No Bloodlust = True Skill Balance

I've been seeing a lot of killer mains posting their annoyance about the lack of bloodlust this weekend and I only have one thing to say about that:

If you are experiencing survivors escaping more often this weekend and feel no bloodlust is the issue, you're finally seeing the skill-gap those particular survivors have compared to you.

Bloodlust is the equivalent of throwing GTA V's catch-up feature from races into a proper Forza race. It's a subtle crutch that gives killers an edge they wouldn't normally have, even when they're already faster.

If a survivor is getting away more, then they are ultimately outplaying you. There will always be small outliers, but claiming bloodlust is the difference maker is not a reasonable excuse.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk



  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited November 2020

    Is this to imply killers may have been on a power trip after believing their speed boost was who they really were all along?

    sounds humbling... humility’s a good thing, tho

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Imagine that killer on bloodlust 3. Faster than Ferrari.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Good killers won't see a difference this weekend. The main issue here is that most people (the vast majority of people complaining about balance on these forums: on both sides) think they are much better than they actually are. You can always play better, people don't wanna hear that when they lose though. Lots of great killer streamers out there people can learn from - I believe Goose went 8+ hours the other day playing a variety of killers with no addons and did not lose a single kill. A perfect example that you can always play better.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I hardly ever bloddlust and if I do, I'm legit 3 steps from being in lunge radios!

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    If you took those away everyone would become top tier survivors and make killers boycott because they would actually do the damn gens for once

  • Jarmendo
    Jarmendo Member Posts: 19
  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    I don't know if you noticed bud.

    My post wasn't serious.

  • axelsilvajr
    axelsilvajr Member Posts: 9

    I say since we're experimenting, we experiment with turning off the red glare while in chase at the time blood lust 2 would activate, if no blood lust it will allow for some mean mind games. Which would be more fair imo, survs get their infinite windows, you cant see our glare five meters before killers come around a wall, obviously you can moonwalk but who cant read those these days. Just food for thought

  • Katee_Main
    Katee_Main Member Posts: 53

    I dont see how the killer getting mindgamed at that pallet is a good example of why we need BL. I've never seen anyone respect a pallet that hard and not eventually just break it after falling for 15 fake vaults. That clip would probably be a better example of why we need better MM.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    Agreed! I think we'll see people adapt properly and get better. Totally makes sense that losing the speed boost will make people think differently and improve.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    I mean, if you're getting looped and windowed that often, I would argue that it's a matter of tactics. If you're relying on that extra speed boost to catch folks, it might be time to adapt and improve. It's not like survs can counter like in a game such as Friday the 13th, so sadly looping is the only cheesy thing people can do to help themselves and their team. I'm not saying I like it, but it's a trade off.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    There are plenty of issues on both sides, but it's really not fair to say the devs ignore killers. As someone who tends to play surv, I find it to be the opposite. So I'd say it's just the devs at this point not understanding proper balancing in this game still lol

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    I never had problems without bloodlust but then I got midwich with a looping survivor who abused every single room on the map. Oh boy.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You apparently think maps are balanced if bloodlust isn't needed.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    that was so satisfying to watch, a survivor reading a killer movement like a book and he can keep himself on the same pallet loop until he make a mistake and get actually punished for it, unlike bloodlust where you get punished no matter how well you perform

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    I never said they were balanced, because I agree that the maps are not balanced on both sides. There are plenty of other issues I have with the games current balancing, but for people to say that bloodlust creates an issue for killers just isn't fair to say.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    My point exactly! I feel like many killers aren't realizing how much bloodlust gives them an advantage when someone is outperforming them, even though they still get hit/downed. This weekend is showing what happens when the survs who understand evading the most actually have that fighting chance.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    Yea, the map balancing is another issue, but that's for another discussion lol

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    How do you use your power if you're myers in chase? How should i use my power as myers in chase so i'm skillful?

  • It's a bit of a nerf to Plague and Legion, but overall not too many killers are really affected.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Damn you must be amazing at this game finishing all your chase under 15 second

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited November 2020

    The entire point of blood lust being added in to begin with was bandaid fixing map balancing....

    BL was literally made as a fix to map balance.

    Edit: To quote the announcement

    This weekend, Bloodlust will be temporarily disabled on the live version of the game.


    Bloodlust was originally introduced as a means to help the Killer catch up to Survivors at strong window loops. At the time, these loops were safe enough that the Survivor would gain a significant amount of distance each time the vaulted the window, making it impossible for the Killer to catch them.

    Infinites and map balance were why it was added in and we still have both in the forum of infinites/pseudo infinites as people have found out how to make the "Fun bus" aka open window bus a true infinite by making the entity blockers not spawn by forcing the chase to be dropped.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Removing Bloodlust would be fine, because it carries killers against better survivors. The problem is - there is not enough killers in high ranks, so the game will throw unexperienced killers to the meat grinder. And that's not healthy for the game, because unequal confrontation is boring for both sides.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Exactly, the removal of Bloodlust shows the true skill of players. Tiles which were unplayable for Survivor before now become playable, talking about unsafe Loops here which are also fair for the Killer (if they are at least as good as the Survivor).

