How is victor not a baby? -hopefully I don’t get banned for this lol-
He died and was kind of resurrected by the Entity though, which makes him a former human but now more something like a zombie. Which is more monster than human.
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You said baby not child in your original post. Be consistent. A baby is any child under the age of 2.
Yes, he is clearly a child but not a baby.
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It's a small humanoid body that crawls out of a female. Regardless of what it is, it resembles a baby. It even screams like a baby. The addons for the twins are things like toys, which also point to victor being a baby.
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Imo "zombie child" describes Victor best if you go with the lore.
I don't understand why people make a difference between a baby and a child. Victor is older than a baby, yes, but still a minor:
1. BHVR said they wouldn't bring a minor into the game, I'd say it up to someones personal interpretation if a Zombie child breaks that rule.
2. If someone is uncomfortable with the idea of having a minor in a violent video game, why would the exact age matter. A child is child.
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Child or deformed human, not a baby. He is not crawling out of a female but they are conjoined twins that can separate thanks to the ability the Entity granted them.
addons can just be something important out of their past.
pls inform yourself how a human baby looks like and then compare that to Victor.
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you know... there would have been dozens of ways to preserve the mechanic and the core of the backstory without having victor appear like a baby.
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I mean small undead monsters says nothing counter to them being a baby though....
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You don't get to tell people what they see when they look at an image or a depiction. The portions are similar, victor is hairless, their addons refer to baby toys like toy swords. Victor's voice is chibi'd, sounding very child like. He looks like a demon baby.
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Have you ever seen a baby? I got 2 children, age 6 and soon 2 years old, and none of them looked even remotly like Victor.
Because Victor doesn´t look like a baby. Just a small body doesn´t make you a baby.
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Didn't Dead Space 2 have kid necromorphs and even exploding babies?
Victor's age shouldn't matter because he's become a monster who wants to kill/sacrifice you. On top of that, he always respawns when he's been roundhouse kicked in the face anyway.
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It's however the first thing people will identify him as upon seeing him.
Also, for everyone pointing at the lore: Keep in mind this is the same fandom that once had people wonder what the Killers' names and nationalities are, leading to the quote 'if you headcanon [huntress] as russian, you should do more research on russian names. 'anna' isn't a russian name'...
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I'll just put this out there. If you don't want people to call him a baby and call the animation "kicking the baby", then you probably shouldn't make it look like survivors are kicking a tiny human. And saying things like "but he's not a baby, look at the lore" is invalid because people have nicknames for things. It doesn't matter if he's a baby, people associate his physique with a baby.
Is this the year 1997? Do we really still think that things in a game translate to real life behaviour?
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Depictions of child abuse are a very serious matter, and also potentially a matter of law as the image could be construed as 'Obscene'
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Just gonna put my 2 cents in here but not that it matters, people are gonna disagree and complain anyway.
Victor is NOT the same age as Charlotte. Victor died in the fire that he set that let charlotte escape from the people in the black robes, before they were even teenagers. The lore even says that his body was decaying, but showed resistance to complete decomposition because of charlotte's blood flowing through him.
It showed RESISTANCE, not immunity. Victor is decaying inside of charlotte just at a much slower pace. He was dead for YEARS before they both got taken by the entity. Since he was decaying he did not grow, physically or mentally. He is not a baby, but a child. 10-12 years old at the most.
If BHVR did not intend for him to be a child, then they have to rewrite some of the lore. Until then, the lore states he was a child when he died and started decaying
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Portions are similar because they are humanoid, but that’s it.
saying it looks like a demon baby is valid, since those are actually just fiction.
it’s really just Victors height that makes people call him baby, it wouldn’t matter if he had hair or if the addons were adult stuff.
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eh look at the legs, the proportions, Victor looks more like a 4 - 5 year old
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I'm pretty sure they cleared this before release. They obviously know or else they wouldn't try to get people to stop saying it. My point is, you can't stop people from saying it. You either leave it alone or you endure the Streisand Effect.
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As a matter of fact all dead space games had children of various ages in them as enemies.
Won't give any links to said monsters (wiki page), because apparently dbd is 8+ game from what you are all saying, thus gore may be censored. I don't want any kids to be demoralized.
AFAIK the 3 most memorable were:
Lurker, an infant (yes, a freaking few months old baby) that was climbing walls and jumping on your face. Also shot at you with projectiles out of its 3 tentacles from afar.
Crawler, another infant, disformed and twisted like from an old Exorcist movie. It was moving on all four legs and basically exploded once killed or near you
The Pack, this is the one you are probably talking about. Just a simple child of 6-9 yo that ran at you... In a pack of others same necromorphs, hence the name. You encountered them in ds2 for the first time in the elementary school district
Also, there was a pregnant necromorphs, either tied to a wall and birthing enemies out of its belly or walking ones that did the same once their belly was damage/ were killed.
For some reason it is a taboo thing in dbd, sjw/pc mentality I guess.
Victor is technically and practically a [REDACTED], there is no denying it due to how physiology and psychology works. But does it really matter at all?
If they would want to really censor it, just freaking change Victor's lore to dying just before being taken by the entity, so both of them are technically the same age body and psyche wise, then change his model to be a torso only body, without legs... Will work the same and be more creepy, because undead babies are so 2010 in terms of CrEePy.
None the less, I don't see any issues with it.
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Has nothing to do with SJW/PC mentality (seriously, why do people keep bringing this up?). The devs are concerned about having their video game banned or given a more restrictive rating in certain countries. Thus, Victor is a deformed adult.
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A child is not a baby and I didnt call him a baby at least I don't think. Heck the comment you replied to was me saying he died as a child so why do you even need to comment
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Well it's a valid point that its within the entities power, but my comment still was skeptical.
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He's not a baby but he definitely is a young child
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That's not how it works.
His body was dead and rotting albeit at an extremely slow rate but I digress.
His body wasn't developing or aging
Mentality and physicality he's a child
Post edited by Volfawott on1 -
At the end of the day, I'm punting this little guy in the throat lmao.
It's in the game, I'm doing it.
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I wanna know this too, my dad and I both enjoy this game and are probably some of the most SJW people I know, but we aren't fighting against Victor. We're excited since I didn't have the PTB.
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you have ruined Twins for me how dare you
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Actually looked into it, it has happened before where conjoined Twins are different sexes.
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If we are bringing add-ons into this, if memory serves, one add-on demonstrates that Victor is capable of speech (albeit in a very broken manner). Which is a pretty telltale sign of not being a baby.
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It's a buzzword.
People generally use it to convey negative context about a person incredibly quickly due to the fact that across the internet "sjws" a negative reputation.
Essentially a few individuals talk like whack jobs on the internet now everybody who tries to talk about certain topics tend to get that label.
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Ah right... More like a zombie... Makes sense though. Good point :)