No Bloodlust = True Skill Balance



  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    But your comment goes both ways... A killer should have learned the same things and adapted, rather than need a catch-up feature.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    There are far too many strong loops in the game that become borderline infinite vs some killers

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    I'm sorry, but if you think 95% are safe, then you need to change your strategy. Any red rank killer I've played against usually knows how to counter almost any loop, even this weekend without bloodlust. I'm not saying that looping is ideal, but bloodlust shouldn't be either.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    If the matchmaking was actually good, I'd mostly likely agree with you. But when I (usually rank 4-6 when playing surv) have to lose chases to rank 20's (the ones that seem new) and have it heavily affect my rating, it almost always comes down to bloodlust. If I always matched with equivalent killers, it'd probably be less important. There's also the issues on tunneling and whatnot, so it is more the broader issue if how it helps killers who shouldn't be getting that assistance when a more skilled player is doing things right, only to be punished by something they can't control.

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    I agree and disagree. Strongly agree it's not balanced lol, but I think something like this could be steps towards better balancing. It's hard though, because this game suffers from a terrible situation in which not everyone is having the same experience since half are killing and half are surviving, so people will ultimately have completely different opinions if they only main one side. I always say this game's community is almost like the virtual equivalent of Dems vs Reps lol

  • duhffee
    duhffee Member Posts: 30

    Except this is more like taking someone's steroids away, rather than a hand lol. And even then the killer is still faster, so...

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    I pretty consistently get paired with people my level and it's been awhile since I've even seen a rank 20 killer. I do see the odd rank 20 survivor and I on average sit at rank 1 on both sides. I'm fairly confident I could almost infinitely loop and escape a rank 20 I imagine most of us from red to purple ranks could. Your team if not completely terrible should be busting gens while you loop the killer so I just still dont see how bloodlust is a game breaker. I'm not busting balls, insult anyone or anything. I'm just a huge DBD fan and have tons of hours in gameplay and watching the best of the best play and all I'm getting at is I don't see why bloodlust needs to be taken out.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    See this is what I mean. That just blame the killer mentality. It's what's needed to catch a survivor in a long/long loop or map with close loops. If you're not a killer who's power makes you faster, or slow the survivor - than you lose every match with long/long and close loops. Period. Even during the "trial" I never died as survivor. During the trial I used all of my badham, autohaven, and haddonfield map offerings. It's literally elementary and easy if you just know the basic's of the game. Count it in your head. 15 seconds. They have BL1 and can catch you in the long/long loop. Drop the pallet for the stun (hopefully), and move to the next loop. Competent Killer's know that too. The "pro" players that BHVR themselves tell you to follow tell you the same damn thing.

    It's literally mind boggling the amount of stupidity i've seen in these forums this past weekend of people going "Only bad killers need Bloodlust". No wonder everyone says solo survivor is awful, look at all the dummies that can't figure out how to loop right or basic map layout.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Bloodlust should be remove to nerf the strong loops.

    With the rework of some maps, some loops are ridiculous, it's just an easy hit for me. Throw the pallet and take a hit, or do nothing and take a hit. Hard thing. With Freddy, loops mean nothing in my games. Next thing to do : nerf Freddy. I can't wait for the buff of my clown <3

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Nah...The killers lizard brain is only capable of holding 3 instructions (See, hit & hook). They don't want to get better. They want more "advantage".

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Welp, now I know who's opinion I should ignore on these forums. Thanks for the heads up

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288