Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Decisive strike.

Member Posts: 570
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As we know this perk isn't used how it was supposed to be used, it's most abused perk in the game. DS + UB, zero counterplay, hop in the locker, zero counter play.. Sit on the gen in your face but you can't do anything because of the DS and UB combo, now pair it on 4 survivors and it almost impossible to win. Like many other people recommend it should be disabled if you do objectives, because you are not being tunneled anymore. It could have multiple uses and last longer but if you do objectives (doing gens, healing, doing totems) it should be disabled. It's absolutely unfair to get him by it if you are not even tunneling, i can't express how many times I hook different survivor, find the other survivor, down him and get hit by DS. And like i said in some cases it has absolutely zero counter play, it should be tweaked a bit.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 570

    Nice whataboutism, all of those can be countered, let's not mention SWF because all of your 'arguments' will fall into the water. Plus you have perks to help you with that. I was mentioning things that have absolutely no counter, similar how PH had no counter.

  • Member Posts: 570

    But how long should we wait for this kind of problem? It's been years and still nothing.

  • Member Posts: 613

    killers op nerf them survivors weak keep giving them meta perks

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    It's not whataboutism when DS counters this broken BUILT-IN mechanic. But nice try.

    You have perks to help you against 5-10x being slugged? Or the fact that someone can tunnel you even while other people are trying to take hits for you? Please list the perks that activately and are guaranteed that will help counter abusive Slugging Camping or Tunneling.

    I'll wait.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Bunch of bologna.

  • Member Posts: 570

    If you actually read the post you would know that DS would keep the same effect but it would be disabled if you are doing objectives. Usually you are getting one slugged, more than one is waste of the time because one will always be up. If you are in SWF slugging doesn't help most of the time so.. I already told you the perks, if killer keeps slugging he will lose the game against good survivors.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020


    You still don't list perks or survivor built-in mechanics that allow a survivor to properly counter abusive and excessive Slugging/Camping/Tunneling. No surprise there because they don't exist.

    Doing objectives doesn't stop the killer from being able to tunnel you out. You can easily (as killer) walk away from the hooked person. Only to come back and track down that same survivor who has not engaged in "objective activity" as you seem to want to pin it as. To get tunneled out of the game who now has lost their DS activation timer because of some silly argument that you want to nit-pick.

    All this, while DS was never strictly meant to be a Anti-tunneling perk. Don't know how many times this needs to be said.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Because it would be abused, there was a try that devs tried to implement for camli, but ofc survivors did abused it.

    You just showed that you have no idea what tunneling is, so let me explain that to you. Tunneling is when you are chasing unhooked survivors from the moment he was unhooked untill he dies. When survivor does object he clearly isn't being tunneled, if killer leaves you and come back that isn't tunneling, you survivor rulebook is wrong.

    In a game where is 4v1 and killer is having absolutely zero pressure, it's stupid to have antimomentum perk that is being abused into the oblivion.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020


    Again. I am not interested in what the devs have tried to do. I wanna know what they have done. So far is nothing against the killer players who knowningly abuse those mechanics.

    Sorry to break this to you but Tunneling isn't as black and white as you see it. If the killer breaks chase to continue to chase the survivor who just got unhooked recently, that IS tunneling. If the killer bypasses and ignores, any survivor trying to take hits for the recently unhooked survivor, just to get them out of the game, that IS tunneling. I could go on and on. Just because you touch a gen, totem or start healing doesn't magically make a killer less likely to tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    You can't get rid of ds and still have tracking powers/perks/add ons to tunnel a guy out also powers that allow you to simply stay at the hook and wait for the unhook. Ds being used to counter full on tunnel to easy 3v1 is the way ds should be used and it is completely countered by a mori. So they should figure out how to keep it in to work against the abuse coming from the killers who do the quick 3v1 strats as well as make it not be able to be abused to rush gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,613

    And if the killers hooked someone else? And still gets dsd anyway after hooking someone else (which obviously nullifies tunneling by definition since tunneling is going after the same survivor and ignoring the rest) should that killer still be dsd?

