Chapter 10 is a licensed killer.

Plus you kinda have to push your own killer to side just to make sure get an iconic killer right. But who knows maybe they had already an idea for chapter 10 and in that design phase they found a really cool chapter 11 killer.
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I’ve been posting this around for others to read of my crazy fan theory that points to Resident Evil chapter.0 -
FayeZahara said:With the team sending out a small0 vague spoiler for chapter 11. Wondering what about chapter 10 the next one. Ussually they focus on one killer at a time. But they will come back to a character there creating if they get a licensed character. Think they got the design ready and then got word of a killer they can work on. So then they pushed that killer to chapter 11. Why would you talk about a killer not in next chapter. Seems like they can't be super vague about chapter 10. But now got to wonder who it is next.
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We need Ahs surv and henrietta killer!!!!
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@Dabrownman1812 said:
FayeZahara said:With the team sending out a small0 vague spoiler for chapter 11. Wondering what about chapter 10 the next one. Ussually they focus on one killer at a time. But they will come back to a character there creating if they get a licensed character. Think they got the design ready and then got word of a killer they can work on. So then they pushed that killer to chapter 11. Why would you talk about a killer not in next chapter. Seems like they can't be super vague about chapter 10. But now got to wonder who it is next.
I was thinking the same, they said if it goes as planned, which hints at other forces having control like a collaboration.
I would say "It it goes as planned" refers to the Chapter 11 killer, who won't be out before march. My guess is just, that they are still in an early design phase for this chapter. So things might still be possible to change in comparison to Chapter 10, which is much farther in development making changes toward the killer more likely.
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I really hope we never get licensed killers again.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
I really hope we never get licensed killers again.I'll agree with you once I get the Tall-Man.
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I would love a Scream chapter or Alien chapter.
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If we get Xenomorph I will never play another game again.
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I want Godzilla.4
Kilmeran said:
@DeadByFlashlight said:
I really hope we never get licensed killers again.I'll agree with you once I get the Tall-Man.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
I really hope we never get licensed killers again.I will agree with you once I get Pinhead, Valac, or Carrie White!
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@FayeZahara and @GhostrickSpecter , It's settled then. We need many more licensed killer DLCs.
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Licensed characters were more of Starbreezes thing. Dont think Behavior will be doing anything like that.
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@Wraff said:
Licensed characters were more of Starbreezes thing. Dont think Behavior will be doing anything like that.Probably true, and that would be a shame. What drew me to DBD this past summer was being able to play some of the Iconic slasher film killers. If they're done with those, I can see me getting bored with Barely Injured by Daylight probably before the new year.
Oh well, guess it'll be back to Overwatch at that point, unless Hide Or Die releases by then and isn't trash.
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I mean Freddy is getting a full rework sooo..... there's your spoiler... dev's are even adding a new map and throwing in the girl everyone really wanted to come with him... k now that it's settled can we move away from tiring liscienced killer BS "I want pinhead and Jason" the 3 billionth discussion of wanting freaking IT in the game as well.. 🙄...........
Only kidding I really want a SCREAM chapter to.......... bring Sidney to DBD!!0 -
@Bravo0413 said:
I mean Freddy is getting a full rework sooo..... there's your spoiler... dev's are even adding a new map and throwing in the girl everyone really wanted to come with him... k now that it's settled can we move away from tiring liscenced killer BS "I want pinhead and Jason" the 3 billionth discussion of wanting freaking IT in the game as well.. 🙄...........Only kidding I really want a SCREAM chapter to.......... bring Sidney to DBD!!
If they're gonna make Ghostface, he might be another stealth killer? I think so, but what kind of stealth he can be?
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@FayeZahara said:
Ussually they focus on one killer at a time.That's where you are wrong, the hunteress perk icon add been datamined before Micheal (aka the second chapter) got released.
But the hunteress herself only was released 3 chapter later, almost a full year later.1 -
@George_Soros said:
I want Godzilla.Best idea yet and having grown up on the originals this would be my geekdom fantasy.
As far as licensed killers or survivors go I'd say no more than 1 per year since that's money that takes away from game development.
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laKUKA said:
We need Ahs surv and henrietta killer!!!!
