It needs to be easier to negative pip as killer.

ImplicitTruth Member Posts: 9
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been playing the game for a few months passively, and all I have been getting is sweaty matches where I 0K or 1K since I got to purples. To me, this is a sign that I should NOT be this rank. But because of how often I get brutal when I really should be depipping, the game artificially props me up to this rank that I think I don't deserve.

This may just be an issue of killer being too hard to play in general for noobs and that there is a high relative population of strong survivors compared to killers, I don't know. All I know is that I shouldn't have to purposely depip to get matches that are actually competitive (sometimes wins, sometimes losses).

Why isn't there an option for -2? This might be the most egregious issue. If I get curb stomped two games in a row, then get one game where I play very well and +2, this still should not be net neutral. I should be ATLEAST -1, it is literally two losses to 1 win.

I don't know why I'm even ranting about this. I think this game is just too hard to get into. Every match as killer is frustrating to no end and with the amount of great survivors I run into I hardly ever get anything done. I just don't have fun because of it. I dont even know why I play at this point.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • ImplicitTruth
    ImplicitTruth Member Posts: 9

    That is more an argument that the design for adepts is bad rather than that the pipping system is good. The fact that you can play the same exact game for an achievement and your rank determines whether you get it or not is a glaring issue.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Well you also have to think about this as well, the rank system in dbd is out of date completely, hence why usually we refer to it as "playtime" instead of skill. The adepts are poorly designed yes, but the ranking system is worse

    This is why BHVR is working on an MMR

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Ya the rank system works on emblems not kills. Ive had games with 4 kills and did plus 1, and games with no kills and only 2 hooks and still didn't get a -1. I don't believe thats how it should work I don't think I should rank up with no kills and just 2-3 hooks just because I kicked some gens and got in a bunch of chases. Obviously I played terrible that game.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I've only got brutals on "draws". I think its fine that way. A depip should be preserved for getting actually slaughtered by the survivors. It would be too easy for salty killers who don't want to learn to punish new players.

    You can't improve by playing against people worse than you.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    What killer are you playing? Some killers have an easier time black pipping than others.

    Legion for example is an emblem king. Basically guaranteed Iri Chaser and Malious because of his power which is already a black pip from purple ranks or below.

    Plague and other killers with instant downs can easily depip even with a 3K if they end the game too fast with their power.

  • ImplicitTruth
    ImplicitTruth Member Posts: 9

    I play every killer for the most part. The ones I've been playing recently because I still have cakes are Trapper, Wraith, Nightmare, Pig, Clown, Plague, Executioner

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Absolutely crazy idea. I depip enough as it is, alongside getting 3-4k black pips.

  • Freddo
    Freddo Member Posts: 139

    Im depipping on purpose just so i can get my adepts. Its hell in red ranks.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Even longer queues on high ranks? No, thank you.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    PvP games are suppose to be sweaty. The more u play, the games become sweaty 4 stack games.

    What ppl want is to go beat up on the noobs.

    This mentality isn't exclusive to dbd.

    Basically all PvP games I've played has been like this. Go play COD, it's same thing. After a while it's sweaty games after sweaty games. Ur not suppose to go beat up on the noobs.

    That's why ppl have Smurf accounts. So we can mess around, enjoy the game, and abuse the killer without even knowing that we abused the killer.

  • Reptile
    Reptile Member Posts: 24

    I'm trying to hit R1 Killer.. but if I ever do, then I'm happily going to go back to try my newer killers... that new system that looks at the success you had as a killer, never worked.. I had a brand new killer and still hit red ranks though I was green-purple... still.. I'm looking forward to de-pipping so I can have a chance at some fun games with new killers I'm learning...

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    A -2 pip could be easily abused. I run into enough killers that go afk all game in the basement and use the excuse that they're trying to derank. If deranking is made easier it will probably be more common for people to go afk and not participate in gameplay to intentionally derank and get easier games.

  • Reptile
    Reptile Member Posts: 24

    Or would you run into them half the time you do now? You know.. as they woud de-rank in double the speed?

  • ImplicitTruth
    ImplicitTruth Member Posts: 9

    The goal isn't to beat up on noobs. The goal is to get more even matchups. Beating up on noobs is almost as unfun as getting beat up on yourself. I just want to play people at my skill level and get some wins, some losses.

    Most competitive PvP games as you've described face strong players vs strong players, and that is a good thing. What I'm saying is that the current pip system filters decent killers too far upward because it's too difficult to depip.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    yea the pip system sucks. that's why ppl have smurf accounts cuz the pip system is not what it should be. also the MMR system sucks too. we got to play with what we got.

    the main problem is that the killers are too hard to play once u get passed the noobs. once u past rank 13 and u start playing against rank 1-12 survivors, where the at least half the survivors are uber good, and 2 mediocre, the game is very difficult, gens pops fast, chases are longer, this is also where the bullying the killer starts. want to pick up a survivor? flashlight stun, want to go hook that hard earned survivor? hook sabo.

    i had to go thru a series of being bullied to get where im at. and went thru the same phase as u. just have to suck it up and get good. or de-pip. survivors like bullying the killer and escaping anyway. play some matches where u just get owned just for depip reasons. some survivors will try to cream it in your face though,bout how suck u are at the game. u need a thick skin to play dbd especially as a killer. cuz everything is ur fault. u are such a bad person. u are toxic. becuz u are the killer. killer's life is lonely, guilt tripped, bashfest. u stand alone vs hordes of toxic survivors who believe they are the good guys and ur the evil boogeyman.

    just look at the forums. some survivors simply refuse to believe they are the actual toxic ones.