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No Bloodlust = True Skill Balance



  • Member Posts: 606

    Agreed. I mostly play low and mid-tier killers because they are more fun IMO. I’ve drawn 2 games, won the rest.

    People crying about BL are probably limited to the unexperienced Rank 15+ killers that just commit too long to chases. If you’re doing this at red ranks...WHY!?

  • Member Posts: 21

    the only thing removing bloodlust has exposed is that survivors think they're gods for running unmindgameble loops lol

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Ah..another post that has 0 logical backing and would rather smear people instead...

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Nah. At first it didn't make much of a difference to me but I've been getting more and more sweat squads the last ew fhours and it has made anyone below Blight/Freddy/Spirit outright unplayable against good players

    Seriously, I don't think many people realise just how much the lower tier killers NEED BL1. 2 and 3 are irrelevant as they exist to just remove any skill whatosever.

    If the survivor is getting away more its because they have a higher skill ceiling. What in christs name am I supposed to do against an L/T wall with a no LOS breaker pallet loop on either side as Micheal? I can't because micheal is limited by his power. Meanwhile Spirit/Nurse/Huntress/Blight/Hag have a multitude of ways to handle this. My only option is to throw on a band aid perk like Bamboozle. But I already have 2 band aid perks on.

    Remove 2 and 3. Keep one. If you remove BL1 than over half the killer roster will need absolutely MASSIVE chase buffs to make them playable against a half decent looper.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    If more people saw the math of how much time a pallet stun/DS stun into hold W a survivor can waste more people would have a problem with match speeds.

  • Member Posts: 184
    edited November 2020

    Sure. Why would you be worried about what happens to "bad killers" in the first place? Maybe because you can't even get away from bad killers? I don't know. I think that is much more telling than people complaining. People will always complain if something affects them, a little or a lot.

    I think this will affect very little high skilled killers and hight tier killers and affect more lower skill killers and tiers. They still have the right to oppose a decision, whether or not they are good or bad. Sure, I think they could learn without it, but even the devs recognize some changes to maps were necessary for that to start and there are still plenty of areas that were not changed and good survivors here and there saying their matches became easier because of that. If that is to stay afterwards I will respect it and adapt, but I don't think this attitude is constructive of name calling and shaming when everyone that is in the game has the right to play it and learn.

    Maybe this is something that will only truly affect people that should learn otherwise. I don't really know. When it becomes set in stone we will know for sure after more time without it. I think people are too quick to judge with only 1 or 2 days of gameplay and no access to the data.

  • Member Posts: 305

    i am mainsurviver and play killer (red ranks) sometimes, i am a ok killer and make many 4k before bl and now after bl, I dont even notice it in game, the way the game is played is still the same, if noobis cant manage anything without bl, they just stop with killer gameplay ...

  • Member Posts: 184

    Maybe in this case you could post your killer matches along with the posting of this thread to make a comparison:

    He is posting all his matches and according to his account surviving became much easier. But adding information to the discussion would be constructive to compare.

  • Member Posts: 231

    it's almost like that will make for more interesting chases and weed out the pepegs from higher ranks. now all we need is emblems to be harder and double depips back.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Go play the basement Badham/Haddonfield house against a good looper without Bloodlust or an chase power and say that again.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I have. As both the survivor looping and the killer chasing.

    Infinites don’t exist anymore.

  • Member Posts: 184

    I'm all for double depips. Still, that won't make much difference if you keep getting matched with much lower ranks than yours.

  • Member Posts: 63

    That's the killer's fault for respecting the pallet so hard. On top of that he should've broke it

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Lol they do exist. For example haddonfield in a house with a basement if both windows spawn at the back of a house or gas haven once garage gen is done and back wall has a window without a door. Those are infinites vs huntress. Certain long low fences on haddonfield with vaults on each end is an infinite without bloodlust vs most of the killers. Because once 1 vault is blocked you can use the other one until the first one is unblocked

  • Member Posts: 187

    It's all mind game in looping. You have to out think the other party. It's part of the thrill. I absolutely live for the moment when a killer out thinks me and cuts me off after a decent chase. You have to want to work at the chases. You can't just walk into a loop and be good at it, it takes skill and knowledge of the maps to know which are decent and what you can get away with. Personally, if I'm making you follow me on a long loop, then I'm distracting you and you should figure out why. As far as the devs caring, I think we as the player community have to put in just as much work; there's only so much they can do by themselves.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Have you considered using the powers of the killers you’re handling?