    But what many people seem to forget - this is a TEST. So it will end. And I am pretty sure that Bloodlust will not be removed until the rest of the Maps are ironed out, I guess, there will also be more tests in the future. They are probably checking right now if their current Map Reworks work (In my opinion - YES) and which Maps need further Reworks in the future (maybe to get a priority list, e.g. if most bad games happened on Haddonfield, they will do Haddonfield sooner than the Swamp, for example).

    In general, the better the Killer is, the less they need Bloodlust. The good Killers will most likely not even feel a difference, so I am pretty sure that Bloodlust will be removed, if all Maps are reworked. It was meant to be a temporary band-aid fix, after all. And if players derank because of that, they just get back to the territory where they should be. I have already seen some videos of Killers having a hard time, but I also see that those do a lot of mistakes and those videos are more of a confirmation that Bloodlust needs to go than anything else - if you mess up that hard, you should not deserve the Hit.

    Below are my Killer games so far, I am not sure how many I can get in today (I will have some stuff to take care of) or tomorrow:

    All at Rank 1/2:

    Game 1 Legion, Badham - 2K, 8 Hooks

    Game 2 Pig, Badham - 4K 12 Hooks

    Game 3 Trapper, Sanctum - 2K, 9 Hooks

    Game 4 Wraith, Resting Place - 4K, 12 Hooks

    Game 5 Hag, Abattoir - 4K, 9 Hooks

    Game 6 Doctor, The Game (Map Offering from a Survivor), 4K, 11 Hooks

    Game 7 Wraith, Wretched Shop, 4K, 10 Hooks

    Game 8 Doctor, Wretched Shop, 4K, 12 Hooks

    Game 9 Legion, Hawkins, 4K, 10 Hooks

    Game 10 Pig, Torment Creek, 3K, 10 Hooks

    Game 11 Pig, Wreckers Yard, 2K, 9 Hooks (Key)

    Game 12 Pig, Badham, 1K, 7 Hooks

    Game 13 Pig, Rotten Fields,3K, 5 Hooks (1st Hook Suicide, Hatch Escape)

    Game 14 Pig, Shelter Woods, 3K, 7 Hooks (1st guy died with the trap, second one killed himself on 2nd hook, farming afterwards, Survivor 3 dies by trap, Survivor 4 gets Hatch)

    Game 15 Trapper, Shelter Woods, 1K, 5 Hooks

    Game 16 Trapper, Badham, 3K, 9 Hooks

    Game 17 Wraith, Cowshed, 0K, 4 Hooks

    Game 18 Wraith, Ironworks, 1K, 7 Hooks

    Game 19 Clown, Pale Rose, 4K, 8 Hooks

    Game 11 would have been at least a 3K (1 guy was on death hook), but they found a Key in a Chest with 1 Gen to go, Game 14 would have been a 4K with 4 or 5 Gens left, but I wanted to let them farm because I felt bad for them (they gave me the one Kill in the end).

    Game 17 was really bad played from me, but it was Cowshed. They had Barn into Long Wall into T/L-Wall into Long Wall into Long Wall into Jungle Gym and from there, the Survivor could go either to Cow Loop or Shack. This is one of the Maps which still needs changing, but I doubt that I would have been much better with Bloodlust, like I said, I played pretty poorly this game and Cowshed is one of the worst Maps for Killer in general.

    But overall, I dont see much difference to my usual results, they look around the same. So I dont notice the change that much.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    As someone who plays both sides, but mainly survivors, i say they dont ignore survivors, but the advantage survivors have in the game are still very high.

    But to your topic: I agree with you in some ways. The point is to look at why the survivor outclass the killer.

    And there are mainly 2 reasons:

    Bad matchmaking: The devs prioritize matchmaking times over actuall game balance, we know that. This way, people with highly different skill levels are matched against each other. If you are the low skill killer player, you are in for a hard time, because even one or two survivor more skilled unbalance the game so much in their favor, that you have no chance. Bloodlust helped to hide that fact, because if the skill difference was not too much, it helped the killer keep up. Without it, he can´t. But since i dont think we will get a fair matchmaking anytime soon, bloodlust might be needed to compensate the skill difference the game puts you in on purpose.

    The other possibility is that the survivor and the killer are actually on the same skill level, but the survivor have soo much advantage on their side, that it is hard to keep up as killer. Gentimes are fast, and a survivor that can waste enough time will end the killer game as fast. In that case, further balance need to be achived if you disable bloodlust, either through killer sided map reworks, killer buffs or survivor nerfs.

    I only played as solo survivor that weekend, because thats what i do most of the time anyway. I Never got killed, and i seldom saw more than one guy dying.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    They take it away just because the survivors say killers don't need it and I quit.

    Bloodlust DOES help in certain situations - most for me because I deal with five minute games almost everyday I try to play.

    This game is already getting more survivor sided.

    Hell, even the new killer is survivor sided - I don't see it getting use at all.

    Just for fun - and not enough people playing this game want to have fun, they want to sweat and win.

  • MrRiingo
    MrRiingo Member Posts: 5

    I'd like to believe what you're saying is true. But, it just isn't.

    Removing bloodlust isn't showing the skill gap of any nature, it's showing how poorly designed the maps truly are. Infinites still exist. Its not a crutch mechanic for bad players, it allows killers to catch up in a loop when they otherwise wouldn't unless the survivor makes a mistake.

    I mean, survivors in general are already stronger than killers, especially swf with the perks they have.