Can you temporarily increase gen times too?

Since we are temporarily doing stuff to test things. Which TBH i approve of, i think the devs should do more things like this to test out things more often.
Can we also do the same for gen times as well to see how it affects high level play?
Or maybe decrease pallet spawns?
Or anything else?
High level play is extremely survivor sided right now and there are some solid changes that can be done to make low level survivor play better while nerfing high level kill squads.
Just a small request from someone who is a rank 1 killer player with 1.2k hours who deals with SWF kill squads all the time, and a terribad rank 10 survivor player who gets stomped by killers all the time.
Increasing gen times wouldn’t be a good solution even if it worked.
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Ah yes too easy of an soultion as the devs say, but here we go with blood lust. I don't know maybe they will test increased gen times.
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yes lets encourage more survivors to bring BNPS, map offerings and prove thyself...
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No! If you increase gen times, you screw over solo survivors.
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No it wouldn't be a great idea to do that. It would kill lower ranks.
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As a solo survivor no thank you.
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I don't agree with the increase gen times but every match i play I see PT and bnps so I don't see how it could be brought more. At least in my matches.
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So like the BL change for low rank and low tier killers?
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One thing at a time. The goal is to find out how the absence of bloodlust affects the rest of the game. Changing more than that would ruin the experiment.
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Increasing gen times is not the solution. Gen times are fine. The issue is how killers start with zero pressure on the opposite side of the map.
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That won't kill low rank/low tier killers. It will make things tougher yes but it will hopefully teach them not to rely on it.
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Same could be argued about gen times and gen rushing.
My point is that they are already doing the equivalent to killers so they already shown that they don't care about low ranks for these temp tests.
Mind you its fair for these 3 day tests to focus at the top rank due to how short they are.
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Yeah, actually it will. The point i'm making is that this test, which i totally agree with doing, needs to be done more. And if they aren't willing to test changes that fix the real problems with this game like the CLEAR imbalance when playing against a kill squad of survivors with 10k hours combined then it is just another proof positive of the devs bias towards survivors.
True, but if you actually read the rest of my post you'll see that the gen times thing isn't my main point.
Removing bloodlust has an opposite effect though. It doesn't do anything for low rank killers who go against low rank survivors, it nerfs high rank killers who use it to deal with survivors who hold w. It's actually the opposite of how you want to balance the game.
True, read the rest of my post. They need to do something that buffs low rank and solo survivors while nerfing high rank and SWF teams. There are many things that they can do to deal with this problem, my point is they have shown now a willingness to test things such as.
- What if we increase gen times to 100 seconds, but then tweak all the gen regression/pressure perks to be the same effectiveness as now. Would be nice to see what the game looks like when you don't HAVE to run Undying/Ruin or Pop/Corrupt
- What if we nerf the size of loops in the game but increase the number of them? SWF kill squads are the ones looping killers for days, while terrible survivors (like myself) generally can't last that long, so increasing the number of resources but weakening them actually helps low level survivors while hurting high level survivors.
- What if we made it so strong tiles stop spawning for a while, and survivors only get the main building and some weaker tiles?
- What if we added some kind of penalty to gen times while a survivor is injured?
- What if we made Kindred base kit?
- What if we changed decisive strike?
So many things that are obvious problems in this game that would be great to test to see what happens. My point is, they should do this more and i hope to see more of it and want to see if they are more willing to do this kind of thing.
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I see what your trying to say but I wouldn't compare gen speeds and bloodlust.
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depending on how this bloodlust test goes then i will be down to see these kinda of test like temp increase gen times or even having a automatic corrupt at the start of every game for 2 minutes.
This way we can get alot more data to devs to see if these changes help or hurt the game. Can i also point out to the people who are saying no to a temp increase gen times why doing a temp removal of BL is okay but not a temp increase of gen times?
Also side note regarding this im just curious why they are doing it now as the maps are being updated wouldnt it make sense to wait till vast majority of maps are updated so far we have yamoka badham and macmillian that are updated with ormond and autohaven coming up wouldnt it be better results to wait till we get more updated maps where they have been balanced aswell and see if bloodlust is needed in them. As what the point of doing the test on the current farm map when we know it going to be updated?