  • Member Posts: 334

    Maybe don't go after the poor guy who just got unhooked? Give them a chance to play the game, go after someone else.

  • Member Posts: 478

    As a killer main yeah i hate DS. its a perk that is great when going against toxic killers who like to tunnel one person till death then move on but recently I have found that its become the perk that a lot of survivors (not all) will abuse and use toxicly. I think DS is still needed in the game to deal with extreme tunneling however the 60 seconds is just far to long and turns it from an anti tunneling perk to a "i'm untouchable for 60 seconds perk". Enforcing the same nerf that pop goes the wheesel had would be great IMO as it would still remain useful against killers who tunnel but won't stop killers who are playing the game fairly from getting a honest hook.

    Just a side note to survivors who complain about camping and tunneling. We are killers. we are the bad guys not the good guys. Yeah i don't like to tunnel or camp as it is no fun but sometimes we just gotta do it in order to get some sort of a win. I myself will tunnel the ######### out of a survivor who is being super toxic towards me.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Well it's not killer problem that survivors abused something that was given to them, blame yourself, not killers.

    If survivor is doing objective he isn't tunneled. If I know that survivor is on death hook, and I find him on gen ofc I'm going to kill him, but that isn't tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020


    You deal with it. Same as survivors have to find work-arounds against potential abusive mechanics against killers.

    One way is to slug them (something which is free to use) There is only going to be a limited amount of time (since the timer starts after they are unhooked) that you will not see Unbreakable procc, and if they hop into a locker, you can wait it out.

    This is why the devs never by definition have called DS strictly an anti-tunneling perk. Because it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020


    What are you going on about? I asked for you to list perks OR built-in mechanics that 100% are guaranteed to successfully counter Slugging, Camping or Tunneling. You listed an experiment which failed because the devs decided not to pursue it further, and that is not an answer.

    I am asking for a counter like when Slugging completely diminishes any potential DS activation by depleting it's timer completely.

    Again, I am not going to get into it about "the survivor is no longer being tunneled if they do the objective" ... because I've already explained to you how it isn't black and white. There are many variables to consider because you can easily work around not having to facecamp someone in order for it to "count" as a tunnel.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    The problem is when you can't find anyone else but the unhooked guy because everyone else is stealthing around.

    Personally, I go out of my way not to tunnel. I ignore the one who just got unhooked even when they stand there as I run by. It is absolutely to my detriment. (And you know what, because I play nice, I wouldn't be surprised if games against me are really freakin' boring for survivors.) Anyway, you know how they repay me for not tunneling them? For not slugging them? They run over to where I am and try to trick me into eating their DS. They jump onto a generator in front of me. They get in the middle of a chase with someone else and start vaulting the pallet, hoping I will be unable to avoid accidentally grabbing them. They don't give me enough time to walk away from a hook and make the save in my face. I thought survivors didn't like being slugged, but all I'm seeing is that they're going to punish me unless I do.

    "Go after someone else." Sure, and when I do, the one with DS literally gets between them and me.

    DS should not work on grabs.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    A perk helping you survive is not abuse. If that is the case, every single killer perk is abused, but to a greater extent. A one time use perk should be very good. All killer meta perks are better than very good and they are used multiple times a match.

  • Member Posts: 570

    There isn't built-in mechanic because it strategy, plus you have perks for that. But if you are so much into it tell me built-in mechanic to stop survivor who is on the ground and has DS + UB to not hit me with DS if the 60 seconds haven't passed? Or tell me how do i exactly counter 4 man tournament level squad with 4 DS + UB, OoO and DH?

