because devs waist to much time for bringing hit validation, and when you play it you become the worst surviver mates, they cant right run away... no thanks i wait for mmr or hit validation, earlier you can play with swf in discord channel, but now you must be friend with every lobby do you wannt to play with them

  • Member Posts: 681

    I like bringing prove thyself as solo survivor. Solo games are so bleak. I like to imagine seeing this icon gives my teammates bonus confidence for the trial. It's also one of the few perks you're basically guaranteed to get some useage out of.

  • At the end of the day, BHVR doesn't care. They view all survs as SWF and how strong that is. It feels like anyway. They dgaf about solos. Sad truth. This forum will be buried eventually. Probably gonna say goodbye to DBD soon. Which is sad because I did enjoy this game at one point. Wish I could get my money back for how much I blew on this game.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I have no problems with matchmaking (PC, Europe), but 7 out of 10 solo games I play end up in 4k. Pretty frustrating. A lot of DCs too.

  • Member Posts: 825

    Dont complain about mm time when you have crossplay are doing this to yourself

  • Member Posts: 58

    That feeling when you know survivors are able to to do 4 gens under minutes.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Solo queue has always been trash but recently it’s getting worse with matchmaking, even though ranks are a meme, getting more wonky. Nowadays, I’m forced to spam killer games until I at least have a duo partner and even then it really isn’t that much better. But shared suffering makes it easier when you get back to back Freddy’s and console w gamers I guess

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Its the same for me. Rank 1 but rank 10 or higher teammates urban evading around the map against ruin/undying Freddies or god huntresses. And occasionally 3 red rank teammates against a green rank killer. Matchmaking has been seriously busted the last few weeks. I can't remember the last time I had a long, fair match.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    This wasn't even a good huntress. Only time she was able to hit me with an m2 was when I was hanging on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    It does take long for me, and I'm on PC EU. Just because your experience is different doesn't mean mine is like yours lol.

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