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"bLoOdLuSt iS ObSoLeTe" meanwhile:

Member Posts: 375
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Well i got tired of all the nitpicking notifications, so I deleted the vid. Ever notice how killers have to be flawless 100% of the time, but survivors just have to run in circles?

Consider the possibility that killers don't enjoy spending an enormous amount of play time waiting for a pallet drop whole re-enacting Looney Tunes gags. There's a reason Scary Movie is a parody and not an actual horror movie, folks.

Post edited by Falkner09 on

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  • Member Posts: 3,772

    That's a pretty short loop and if you didn't attempt mindgames on a loop without LOS breaker (no one with more than a couple hundred hours on survivor will go down due to this outside of a laggy lunge) you could have forced him into the pallet drop a lot sooner.

    The basement house is broken, we all knew this, the devs knew this, they added a breakable wall but removed a pallet so its pretty much the same.

    That entire section at that fence with the vault in the middle was you making things much harder for yourself.

    A lot of mistakes here. Not to say its all on you. Some of those tiles were very strong in the hands of a good survivor. But you definitely lost time going for mindgames that were doomed to fail against a 3rd person camera.

  • Member Posts: 447

    This is perfect example. Bloodlust is needed for really bad killers. End

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Git gud!

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Don't try to double back on loops like the car unless the survivor is bad and the pallet is dropped. Against a decent survivor (like the one in the video), you should force the pallet to be dropped and break it.

    You need to optimize your movements more. You should have been able to hit Steve at that fence without much of an issue.

    Also at 3:40 you would've downed Steve if you lunged earlier.

  • Member Posts: 623
    edited November 2020

    The only thing you proved is you really need to git gud instead of letting Bloodlust carry you. This is why it needs to be removed, it rewards killers with free hits for playing terrible.

  • Member Posts: 778

    I am now a killer main where i used to like playing both sides equally. I mostly agree that at least BL 1 is needed. But, Im sorry to say that this is a pretty bad example of how bloodlust is needed.

    The car loop at the beginning you were looping too wide. You're still a bit clumsy when it comes to going around things, you see it in the fence loop.

    You can absolutely mindgame that car loop to get a hit or to get the pallet out of the way. The loop is short enough that it is mindgamable EVEN if they can see your character over it. Something as simple as turning one way and walking the other can cause survivors to stop for a second, giving you enough distance. Especially with Demo you can mindgame shreds to get them to keep the pallet up, then smack them. The loops in Autohaven, are actually unmindgamable, because not only can you see the killer over them, they're also too long for a small turn on the killer to actually cause the survivor to mess up enough for a hit. Even so you can still attempt it to get pallets out early, but the car loops in badham are not as safe as the autohaven ones.

    You shouldn't keep going back and forth on yourself. You can moonwalk, but pick a direction and stick with it, and tighten those corners. Otherwise you're always going to fall behind and give the survivor too much distance. You'll never get the pallet out of the way in time.

    I don't know what happened at that fence, I guess its a mixture of some clumsiness together with getting flustered? That fence should never give a 115% killer so much trouble. You need to learn the distance of your lunges more mate.

    There are genuine spots where the killer cannot mindgame a survivor. Whatever the killer does, the survivor can get to another window or pallet. The TL clusters in the middle of Suffocation pit are an example of this. Or a Jungle Gym into pallet that you get in Ormond. Or Jungle Gym into God Bus, or even God Bus by itself if it has the window in the middle. The House of Pain in Haddonfield and Badham. All of those are extremely safe structures that are basically "Hold W and waste time loops".

    However, your examples are those of a killer that still needs to learn quite a bit. There's nothing wrong with it, everyone starts out needing to learn. But It's important that people learn what they're talking about and learn what optimal play is before they try to make an argument for something regarding balance.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I couldn't even finish the video that was so painful to watch. I suppose I've finally seen for myself a killer who needs BL to win a chase. I stopped watching at a minute thirty and I have to say you must have been playing that poorly intentionally. There is no way you needed or should have reached BL in either of those two situations.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Horrible demo perk setup, horrible gameplay decisions. It's clear there's a giant skill gap in this scenario seeing as you don't know when to end a chase. You're already hindering yourself playing as demo. He's one of the worst killers unless survivors are completely brain dead. I don't think you should be posting youtube videos about your opinion on balancing when you yourself aren't in the league of play to really understand the mechanics as a whole.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Can i ask what was the ranks? Because everyone is saying a lot of stuff but we don't know if there's a big difference in ranks...

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    The first 30 seconds were so painful that I had to stop watching. Why did you keep doubling back when it was clearly obvious it wasn't going to work? Just run around until Steve bonks you with the pallet and then make plans from there.

  • This is terrible killer play. This proves that bloodlust is very much needed on low rank killers, although I am not sure it would have helped you here, as you made too many mistakes and just played scratch mark following.

    Don't get me wrong, I am against bloodlust being removed, in fact I think it needs buffing slightly, as it's maximum impact takes too long to get to and at higher level play, chasing someone for 45+ seconds isn't a good idea.