    You are looking into it the wrong way, all those things you've mentioned has the counterplay, DS + UB or DS and locker has no counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Actually no, perk that has absolutely no counter play in those circumstances needs to be changed. It's not fair for the killer to just leave because he can't do anything.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Who's telling you to leave? With a very small 5 sec stun, most of the time the survivor is down again within a few seconds now they have only 3 perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I'd love to know how many survivors actually run it. I am shocked more players don't use DS. After waiting anywhere from 5-15 minutes to get a game, I'm then farmed and tunneled out and should just be happy about it? I have more than 1000 hours in this game and I have ONCE purposely hopped into a locker after being tunneled (no one else was chased, I didn't have the opportunity to work on any other objectives). Even though this spirit tunneled me off the hook three times straight, she was so bad my DS was going to run out because that's how long I ran her. So with about five seconds left, I hopped into a locker. If she's going to tunnel me off the hook three times and she falls for this while I'm the obsession, she deserves it. I died anyway, because even after the DS, she kept on me.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Tinkerer and/or Undying/Ruin does it every game. Survivor has no choice but to lose. At least with DS, the killer has a choice to chase someone else if they are afraid to be stunned.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Let me remind you that you have perks and items for totems, both can go under a minute against good survivors. But DS+UB+OoO+DH will be there almost whole game leaving killer in HUGE disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I understand that it can be annoying but in my opinion DS is not a good anti tunnel perk. The fact that I could use DS on a tunneling killer and literally the second after the stun is over they can still follow my trail to down proves this.

  • Member Posts: 57

    zero counterplay? factually wrong. dont play like a scumbag and you won't get DS'd or UB. OR, you can play like a scumbag by camping the downed survivor and just waiting out DS and staying close in case they activate UB. your choice.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Actually no, survivors tend to play very aggressive with it, like I said I got hit by it even when I hooked different person and found them later so..

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Nah, nah, the real fun thing is when you hook survivor #1, they get saved, then you chase and hook survivors #2 and #3, find #1 healing nearby and get hit by 59 second DS, and during that time the other two have been unhooked. Goodbye any and all pressure/momentum. Bonus points if multiple survivors are playing as the same character to make it more likely you'll get DS'd by one if not 2+ of them. And what can the killer do other than slug if multiple survivors may be running around with active DS?

  • Member Posts: 334

    If a Survivor is that desperate to use DS, they sound like they're just wasting time. I also think what you just described doesn't sound too problematic, as you're still able to play the game, you just have a peskier than usual survivor for the next 60 seconds. Consider the alternative for survivors (Getting caught, downed, hooked, hooked, hooked, nothing you can do) and it's no question that DS is a necessary perk. It should be baseline imo.

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2020

    I laugh every time I see this DS whining. The devs have been hearing it for a long time, and nerfed it to it's current balanced state. DS was so much more powerful when it originated. The devs never said it is specifically an anti tunneling perk, but in it's current state that is mostly all it is. A perk hardly worth running unless you're paranoid about getting hard core tunneled, or hoping for that last second , caught escaping at the exit gate play. It's good for someone in the group to be running, just not me. I don't like wasting the slot on such a narrow usage perk. In general, I try not to take a perk I hope I won't need to use. Not enough value from that. Give me a perk like spine chill which will be useful all match over DS anytime.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Because tunneling is still a problem - so they have created one problem to balance the other problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Comparing a perk to something that really shouldn't be called a strategy but is is a really bad comparison

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    Don't bother explaining yourself, they will find every single excuse in the book to say DS is broken. Including but not limited to bringing up perk combos like DS/UB...Even though these perks literally counter for a small amount of time their unlimited Slugging and Tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I would completely disagree with your statement of "best survivor perk". Like I previously stated, II find it adds very little value to my gameplay, except for within a very narrow scope of situations.

  • Member Posts: 967

    I hope the devs ignore these entitled players.

    DS, Unbreakable, NOED, BT, keys, mori's, gen rush, camping, tunnelling, swf, it's all fair game.

    If a counter doesn't exist, that's fine.

