Be Honest, Was Turning bloodlust off As Bad As You Thought?



  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    My games as both killer and survivor have been fine without bloodlust. Maybe it's because I play huntress and I have good aim, but I don't see a point in having it.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    its not bad at all, but some structures and loops still need to be addressed (like god bus and house of pain, i have no idea why the devs are keeping these loops)

    bloodlust is a bandaid for bad map and loop design, which most maps arent bad anymore.

  • lunumbra
    lunumbra Member Posts: 23

    1) I frequent red ranks on both killer and survivor and in all of my games I made a mental note to keep track of when and where I would gain bloodlust and how much time it would save me. On average accross 20 games bloodlust generally would have given me around 10 to 15 seconds advantage on chases that I normally would have ended. I did not count the time bloodlust would have given me on chases where I objectively made a mistake (not simply lost a mind game). Generally when you take perks into consideration you want it to get you around 10 seconds or greater advantage. So basically playing without bloodlust is basically like playing with 3 perks instead of 4. I shouldn't have to tell you how impactful this is.

    2. I think that bloodlust 2 and 3 are antiquated and should be removed. However they are nice for new killers as a tool to learn the game.

    3. See above.

    4. Great thank you.

    Another specific example I could give you was a survivor game I played against a rank 3 wraith. They were running good addons and played very well but we got auto haven and the crane with the car, the killer shack, and the repair shop were all placed very close to each other. Normally I am extremely confident in my ability to run killers. Typically even against some of the better killers I can hold out for at least 30 seconds, but this wraith literally stood no chance. I had my friend count for me while I was looping him and I abused all of the structures greatly, running between all of them. The wraith made no obvious mistakes and I managed to loop them for 3 minutes 11 seconds before being downed. At which case I was now on my first hook and there was only 1 gen left and we easily won the game. Sure you can say that he lost the game because he committed to chasing me, but I think anyone that he chased could have done the same thing as I did and the majority of the generators were close to these structures.

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I had a game on haddonfield where I looped the same guy around 3 houses. That wasn't fun.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Just loving the amount I'm dealing with tonight the map offerings is unreal so is the use of object with keys and hatch spawning locations oh its been so fun.

    It seems like it's raised survivors over all cockyness with loops also especially with slower killers also maybe I just getting bad luck but honestly the blood lust thing I'm not noticing maybe because between the use of object and keys I'm kinda distracted lol

    To sum it up in not having fun anymore I dunno why just things se way more aggressive from the surviours play style.

    Might just be my bad luck tho 🐷💖

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,419

    For killers that are slower than 115% movement speed and aren't nurse or spirit? Yes

    For killers who are effectively m1 killers like wraith and trapper? Yes

    For everyone else at a general level? No

    For certain loops that still clearly have problems like god bus and killer shacks that the survivors are able to see through? Yes

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    It is way worse than I thought! I'm experimenting with solo queue survivor without a full meta build and without items. I usually play both sides purple/red ranks.

    Been playing survivor and I am decent but I'm suddenly getting way better results... 11 games and only one death, to be clear I maybe escape 3/10 matches on a normal day). I've played against nurse 2x, bubba, legion 2x, wraith, clown, huntress, spirit and demo. Only the doctor got me. I brought; kindred/ spine chill/ resilience/ sprint burst (spinechill tier 1, rest tier 3) Even without deadhard I get way more loops out of everything.

    NOED the ultimate crutch which put me in a bad situation couldn't secure the kill. Mori's aren't helping either since they struggle to catch someone. The bubba had his award winning chili and only got a 2k for camping in the endgame (which was his last resort tbf). The wraith had shadow dance and couldn't catch me at a double L tile. This is purple/red ranks btw getting mostly red rank killers vs red/purple survivors with the odd green killer. Killers struggle to get a kill, either my team gets out or 1 dies (2 die if we misplay in the endgame). This is solo queue...

    Removing bloodlust altogether isn't healthy for this game, a rework is fine but I feel that we at least need BL tier 1 and maybe tier 2 in low ranks as training wheels. I don't want such high escape rates it means there is little challenge in surviving.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    My gameplay hasn't really changed except for VERY specific window loops on two maps. Other than that, it's almost like nothing happened.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Agreed. If they're still keeping BL, just permanently cap it at tier 1. 2 and 3 are just bad killer cheese.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    1: I didn't really see an effect on my end when I played killer rounds. I don't tend to see BL kick in, so I honestly don't know if I missed it or not, but I can't obviously speak to others, since that might just be due to my playstyle.

    As a survivor, I found in the limited number of games I played, there was a map offering almost every time (Autohaven, Haddonfield, Ormond -- I saw similar map offerings as killer too), and several killers I played against were ones with high mobility in general (Blight, who I honestly don't see often) or whose basic powers make BL irrelevant (I saw multiple Doctors in a row). Might have been just a coincidence.

    2: While I don't think removing it is game-breaking, the game still has enough map issues, those should be addressed first. There's actually SO many game issues that need to be looked at/fixed first, it's almost astounding that THIS is what's being discussed. Not saying that the devs aren't doing other things behind the scenes, but this feels like someone taking their garbage to the road while their house is on fire and burning down around them. Priorities don't seem to be in line with what they should be.

    3: To parrot what someone else suggested, I'd get rid of BL 2/3 and keep a basic BL mechanic, with a slightly longer time to activate.

    4: It was good -- hopefully, everyone else's was as well. :)

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,749

    If some killers require Bloodlust to get downs they were probably already unplayable, tbh

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Well I play on a ultrawide monitor so I'm use to playing at a disadvantage. But seriously it's not as bad as playing on a ultrawide monitor.😉

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,749
    edited November 2020

    The killer capsule is .5m in radius and the survivor capsule is .45m in radius. Let's imagine the killer and survivor are both running around a circular loop 5m in diameter. Let's also assume that both are hugging the walls of the loop. The survivor is therefore running around the perimeter of a 5.9m diameter circle and the killer is running around the perimeter of a 6m circle.