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Maybe they are going to disable maps that also haven't been reworked? Or make them much less likely to occur. I know in the past they have tweaked the RNG map selection to lean in favor of recently reworked maps for example to make them happen more often.
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Tests shouldn't be done just for the sake of it. If they need to test Bloodlust it means they need some data that they couldn't get otherwise, testing random stuff like gen times would just flood them with useless information, it would just be a waste of time and resources (because I doubt they have a switch they can press to change stuff).
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Read my post.
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If they are going to do that then they really should of mentioned it in the post about BL but i would imangine they wont as it is only yamoka badham and macmillian thats been reworked so thats 12 maps out of 35 to play with.
I mean i can easily argue that testing BL is a waste of time and resource this is a random test aswell but what im saying is if the devs are going to do these random testing then they should be open to doing more random testing like increasing gen times it wont be useless information it can help them deal with some of the most complained issues about games like BL for survivors and gen times for killers.
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Disables bloodlust with higher chances of going to Ormond. That'll sure be fun.
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why do you want to give me nightmares haha
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I would like to see them do this more often but it's actually quite tough for them to do. Just removing a mechanic isn't as tough as actually modifying something in the game.
Also I disagree that the devs are survivor favoured.
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Sure, it's temporary so even though I'm a firm believer that increasing base gen times is not the way to go they could try it. Especially if that's the only change and none of the percentage-based speedups/slowdowns in the game are tweaked, it's surprising how often this is left out of ideas involving longer base repair times.
But again, with these temporary "field test" periods I'm fine with trying anything from tiny tweaks to more radical changes. Just make it impossible to miss that it's temporary and no promises beyond that are made (like with the bloodlust experiment announcement).
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As someone who is a software engineer, i agree, some of these would be hard without some work. But i know there are some that wouldn't be too diffcult:
- Kindred base kit - Create a 5th invisible perk slot that just has kindred in it. Probably not hard because the UI only supports 4 perks so it's already invisible.
- Gen times should just be a single number that can be changed easily
- Loop sizes would be hard
- Adjusting strong tile spawn rates shouldn't be too hard but could cause unintended side effects, but still easy to test.
- Adding a penalty to gen times while injured shouldn't be hard, there's already debuffs that reduce gen speeds, they can just reuse one of those and tweak numbers.
- Making a change to DS can be small, like reducing the timer, or making it cancel when a hook or something happens. Depends on what they do.
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Changing numbers wouldn't be tough correct and that's the stuff I would be happy with them messing with.
Just bigger changes I get worried about. Would hate to see them decrease DS for a few days because it would just become a weekend of tunnellers.
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I did? I mean if you don't like my answer that's ok...
The point is this is not a random test. Something is going on in their "headquarters" that needs data that they don't have and can collect only from a live environment. I'm pretty sure they have people testing stuff without needing to bother the whole community.
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Not unlike a weekend of holding w and chaining cow loop into shack into jungle gym.
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I think your giving bloodlust too much credit tbh. Bloodlust does help on some loops but I don't think this change will be as noticable as people think.
The only people who will really notice it are the ones who try to tunnel a survivor to death. The ones who will stack bloodlust 3 at a dropped pallet.
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im pretty sure gen speeds are something that are also discussed at headquaters so again doing a temp test on increase gen times sounds fair and it gives them data in the live enivorment. also side note if they had people inhouse then why is this being put to live instead of keeping it inhouse.
but getting sidetracked here what im saying that the devs should do more of these random test or experiments to fully test any ideas they may have while i do question the timing for testing bloodlust since the maps are being redone/rebalanced. Im not against them doing that but i do believe that they should do these more often on things like gen speed, early game etc also i think this kind of thing is becoming more popular and will bet in future pvp games we will see more of these kind of test for example Overwatch has a expermental card where they can test out ideas and get feedback i would love it if the dbd team actually create a expermental realm so ideas can be tested.