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InB4 it will just be 2018's Michael Myers skin. /s
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It needs to be Pinhead!!!!! there is no other that should be hooking people right now!
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
I really hope we never get licensed killers again.Your hopes will be crushed.
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just want Scream chapter love scream guy and sidney prescott and woodsboro high school stage would be fun.
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Dragonredking said:
@FayeZahara said:
Ussually they focus on one killer at a time.That's where you are wrong, the hunteress perk icon add been datamined before Micheal (aka the second chapter) got released.
But the hunteress herself only was released 3 chapter later, almost a full year later.Your rightwas it the one that showed her?Cause know they know alot of perks they would like to do in future.Previous stream made it sound like spirit was created and singular focused at end of clown chapter. But i also thought that one single concept can't be whole process. Good ideas ussually come in numbers not just one at time.1 -
RabidWabbitz said:
It needs to be Pinhead!!!!! there is no other that should be
If they get pinhead...Then they must get candyman...Once they get candyman...They got to get Dr. DeckerBecause if you get one of clive barker iconic killers why not take them all xDPost edited by FayeZahara on1 -
Bravo0413 said:I mean Freddy is getting a full rework sooo..... there's your spoiler... dev's are even adding a new map and throwing in the girl everyone really wanted to come with him... k now that it's settled can we move away from tiring liscienced killer BS "I want pinhead and Jason" the 3 billionth discussion of wanting freaking IT in the game as well.. 🙄...........
Only kidding I really want a SCREAM chapter to.......... bring Sidney to DBD!!I think of all the things probally most alluding to ghostface possibly being next. Is the guy who owns the license for the mask answered a dbd fan. Working on it.... well ain't that a tease right thereEven though i want candyman to celebrate his 2k movie re-release.0 -
@Bravo0413 said:
I mean Freddy is getting a full rework sooo..... there's your spoiler... dev's are even adding a new map and throwing in the girl everyone really wanted to come with him... k now that it's settled can we move away from tiring liscienced killer BS "I want pinhead and Jason" the 3 billionth discussion of wanting freaking IT in the game as well.. 🙄...........Only kidding I really want a SCREAM chapter to.......... bring Sidney to DBD!!
Wait, I missed something then, where did we get the info that Freddy is getting a FULL rework and they bring a new map plus Nancy? What?
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FrEdDy FaZbEaR fOr NeXT LicENceD KiLlEr pLs2
Uh what teaser was there?
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@Mercury said:
@Bravo0413 said:
I mean Freddy is getting a full rework sooo..... there's your spoiler... dev's are even adding a new map and throwing in the girl everyone really wanted to come with him... k now that it's settled can we move away from tiring liscienced killer BS "I want pinhead and Jason" the 3 billionth discussion of wanting freaking IT in the game as well.. 🙄...........Only kidding I really want a SCREAM chapter to.......... bring Sidney to DBD!!
Wait, I missed something then, where did we get the info that Freddy is getting a FULL rework and they bring a new map plus Nancy? What?
They talked about Freddy a ways back and then just recently in the devstream about getting a full rework so that'll probably happen either at end of eyr or most most likely early next.
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Honestly I think just about any creature from the YouTube channel CrypTV could make it into this game.
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I'd be so happy with a Pinhead or Candyman. Pinhead especially! I wouldn't mind seeing a more classic killer combo done either though if its done right. Like a Vampire or Werewolf killer and a Van Helsing survivor, featuring period clothing in the shop for the other survivors. The character design can't be campy though or it would ruin the atmosphere.
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@PhantomMask20763 said:
FrEdDy FaZbEaR fOr NeXT LicENceD KiLlEr pLsYou joke, but I actually thought it'd be pretty awesome to get all four, and the Killer player's ability is to shut one down and transfer consciousness to another.
That or the same ability in a scarecrow character.
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@RabidWabbitz said:
It needs to be Pinhead!!!!! there is no other that should be hooking people right now!Massive Hellraiser fan here but, athough he's been suggested many times on the forum, I've never seen gameplay suggestions that would actually work for Pinhead.
TBH I'd be happy enough with a Kirsty Cotton and a Cenobite. Doesn't have to the main man himself. Kinda like how they put Amanda in instead of Kramer for the Saw DLC.