  • Member Posts: 4,883
    edited November 2020

    Right because pressing a power button can make a difference. More then half the killer's powers are useless at those loops

  • Member Posts: 92

    I disagree, if a killer starts having a harder time without bloodlust its because matchmaking and map design; of course there are going to still be really umbalanced matches but lets forget about those. Dont forget that everything is relative, and that same killer might be a god when facing rank 20s so...

    I like this experiment as long as the data collected is correctly interpretated: map design and matchmaking needs to keep improving

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Bud my post wasn't serious. Not so hard to understand..

  • Member Posts: 828

    So being able to run in literal circles around safe loops for the entirety of multiple gen completions is a sign of skill


    i wish i had the capability of holding 1 direction indefinitely

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited November 2020

    also.. the whole "just break the pallets now" argument is laughable.. so it's now skillful to drop pallets early and circle it, waiting for it to be broken, instead of having to account for possible mindgames

    survivor gameplay even more braindead, but it's being called skillful

    whatever makes you feel like you're accomplishing something

  • Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2020

    I mean, I agree that lack of bloodlust can definitely make some previously pseudo-unsafe loops now fairly safe, why didn't they just break the damn pallet? Even if they did though, it's still brutal to watch.

  • Member Posts: 184

    It won't weed pepegs for a simple reason: matchmaking. It could though, make MORE survivors that dont know how to loop to get into red ranks. That sure is something I'm looking forward to.

  • Member Posts: 13


  • Member Posts: 113

    Most window loops, are solidly strong jungle gyms that unless you have at least BL1 they can still reach a pallet if you read them correctly. BL isn't used to quite used to just for catching chases but it allows for you to break a really safe jungle gym with a correct read.

    BL would let you punish a surv for reading them correctly. Without it things like deadhard and such to get to next pallet really came in handy as it can get tou just that distance you need

  • Member Posts: 154

    Well then, until they figure out how to balance those maps, I can't see any reason to remove bloodlust tbh

  • Member Posts: 521

    Hell, I've gotten an infinite on the Groaning Storehouse. If you get a rock rubbing against the corner to the right of the breakable wall in the main building, the window is an infinite again. I got it my first time on the new Groaning Storehouse and thought that was bullshit. Fortunately, it only happens 30% of the time, but it's still dumb

  • Member Posts: 789

    I can't stand OoO. It should be deleted from the game.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I've pretty much stopped playing killer during this test... having chases last longer than they should because a survivor is at a safe vaulting spot due to crap RNG... nope.

    So, I've been playing survivor a lot more... as it's easier, far more relaxing, and magnitudes less pressure to do well.

  • Member Posts: 618

    vaulting and throwing down a pallet isnt a skill

    bloodlust one just makes so much difference even if you have it for just 3-5 seconds

  • Member Posts: 5

    I'm not arguing with you about the bloodlust, I could care less if it got removed or stayed. How come Legion would miss bloodlust? Or Pig since she's a stealth killer with a medium distance lunge? Those I'd think would be the last ones to miss BL. I'm also a Legion Main btw but I haven't played pig so much. I just wanna know your reasoning is all :)

  • Member Posts: 477

    This would be true if matchmaking were balanced. Matchmaking isn't balanced.

    I've faced green rank killers at red ranks. And if I'm in a SWF with 1 yellow rank surv we often face yellow ranked killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    With Pig, the issue usually comes when you either get your first hit as the Survivor is vaulting something or when you break a pallet. They gain like 15 meters of distance on you and then now that Bloodlust is gone, the survivors have been milking that for as much hold W distance as they can which... is more now because no bloodlust. Though I will say that as Pig I had some success playing a more hit and run style since the Survivors won't hold W if they don't know you're there.

