Helps tips to get better as a survivor?

I feel im not getting better as a survivor and I am losing chases a lot lately. Any tips in order to get better?
Hi! I've been playing DBD for about 3 years. If you're on Playstation and want to play together sometime, I'd be happy to work together and see if I can help more. My PS tag is MissUrbanGoblin.
Without knowing your play-style or where your chase problems come from, here are a couple of tips for new survivors, or survivors looking to improve:
1.) Play the killer. Even if you prefer to play survivor, play a couple rounds every so often as the killer. This is going to be a really great way to understand the killer's sight-line. This will help you understand how to stay just outside of the killer's view when sneaking around or how to confuse them in a chase.
2.) Practice looping. Looping took me a while to get the hang of, but understanding the difference between small loops and big loops made all the difference. Utilize the pallets in loops, but wait for the right moment to do so. Most killers will know when a survivor is going to use a pallet, so loop a few times and fake-them-out on when you are going to use the pallet. Additionally, on large loops, there's almost no way for a killer to get you after you have thrown down a pallet. They're going to be forced to break it, so be sure to use that time to start running again.
3.) Pallet smartly. New survivors often want to throw down every pallet between them and the killer, but if a killer respects pallets, not throwing down every pallet might make them pause and give you an extra few seconds to get away. Additionally, if you just got hit, use that burst of speed, don't drop a pallet. Dropping that pallet isn't going to be worth the time it takes away from that speed burst.
4.) Be mindful of your scratch marks. Let's say you're running a killer, and you have a little bit of distance from them. I know it's tempting to keep running to try and get away, but if you are able to round a corner and get outside of the killer's sight-line, and there's multiple directions you can go - consider walking away. If the killer doesn't know which way you went, there's a chance they might pick the wrong direction, giving you plenty of time to slink away. A great perk to mix with this is Nancy's Fixated. Not only do you walk faster, but it helps you learn how your scratch marks will appear.
5.) Lockers suck. Unless you're a really skilled runner, or you're using Jane's perk "Head On", lockers have no place in a chase. Even with Quick and Quiet, as a killer, I find so many survivors that jump into lockers at the last second because of their scratch marks. The only time you should consider using a locker, is if you're able to get away in a situation like I mentioned in #4. If you're able to walk away, and quietly get in a locker while the killer is trying to find your tracks again, then great. But don't forget, those locker doors are super noisy.
6.) Consider your noise. Yes, the obvious grunts of pain and noisy locker doors are very obvious means of giving away your position. But there are other cues to consider too. As a killer, I often will walk just within ear shot of a generator, and if I hear the "fixing" noises, then I'll make my way over there. As a killer, that saves me time in walking around the map. Also, killers can hear you walking. If you're hiding, try to actually stay still as long as they can't find you. Those few steps in the grass might be all I need to hear that you're nearby and to continue searching in that area.
7.) Stalk the killer. It seems counterintuitive sometimes to follow the killer, but honestly, it's better to know where they are at and then use that to your advantage. As a survivor, especially at the beginning of the game, I'll make note of which direction the killer is moving for their gen rotation. Are they moving clockwise? Or counterclockwise? If they just passed your generator at the beginning of the game, give them a moment to head off and then jump on that generator, assuming that they're going to either find someone else first or they'll have to circle the whole map to get back to you.
8.) Remember the killer's perks. I'm sure as you've been playing you've made notes on if they're running hex-ruin or Franklin's Demise or something. But keep track of those, and adjust your play style to compensate. Depending on the killer's build, they're probably relying heavily on those perks to help locate you. So use that information to counter. (e.g. I am theorizing that x-killer has BBQ and Chili. Well, I'm going to prepare by hopping in a locker when they pick up a survivor to hook them.) Also, once you know all four of their perks, you can start to play more casually in other regards. (e.g. I have figured out that x-killer is running BBQ and Chili, Thrilling Tremors, Franklin's Demise, and Thanatophobia. Now I know they don't have Nurses's Calling so I'm going to heal wherever and whenever I want.)
9.) Select perks carefully. When I first started playing, I just threw on whatever I liked, but didn't consider how the perks influenced one another. Think about what perks go well together, and also, what perks go well with your play style. You mentioned you're losing chases a lot, are you using sprint burst? Quick and quiet? My Meg is a runners build and I run Sprint Burst, Urban Evasion, Self-Care, and Borrowed Time.
10.) Flashlights. Flashlights can be hard to master, but! In a chase, if you can get a killer to break a pallet, that's when you should use your flashlight. They're distracted, they can't stop that action, and it will give you a couple extra seconds of run time. And that's all you need. Everything is about just drawing out the match so that your team can escape.
11.) Lastly, and I'm not sure if you are playing solo or SWF, but communicate. When you can, communicate the location of the killer, Let others know what hook you're on. Maybe even request a fellow survivor to get the killer off of you. If you're going to go down and you're on death hook, ask a friend to try and distract the killer. It doesn't always work, but maybe it will.
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Run perkless honestly. And when you loop pay attention to red stain. Find the areas that you can see the red stain at each direction and you can then keep looping jungle gyms. At shack stop running and wait a couple feet away from window and when they actually come inside that's when you start sprinting for a fast vault. If they try and come around you can fast vault back at the right time to screw with the killer and you can run at the wall and turn last second to bait a hit. You can fast vault windows with little space if you dont turn your camera and just turn your character. Dont get chased first because killers usually juggle 2 player and if you let the killer see you every time you will get better but once you get good killers you will usually be first to die. Ik how to loop an all but with unreliable teammates I have to try Nd get points before I start just running and making everything obvious. So if the killer is by you go ahead and avoid them but once you get points and the match is at the halfway point always try and be chased