    So, now for some simple math.

    The survivor's total path length is 5.9πm and they move at 4m/s. That means they run the loop in 4.63 seconds. The killer's total path length is 6πm. Standard killers move at 4.6m/s, and will therefore run the loop in 4.10 seconds. If we solve 5.9πm / x = 6πm / 4.6s for x, we get the equivalent straight-line speed of this killer: 4.52 m/s. In other words, when chasing a survivor around a circular loop 5m in diameter, a 115% speed killer catches up to survivors as quickly as a 113% killer would in a straight line. That's hardly impactful at all.

    If you repeat this math for a circle with a 2m diameter, which is pretty much the smallest thing I can imagine a killer not being able to mind game you around, it shakes out to making a 115% killer behave like a 111% killer would in a straight line. If this makes most of the map into infinites, then how are 110% killers viable?

    TL;DR There are not infinites everywhere now.

    Bloodlust is far from useless, but killers shouldn't be relying on it anyway. I'd honestly expect this to hurt baby killers more than experienced ones.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
    1. Not really. I played about 10-15 games on Survivor and Killer each trying it out, and its not as rough as I had originally thought. The 115% killers move pretty well if you know how to run tiles, and the 110% killers do well but are slightly more power dependent.
    2. Overall, I think it can be removed but should be monitored closely. There's a few maps that could be slightly updated so bloodlust isnt as necessary, which leads me to-->
    3. On a few maps there are nasty loops (Dead Dawg Saloon main building, Groaning Storehouse, etc.) which need the breakable walls destroyed immediately. I haven't looked too closely at the new Autohaven and Ormond maps, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had similar loops. Maybe these strong loops could be nerfed/changed slightly, so its not necessary to immediately destroy the walls? Just my thoughts :p
    4. Week's going pretty good! I've been focusing on my Killer adepts and I'm averaging about 1 a day at red ranks! I've gotten Blight, Pyramid Head, Wraith, Huntress, Pig, Trapper, and if today's a good day too maybe Cannibal! I'm also practicing for Oni and Plague, but I'm not crazy/good enough to try them at Red Ranks- I'm not good enough at Oni and Plague is near impossible at high ranks.
  • Gore_Nargai
    Gore_Nargai Member Posts: 77
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Just fix the maps
    4. Good, hope yours was good too
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,180
    1. It's about what I thought. Indoor maps are very problematic for M1 killers vs survivors who path efficiently, and it exacerbates the problem of ridiculous connecting tiles that should never be near each other. It's a justified nerf for mediocre/bad killers, but an unwarranted buff to skilled survivors due to ever-problematic map design.
    2. Yes. I think it should be removed. But they still need to actually address the problem areas of the maps, and I'm not sure they realize why their maps are problematic. They redid MacMillan and Suffo Pit is still absurd. You can't cut someone off on an indoor map if they look behind them and react to your pathing. You are never downing anyone in the middle of Suffocation Pit or Ormond in general with an M1 killer unless they completely biff it. Stuff like that
    3. I wouldn't have bloodlust in the game and I'd swallow my pride and consult knowledgeable players about the maps at this point
    4. My week was good! Hope yours was good as well

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    I think its terrible. For example, all a survivor has to do is run around in circles at a place with a pallet; with blood lust you can close the gap more. Without it, they can almost guarantee to drop the pallet and head to the next one without taking a hit.

    Its especially bad with the slower killers. I have not had such bad matches in a long time like I'm having now. I'm now being run through multple gens in a way that didnt happen before.

    So yeah, this is terrible IMHO.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,816

    I've definitely noticed a difference. As survivor, I suddenly live about 150% longer in chase just by running forward and occasionally popping through a window. As a green/purple killer there's not a huge difference when I match with people close to my same rank -- it's clearly taking longer to go around a loop, but not so much longer that I can't catch them), but when I get fed to red rank SWF (or, you know, extremely suspiciously coordinated red rank teams that I assume are SWF) I'm toast. They just smash their faces against the scenery and run an optimal path between pallets, and I'm like, "God, I don't even know for sure I'll EVER eventually catch up."

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I love it when I play Survivor, literally never caught outside of my own screw ups. Some tiles that force the killer to take a longer way around (like the crane) due to the hitbox nature of characters I can actually run a killer 5-6 times around before I even need to throw the pallet. This "experiment" has really shown that the devs have no idea just how strong some of their tiles are, let alone when they are chained together.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I always felt that if bloodlust was eventually removed someday, that beast of prey should just keep the bloodlust mechanic as a unique thing for itself. Maybe make it a bit weaker then it is now, but if a player really needs bloodlust then let them waste a perk slot for it. Still giving the Undetectable status effect too

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    1 - Not really sure. I like to play m1 killers and play on autopilot mode and so mindlessly do things, maybe even take advantage of bloodlust. It's just so convenient. So I have noticed the change. I actually have to... think about what I'm doing. It's horrible.

    As survivor I have noticed I can take more advantage of loops, too. My last game resulted in a rank 13 hag DCing because she couldn't catch me for about 2 mins on a loop... where I used 1 pallet and no windows. Bad matchmaking and no bloodlust is a bad combination.

    2 - I really never thought I'd say this because I mostly play survivor and hate when bloodlust is used against me but... bloodlust 1 at the very least needs to stay in the game. Imagine trying to catch a survivor that knows how to loop the garage, asylum, shack and jungle gyms on suffocation pit, or any good loops for that matter.

    3 - Keep at least bloodlust 1, maybe 2.

    4 - Little stressful, but fine thanks.