    For Legion, their issue comes at the start of the chase. Today at least, Survivors have been running really early. Like ridiculously early. Legion has a 32m TR and Frenzy can't be used for mobility really, so... if the Survivor books it when Legion is still 20 meters away... there's not really anything they can do about it except hold W after them and hope the Survivor messes up and has to turn.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I see, thank you for the information! I hadn't really taken those things into account but I remember how fast survivors just dipped when I got close.

  • Member Posts: 328

    I don't really see the problem with killers relying on bloodlust. The ones who do are generally not great at the game yet which means they end up giving up a minute or more for a chase if they're relying on getting to bloodlust 3.

    Sure they eventually get the kill without real skill but at a massive penalty to time lost.

    I don't really think getting downed by bloodlust is that big a problem in the overall game to need a fix. It's not perfect but neither are lots of things in the game!

  • Member Posts: 2

    I didn't feel like it was disabled, still got a few 4k over the weekend, unless you're in a match with 4 good loopers playing swf; I'd honestly say bloodlust is not needed for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 218

    Spoken like someone thats never touched the killer side of the game lol

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I think Bloodlust Tier 1 should remain while the other two tiers should go. They're unnecessary. Without Bloodlust, maps would need to be redesigned with fairer loops.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Infinite and near infinite loops still break the game for killer. red rank survivors running comms can s*** all over killer even more than before. Good survivors counter blood lust easily breaking line of sight for a few seconds. Swf teams without bloodlust just take turns running to the nearest god loop. You then either commit to a chase that is going to cost a gen or 2 at best, or pressure other survivors off gens in which case the survivor you just chased exhaustion perk cools and resets. this formula has been rinse and repeat all weekend. yes bloodlust isn't always necessary and can be a crutch, but so are many other things (DS,DH,EXHAUSTION PERKS,OoO,Comms). i think they have done their experiment, hopefully they can do something useful with the data after making the already jacked matchmaking that much more miserable when you get a higher ranked squad of survivors. Just saying.

  • Member Posts: 21

    It's simple if you want to give a killer more power then do something about camping then you can have all the blood lust you want

  • Member Posts: 30

    Except it's actually coming from someone who has indeed played as a killer and sees how easy it is to catch up. I personally know that I don't need it and see it as a crutch. I still stand by my belief that of it's bothering you this weekend, it's a you problem. Anyone who can play killer knows how to work around that.

  • Member Posts: 57

    If you get looped at a window 3 times and ur playing damn near anything except MM then ur doing alot wrong, never and I mean never should u get looped at a window 3 times if you're playing any of the killers ESPECIALLY broken ass gunslinger, pyra head, spirit or nurse. Get better learn from mistakes, survs are adapting to being doored off and no complaints from them soooo?

  • Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2020

    "Mr swimming champion, now that you lost your hand in the accident you truely recognize how bad you are compared to your competition. Don't blame the thing that objectively hinders your ability to perform, Just to commit die, noob"

  • Member Posts: 338

    If this game was perfectly balanced, this logic would be accurate. This game is poorly balanced, therefore the statement is flawed

  • Member Posts: 114

    That doesn't make much sense imo. No bloodlust=True skill? If your activating bloodlust even just a few times a match your already wasting too much time chasing one survivor and gens start flying. Against the high end players this means your most likely going to lose. Most "true skill" players already dont use it much anyways. The only place this might help is the median end survivors and that is most certainly not where the true skill players are anyways. As for new players I dont if it helps or not anyways since new survivors shouldn't be to difficult for a new killer to kill either. All that said I still think taking it out is a silly idea. If it's only activated once a match if that. How is it making that much of a difference anyways at the high end of play. It still has it's necessary moments though. Either way it just doesn't seem like it's making that much a difference. Just throwing my 2 cents in here for what its worth from someone who plays both sides at high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 14

    You can’t have skill based loops when like 95% of loops are 100% safe with no mind game. Ever wonder why spirit is so strong

  • Member Posts: 871

    Anyone who thinks Bloodlust isn't needed in the game in it's current state, doesn't know enough about the game to be commenting. Like honestly. You should have learned at least long/long loops by the time you reached Green Ranks, and you should have some semblance of map layouts by red ranks.

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