Can we just remove indoor maps?

Honestly though. Literally every indoor map sucks ass. Never met a single person that likes an indoor map.
i like lerys and midwich but i hate hawkins and gideon. not to mention gideon is the most killer sided map in dbd due to its small size and lack of windows.
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I like them, variety is the spice of life. Indoor maps have their place just as outdoor maps.
I like em both and prefer the gameplay to change up a little from time to time.
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I guess I'm biased since i main nurse 😆
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nurse can wreck an indoor map though, especially being able to pop up and down between levels, stairs... what are they?
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Spooky Mikey likes them 😊
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I like the indoor maps! This is coming from a survivor and killer.
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I mean, I'm torn. I like them aesthetically but gameplay wise is a whole different story.
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Personal issue with indoor maps is more two things:
- i have no sense of orientation
- multi-story maps like midwich or gideon are a mess when it comes to the sounds. please, if we can dampen sounds when there's a stack of tires between the camera and the gen/totem being worked on, it should be possible to dampen the TR if the killer is below/above us)
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All four of them need to be tossed into the campfire. Hate em all no matter the role I play. Can't find anything on them. Can't memorize them. Frames drop everywhere and worsen as a game proceeds. Spent many an offering just increasing the likelihood of NOT going indoors.
Do not like them Sam I Am...
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Thank you.
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The problem is autoaim. You can't hit anyone because your camera jerks to the side, you lag a lot too.
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My Piggy says you are welcome, and where's my boop?
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Yeah that element is true but nurse bugs out a lot on any map. You definitely feel the aim dressing in tighter spaces though.
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Agreed. Especially as someone who plays Blight a lot, most indoor maps suck. We should be able to see what the map is before starting so we can plan and remove map offerings. They are only used to sway advantage.
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I love indoor maps. I play mostly survivor, and while i can´t loop to save my (characters) life, i can juke killers. In order to do that, you need los-breaker, and indoor maps conists of nothing else. Its so easy to lose the killer there.
As killer i like them too, because i am colorblind, and they are about the only maps where i can see scratch marks and blood. Also, i like stealth killers, that get a use from indoor maps as well.
So, now you meet one that loves them. Are you happy?
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They just need an easy way (like, rank 20 can intuitively find it easy) to find generators on indoor maps. That's the worst part for me.
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I love indoor maps - as killer and survivor. They give off the horror vibe of trapped survivors to me that running around outdoors does not.
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I like indoor maps cause its not another forest with "amazing" rocks and trees
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For me its gotten so bad that when I get indor maps, Midwich especially I would just afk it out or farm with the survivors. This is coming from a huntress oni main.
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Aside from Moris, the easiest way I've found to 4k is play a stealth killer on an indoor map. It's super cheesy.
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I hate all indoor maps with all my heart. I hope DEVs will never make an indoor map again.
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That moment when lerys is ur favorite map :( besides both midwich and hawkins is heavily killersided
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No, Lery's is the best.
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I like Indoor maps.
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So here I am, I LOVE INDOOR MAPS, playing as KILLER and as SURVIVOR, i like play and love the atmosfere of those 3 indoor maps (except play The Blight in one of them, u are not going to be able to use M2 as in outdoor map XD)
Also there are... how much? 10 outdoor maps? moreless? or more?
And if u don't want to play there, u have an offering wich can neutralize anyone who use a offering in those maps
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totally agree
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agree XD
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i just said the same XD
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Right here. Boop!
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I usually use playing as killer and survivor because i like those maps, as killer and as survivor... but i agree in 1 thing, the 1 thing i don't like is play Blight in one of them XD
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No. Nurse still lags out and gets autoaimed on indoor maps, so I won't be happy until the devs show nurse some love, or change indoor maps to outdoor ones.
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I think that midwich is decently survivor sided. Its the one indoor map I dont mind as nurse, because they fixed most bugs on it.
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But that is an issue with nurse, not with indoor maps.
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Yes it is actually. Outdoor maps are fine with her. Indoor maps are a problem.
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Not really I lose frames terribly on Lery's no matter which killer, worse than even the other indoor ones.
I could only imagine running a nurse in there mien gott...