    This video only really shows how good survivors can make a bad killer look helpless (which is why matchmaking needs fixing!!!) It proves very little else

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    If anything this shows why bloodlust has to be removed. You picked up so many bad habbits because of it.

    I recommend watching these, they will help you a lot. The reason you are having troubles right now is because of bloodlust teaching you the game wrong

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I think BL is needed like at least lvl 1 2 and 3 are not needed but with out BL survivor game have become a lot easier and survivor was already easy to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2020

    Actually these are examples of why bloodlust needs to be removed. It's pretty obvious you rely too much on bloodlust to force down pallets. If you didn't try to mindgame as much and just pick a direction and brute force the pallet down you would have forced the pallet down in half the time, then caught the survivor as they tried to vault the pallet. Instead you keep changing direction, essentially resetting the chase, and waste a massive amount of time AND never get the pallet dropped.

    This is exactly why bloodlust needs to go. You will never get better at the game if you win all your chases by way of a pity mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 447

    All of them? Like you're Green playing against Red ranks?

    Tbh BL is not needed actually in this situation or at all, Steve outplayed you on like 5 meter loop with 1 window where you can fast vault only one side because of the house.

    Like everybody said above, you made a lot of bad decisions, failed your hits, cut too long etc. (imo it's because you playing on PS4 with controller and you can't cut corners smooth as butter), whole video looks like you're one of the bloodlusting Killers which doesn't deserve 50% of their hits.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2020

    Not to sound rude, but this just shows that you have still a lot to learn. If bloodlust is the only reason you are able to get survivors, you should try to learn how to chase without it because that playstyle doesn't get you very far. There are a lot of useful tutorials on youtube, you should check them out.

  • Member Posts: 487

    Holy ######### I was the Steve lmao

  • Member Posts: 649

    Ok imma tell you something right now.... Please never be in my lobby lol Holy #########, you'll make me lose the game, very well played dude

    But to me, this brings light to a bigger issue here. Removing bloodlust while allowing such a rank difference?? That's just not fine, by any chance! OP is apparently 10 ranks lower, and that's just not fair.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Some people started building it, not knowing what it was... and they’ll continue building it forever, just because...

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    This is my first match without bloodlust vs a swf group.

    I made some silly mistakes, but than again I've been away for about 2.5 months from dbd.

    But you can check out other vids and you'll see i barely hit bloodlust in general.

    Been playing dbd since day 1 on ps4 and i always play at rank 1 on both sides.

    I know it is difficult to tell sometimes, but you need to find a way to know when to drop a chase.

    You can see claudette near a pallet where i down Feng, and I don't bother with that untill near the end of the match.

    I know that that is a loop where I'm forced to break the pallet otherwise it would be an infinite loop, no matter with what killer (except nurse).

    Even bloodlust 3 won't give you a hit there.

    So I only bother with that when I have some peace or when I don't have a choice.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Seeing as you're here as well what do you think of bloodlust?

    Also nice work on that window

  • Member Posts: 487

    BL 1 can stay as m1 killers rely on it but 2 and 3 can go as only bad players usually get to those tiers

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I cant wait to see huntress chasing survivors around the rock for a minute

  • Member Posts: 8

    I main survivor but lets be logical here. You shouldnt be rewarded blood lust 2 and 3. I say leave blood lust at 1.

  • Member Posts: 894

    You really think viable buffs to weaker killers will happen because of this? I must say your optimism is amazing. Good on you

  • Member Posts: 375

    yeah right around the time they release that working ranking systems they've been working on but doesnt happen.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I'm sorry, but to just seems like you're getting frustrated with people who are trying hard not to die. I think the other comments cover the fact that there may have been mistakes in the chases you showed, but I'd argue that the lack of bloodlust is actually letting those who have the skill to avoid the killer actually prove so. Bloodlust is like the equivalent of someone who is really good at forza having to watch someone catch up to them in a GTA race just because catch up is turned on.

    That being said, looping is a larger discussion, and as someone that plays survivor quite a bit, I have to say that looping like this is just a result of dealing with the way killers play. So at the end of the day I'm actually cool with the lack of bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 331

    If you had bloodlust you may have got those hits however these tiles could have also been played better. I reccomend watching some streamers and learn how to play loops correctly.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited November 2020

    While i agree with you, all of the loops you showed are actually fine, except for that killer shack that has holes you can see through. For the car loop in the beginning, its not mindgameable so don't try it, just force the pallet drop, which you can do in 1-2 loops around then it is gone. The problem is that you are taking the turns of the loop WAY to wide, so the loops end up being way longer for you than they actually are.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Three years running with optimism - I have a feeling this next year is it!

  • Member Posts: 14

    I get that it could be hard with some killers to not use bloodlust but demo? You could have just used his power and got that guy before you chased him in a loop for 5 minutes straight

  • Member Posts: 340

    Playing Killer on console looks very painful.

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