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@Eight said:
@RabidWabbitz said:
It needs to be Pinhead!!!!! there is no other that should be hooking people right now!Massive Hellraiser fan here but, athough he's been suggested many times on the forum, I've never seen gameplay suggestions that would actually work for Pinhead.
TBH I'd be happy enough with a Kirsty Cotton and a Cenobite. Doesn't have to the main man himself. Kinda like how they put Amanda in instead of Kramer for the Saw DLC.
I think he could float kind of like the Nurse and be more of a hands off killer to where he attacks using the puzzle box or something. Maybe similar to scorpion from Mortal combat. Uses the hooks to pull you back or something. I just think he is to good for this to not have him in the game! He Needs To Be A DBD Killer!
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@RabidWabbitz said:
I think he could float kind of like the Nurse and be more of a hands off killer to where he attacks using the puzzle box or something. Maybe similar to scorpion from Mortal combat. Uses the hooks to pull you back or something. I just think he is to good for this to not have him in the game! He Needs To Be A DBD Killer!I can feel my framerate dropping just thinking about this.
Could be cool though. My only other concern about bringing Pinhead (or any cenobites) into the game, is that why would anyone NOT play him? The guy shits over every other horror icon.
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Sort of changed my mind. Would prefer Joey over Kirsty, especially if they license Terry Farell's likeness.
Which they should for all the movie characters really. Even if it makes the DLC more expensive.
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Next killer will be Frankenstein's monster.
Would be fitting with the current events skins + laboratory + mad scientist.0 -
@Eight said:
Sort of changed my mind. Would prefer Joey over Kirsty, especially if they license Terry Farell's likeness.Which they should for all the movie characters really. Even if it makes the DLC more expensive.
If they do it I just hope they don't cop out with Pinhead and make sure they do Doug Bradley's likeness and not Stephan Collins.
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@RabidWabbitz said:
If they do it I just hope they don't cop out with Pinhead and make sure they do Doug Bradley's likeness and not Stephan Collins.Lol. True. And let's not have fat Doug Bradley from the later movies either.
Sorry Doug, coudn't resist. I actually met him, briefly, once. He was nice to me.
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Am I the only one waiting for krampus to come punish those naughty survivors? Like if you spend more than 30 sec in the exit gate it gets blocked XD0
The most iconic terror characters are Freddy,Myers,Letherface and Chucky, WE NEED THE DOLL ON DBD! (No more copied killers, like the clown(Who are just a cheap version of pennywise) Or the spirit(the girl from the ring) That aren't that cool than the original characters. Or at least made a REAL original killer.
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Am I the only one waiting for krampus to come punish those naughty survivors? Like if you spend more than 30 sec in the exit gate it gets blocked XDThis is my want as well. I could see a very creepy winter themed Krampus killer release. Maybe a giant multistory mansion with half of it broken apart with snow falling inn.
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Am I the only one thinking the Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) or Pyramid Head? Jeepers Creepers could have the ability to fly and/or his truck horn making distraction sounds on his command, and Pyramid Head could do what he does in Silent Hill, have to wait a while to even spawn in or do anything, but when he does finally spawn in, everything goes to #########, it gets too dark for the survivors to see unless they have found a flashlight or already had one, and he may be super slow but he has super long range, and then maybe as a bonus or two, those bugs that followed him in the movie, or of course the ever haunting siren. Both of these would be OP but first, I'm sure the devs would make it work. Second, these iconic guest characters and killers should rightly be a little more op, just a little. Third and finally, Pyramid Head is technically already balanced, seeing as how it would only make sense that it would take him a while to spawn in, the siren that plays would be an easy giveaway to who the survivors should be planning around and looking forward to meeting in the match if they didn't already know who they were up against, and he would be slow, like ungodly slow, but with a super long range of course, and easy to spot and avoid, but brutal, possibly one hit down. Pyramid Head wouldn't even need any truly special aspects to his gameplay, just these minor tweaks to his base stats and character, as well as the environment he spawns in, and even if it seems a little OP, they could just not give him a special ability, to balance him and set him apart from the other killers.