Apparently Bloodlust is getting disabled temporarily for this weekend?
Honestly,the FPS drop from bloodlust is the absolutely worst one from all,because you pretty much always get it at the WORST possible time making the chase i have way longer than it should be and can even lose me the game.
That's why i always wanted an option to disable bloodlust,because it only screws me over >:(
This weekend will be so good as console killer :D
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Yes, probably it will go from 32% now to 35-36%. 1 more surv would escape in 25 more games. Unacceptable.
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Would you download the PTB just to test this change?
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
Strong loops still exist in the game, so in my opinion bloodlust is still needed. I agree with others that if they're going to disable it for the weekend, then give us double blood points while you conduct your experiment.
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I would not test this on the live servers.
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Actually that makes sense
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I don't see how testing this on the ptb would provide more useful feedback. Live servers have a much larger playerbase than the ptb.
Personally I think testing this live makes the most sense.
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Welp, survivor queues in high ranks will be long as Satan's dick this weekend.
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This was not my question. Because I am pretty sure that you wont get much data if you test it on a PTB.
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Everyone is talking about beast of prey or bloodlust and I'm here thinking which audio bug this is going to cause
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introduce infinites by adding breakable walls - check
introduce more god loops by removing bloodlust - check
make the game even more braindead for survivors - check
me continuing to stay away from this nonsense - check
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I would play and test it on the ptb
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I have crossplay off on ps4, I'm pretty excited to see from both sides the difference it makes. I know there's been plenty of times a killer should've gotten a hit on me but didn't because bloodlust kicked in. As survivor bloodlust shouldn't be helping me escape a hit.
Now if only they'd turn off that circle highlighting crap whenever a survivor is hooked, finishes a gen, screams from madness, etc. that'd be great to stop a portion of fps drops for survivor that will kill them during struggle.
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Thank you BHVR!!! Time for killers to git gud. But this alone won't change much.
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because not enough people go to the ptb anymore. they can't even have actual matchmaking on the ptb because of this. this is actually the best way to test this. and find out what needs to be changed. If more people would go to the ptb then they'd test it there, this way they get way more data and a much bigger chance of seeing where changes are really needed... I would HOPE though they compensate those that play killer in some way because bloodlust is still needed with things as it is.
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Holy crap... this is real. They bring back infinites with poor breakable wall placement and then do this? Just another example of the balance team not understanding their own game. This test should have never been considered, especially with how the game is today.
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Exactly, you get way more data by testing it on the Live Server.
Personally, I would not mind to give a small BP-Bonus during this weekend. Not Double, maybe not even 1,5 but maybe like 1,25 or something like that. Just to encourage even more players to play while they test it.
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Breakable Walls dont really count as an argument, since you would lose Bloodlust anyway when breaking the Wall.
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I mean, they should probably offer bonus bloodpoints during that period to encourage people to help them test. No need to be stingy. A lot of people will read that and think "Yeah no, I don't want to play handicapped" and they won't get data from many people.
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Why is it an outdated mechanic?
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Well at least it's temporary I understand some killers need it I guess they want to see no blood lust statistics to see who needs changes? I guess.
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Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Huntress, Myers, Bubba, Freddy, Clown...
You underestimate the strength of that stupid freakin' tree.
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You are literally on the forums for the video game, so I call into question why you would put a check for "staying away".
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Im having a flashback of running around of some random structures, where I can't even throw hatchet as Huntress.
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The maps have been shrunk, less pallets, infinites removed, major dead zones, ruin undying leaves ruin up almost all game now. Killers are killing in the 70% range.
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Devs are going for a 2k average, and many killers are outperforming that.
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I mean, I like that they're doing an experiment instead of just changing stuff, and I like that they warned us. My first impulse was to stay away, but then I realized it's important for people who are bad at killer to play, so they can have that data, too.
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No one can think that devs want 2k average. That”s false. It was almost 3k before undiying
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That Is what they have stated
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Let's hope they get that balance for the weaker killer and stronger killers. However balance is tricky in this game.
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Agreed, balance is very tricky in this game.
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No kidding...
I'm admittedly a baby huntress, but I have to bloodlust at least once a game to deal with this stuff.
Maybe I wouldn't mind if they fixed the janky hit boxes of waist high bs half the maps are littered with.
My killer mains right now are Huntress, Myers and Legion. Rip 2/3 for my newbie self I guess...
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I Know, but it”s evident they”re lying, or at least they”re afraid to try it
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It was made when the maps were ######### and there were loops that were literally "infinite" and you couldn't catch survivors until you got bloodlust but now its not needed anymore
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I am just not going to play killer this weekend, easy enough. Hopefully others do the same.
Maybe if queue times are so awful no one can get a match they'll take the hint.
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As to why we didn't do this on the PTB:
- Only a small fraction of people opt into the PTB, so we would get far less data and it wouldn't reflect the entire community well.
- Because of the above, ranked matchmaking has been disabled on the PTB for a long time.
Beyond those, if there are other changes on the PTB, it becomes impossible to tell how much of an effect this test had versus how much of an effect the other changes had. If there aren't other changes, even fewer people would opt in just for the test.
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Testing it on Live will give more accurate feedback than on the PTB, where people tend to play differently in general. The data etc will be more reliable on the live build.
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More infinates are being made with breakable walls now.
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Sound like a killer main who always want 4k, probably camper/tunneler. Thx for no playing
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Didn't know Stretch Armstrong was coming back into fashion.
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Not a huge fan but bloodlust wont fix that anyway because the pathway is still blocked. Unlike the old infinites they aren't really infinite because you can break the wall. It's like an already dropped safe pallet in a way.
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Some toxic killers are going to be so mad haha XD
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Those KR stats are hyper inflated:
"Given those statistics include first hook suicides and DC games its hard to take those stats seriously.
A survivor DCing in a game pretty much dooms their 3 teammates to death so even without the DC itself counting as a kill it still gives a 75% KR.
Also before you say about "what if the killer DCS" if the killer players DC at the same proportional rate aka 1/4th as much then its still heavily inflates the KR
4 survivor DCing across 4 games dooms 12 teammates.
1 killer DC only gives 4 survivors an escape.
DC games cause KR hyperinflation."
Quoting/copy pasting myself sense I am getting tired of type this out.
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Clown, Freddy, and Trapper all have very obvious ways to deal with cow tree. Wraith is a character you shouldn’t even be committing to chases with. Everyone else can simply not follow them to cow tree. I’m sure a huntress main knows their way around cow tree.
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Cow tree, regardless of who you're playing ass, except maybe Nurse, Doctor and Slingy, is a pain in the arse whichever way you slice it. Whenever I see that tree, I mentally go: "Oh GOD. You better not be doing this ######### during the match..."
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The only killers it’ll bother are true M1 killers and maybe an inexperienced huntress because they can’t zone properly and hit hatchets. Bloodlust is only a necessity for inexperienced killers. I rarely ever hit tier 1 bloodlust. A loop being good doesn’t mean BL is a necessity. It was introduced to counter infinites. We don’t have those anymore... Other than the one they introduced with a breakable wall to fix it.
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Sure, they are inflated, but some of them are at 70-80 percent kill rates.
Do you recognize, at least, the amount of dc and suicide that would need to be taking place to make something 70/80 percent.
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I believe this is a good way to see just how far off we are from achieving proper map balance, especially on newer/re-worked maps.