  • Member Posts: 716

    *indesicive slap*

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    If they're on a generator, they're not wasting time. If they're making a hook save in my face which I can't even stop (and that's usually followed with the unhooked survivor body-blocking with BT, so no one's going on a hook unless they're completely incompetent), they're not wasting time. And if they get in the middle of a chase, what they've done is given the other a survivor a chance to escape, especially if the scratch marks are now all mixed up. Then, the best I can do is slug the DS, which is what I could've and apparently should've done before because I would've been able to chase the other person unimpeded and maybe get a hook out of it. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. At that point I throw my hands in the air and go "I don't know what you want from me" and just go get a snack so they can do gens and quickly move on to a new match and a new killer who can maybe give them whatever it is they're after 'cause apparently my playstyle isn't what they want.

    As survivor, I've watched other killers get tricked by locker DS, where they'll be in a chase with someone else, the recently unhooked one will jump in a locker, and the killer has no idea that they're about to pull the wrong survivor out of the locker. That chase is now lost, nothing but wasted time.

    I never said "get rid of DS," I said DS shouldn't work on grabs. Another option would be to deactivate DS upon any non-chase action by the survivor, like working on a gen or even attempting to make a hook save. Either way, whether or not DS is deactivated before the 60 seconds is up is within the survivor's hands, unlike the suggestions of disabling it upon the killer hooking someone else. DS can be great against tunneling killers, I've used it to escape tunneling killers (though not often for me because I forget I'm running it and miss the skill check). Something is definitely needed because being tunneled out of the game sucks, and when it happens to me it seems to be a "one of those days/weeks" things where it Just. Keeps. Happening. Those days are miserable and they can cause me to stop playing DbD for a good while. But the way DS can be used when killers aren't tunneling sucks. Survivors can get unhooked, work on their objectives, and still stab the killer. They can become basically invulnerable during the EGC; one survivor with DS and BT can be ridiculously strong, making saves and then the killer can either watch them crawl out the gate or the killer can pick them up so the survivor can run out the gate. Where's the fun in that? The killer's impotent, and rather than feeling any sort of tension the survivor feels invulnerable. Wow, thrilling. Losing a chase and getting hooked is a negative for the survivor and a positive for the killer, so it shouldn't result in a get-out-of-jail-free-no-matter-what-for-60-seconds card, and it really gets to be too much when one perk can let you get away with so much and all four survivors can equip it.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Dude you are the first person to ever post this in the 4 years this game has been out.. Congrats!!

  • Member Posts: 334

    I never said you said they should "get rid of DS" so I wouldn't use quotations for that since it's not a quote.

    You wrote alot but you didn't need to: Just slug the DS if they're in your face. I think that's your best bet for now if you think they have DS.

  • Member Posts: 833

    the problem with DS is that it doesnt punish tunneling, it just punishes for sake of punishing and thats why it has to be reworked.

  • Member Posts: 967

    Thank u! Finally someone agrees that the game being unbalanced is totally fine. The game is great becuz of these things.

    I thought I was the only one here. Too many ppl are selfish, entitled, and/or hypocritical.

  • Member Posts: 529

    DS is much more stronger than spine chill, specially if 4 survivors running it. This is now 8 minutes of "immunity" you cannot touch certain survivors total. Also i played back in 2016 and DS wasn't that much stronger than it is now. -Skillcheck was much smaller, enduring soft countered it, unnerving soft countered it, dribbing existed.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I don't think DS is a balanced perk. Just like many other things killer have that aren't balanced ( I just made a post about the Spirit, she definitely isn't balanced). However, my issue with this is DS is one of the few things that helps RANDOMS (not group of friends) not getting tunneled and have even more miserable experiences.

    If you remove DS, SWF will still find other ways to abuse you, and you'll punish randoms even more, and randoms already have 80% death rates and have arguably one of the worst possible experiences you can have in this game.

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