Hear me out... Mori basekit.

Before you scream, please listen.
As we know the mori/key systems are going to be reworked so here is an idea that I believe would work for a Mori rework.
So similar to pyramid heads Final Judgement, except there would be specific areas on each map that you'd have to perform them at. There would be multiple highlighted patches of ground that you would have to carry survivors to in order to mori them, instead of putting them on death hook...
1. Let's face it, hooking is boring. Even when I'm playing survivor I'd rather be mori'd then placed on death hook.
2. Risk vs reward. There would be fewer places to mori than hooks available. So I think the Mori should award a point bonus. This would also benefit survivors because if the killer gets greedy, it gives the survivor a better chance to wiggle free.
I think this could really make the game less stale. The offerings could still exist which would make mori possible after 1 hook but the mechanics would be the same. The killer would still have to carry the survivors to a sacrificial spot. This would fix the "tunnel off hook mori" as DS would still be a viable defense.
What do you think?
This would have to be tested and I could see it going both ways.
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I was honestly pleasantly surprised by this suggestion after reading the title.
I think it's interesting.
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I agree. It sounds like it would be great but I doubt I was able to consider all possible issues. I think it'd be worth a ptb type trial though.
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This... actually doesn't sound like a terrible idea?
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I just think making cypress mori basekit would be a good change. If the last survivor goes down they're screwed anyways, might as well let the killer spice it up a bit. Would also allow challenges that require killing survivors or straight up moring people be plausible without just mori off first hook.
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I was worried at first but this can work.
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PH gets one sooo...
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Yellow mori basekit is what i would want as part of the mori rework.
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The only problem I have is having to lift them to a certain area. With the time it takes to go through the mori, majority of the time it wouldn't be worthwhile for the killer.
Otherwise sounds good.
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This is cool! Would it be like the basement where there's a room/specific design for said mechanic, or would it be like a 'zone'?
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I actually like this
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Kinda takes the flexibility outta Mori's. Then there's still killers and perks that let you mori too.
Is Mikey gonna have to wrangle survivors into killzones before he KO's them?
Is Devour Hope now going to not only require you to get 5 tokens before your totem explodes, but require you to position them in the killzone as well?
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This sounds like a fantastic idea!
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The kill zone could even have it's own aesthetic, like a sacrificial altar or ritual circle. Yeah...this could work.
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I didn't want to go too specific. Leave it more of a conceptual draft so if the devs decide to try it they're not confined to anything that would make it implausible.
But my thought is multiple areas on the map that are fewer than hooks and only show the killer where they are when they pick up a survivor that would be on death hook. That would remove the confusion of trying to remember who had been hook how many times.
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Obviously Myers tombstone kills wouldn't apply. As far as devour hope I'd make the mechanics apply but change it so if a survivor is downed at 5 tokens they could be taken to the designated spot and mori'd even if the totem was taken out.
But honestly these seem like very situational complaints. Devour hope lasting beyond 3 tokens is so rare the perk is hardly ever used.
The system will get a change... They've already stated that. I'm trying to find a rework option in which they're not just removed. Hooks and no other options would be really bland.
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I love this idea!
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Can this be moved temporarily back to general discussions? I originally made this post to get feedback about the idea from the general player base. It's not really getting the traffic from the players here.
Eventually I would like it moved here to suggestions. But I would like it peer reviewed by seasoned players first.
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But that's part of the idea. As a killer you'd get more points for the mori kill so you'd have to decide if you think you can spare the time. If time is not on your side you can still place them on death hook instead.
It adds more choice and a risk/reward variation to consider.
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Honestly I wouldn't be opposed to this suggestion,