Honestly coup de grace, should be altered further from ptb. it was fun having 100% but i'd rather...

Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'd personally rather it be a good all round perk, akin to enduring or brutal strength, but not outright abuseable as a constant 100% (or 60% in the case of the post ptb values)

I think that if coup de grace gave a 5% extra lunge speed/10% extra lunge distance at all times, but had the detriment of also giving you the same respective cooldown that you would have if your lunge was adjusted as so (ie 5% - speed on cooldown, and 10% extra cooldown on missed attacks) it would be a fair and balanced perk.

having it be 60% extra lunge distance, but only useable 5 times? that feels... really sad to me, save the best for last is just the far better version of this perk, because it alters time effieceny and allows less distance gained. whilst this perk allows you to gain distance and close gaps, the current state where it just lengthens your lunge absurdly encourages a few things

saving it to abuse around short loops - stopping you from wasting it on regular lunge attacks (meaning irregular play that could lose you downs/injures,) and the abuse around short loops (which is why the percentage was changed from 100% to 60%, because you could just fly around from one side of a pallet to another basically and hit a survivor.

if this perk instead, gave a heftier lunge cooldown, but faster lunge/slightly more distance (lets think myers level of lunges, but faster, with more cooldown) i feel that it would be a very fun and interesting perk useable on every single killer in the game. You lunge slightly further, thats it, with the speed helping to counter out last second exhaustion perks, by lunging into their activation to hopefully catch someone off guard.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    There's no need to attack the Dev team here, expecially when the aim is to make fun perks, not ones people will routinely never swap out, or that would push the game in a pay to win direction.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    either way its still going to be meta on nurse and shape this just makes it only worth running on those 2

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    If it was lunge speed and distance it could be good be passable. But the fact that its dependant on gens meaning 5 uses max. And it doesn't count if you miss. means its awful

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Since they nerfed it, I hoped it would not take a stack away if the hit was missed. But yeah, now it goes on the pile of perks no one will ever use.

  • EddventureTime58
    EddventureTime58 Member Posts: 15

    Lol most of the best perks require shards or cells to buy, and have for a long time.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2020

    its like they saw how op fire up was, and wanted to make a more fair perk by giving it limited uses that the player can't control on demand.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Pretty much. It's like their basing it on a very very odd sense of balance. Because as it stands it's just so underwhelming, even more so now.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Its one thing to not understand the difference between a perk or ability being a situational meme and something actually worth taking/using, but responses like this one which defy pretty consistent feedback is another level. This is why the games meta is so stale.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Yeah, let’s release perks that are instant guaranteed hits instead. Never improve or try to play well. Demand the game to carry you at all times.

    Jesus ######### Christ.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    nice strawman. If you're actually being serious, this perk was already bad, and they responded by nerfing it. Thats not the same as expecting it to be whatever god-tier effect you are projecting killers demand of it.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    edited November 2020

    But that’s what you people want. It’s so sad to read these forums and not find many reasonable grown up people. You want everything handed to you for free. You think Spirits with Stridors and moris are balanced. You want NOED and Bamboozle as base kits.

    It’s gotten ridiculous at this point. Unless it’s a sweaty tryhard SWF team, that needs a separate topic for balance issues, 99% of randoms are guaranteed 4K.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    "you people" who, exactly? You're projecting a lot for someone yelling about how others need to "Shut up and learn to play."

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    You people who spend all day on the forums crying about everything that affects “your side”.

    I have made threads and posts criticising things for both sides. That’s balance, when you play both and understand both perspectives.

    Have you seen the million pages crying and whining because they are testing a miserable mechanic? They’re doing a miserable test and look at the number of posts crying. I have never seen this level of entitlement when they nerfed exhaustion or have persistently nerfed maps on the map reworks. People swallow it up and try to adapt.

    I’m a rank 1 in player for both survivor and killer, meaning I invest a lot of time in both, but I have to admit and it’s sad, killers are by far the most entitled and sad-looking side at this point.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    boy, you certainly sound like the voice of reason and levelheadedness by comparison. Truly all but you are zealous fanatics.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    I am glad we agree. Now you can stop whining about everything, and if you take that time and invest it on killer, you won’t need bloodlust 3 to get 1 kill.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Dude coup sucked

    Ppl are annoyed because they made a bad perk.. Worse.

    This I like me saying..we Changed sole surrvivor to now made sole surrvivor only hide your Aura form killer when within 20m max.

    I would have just made a doodoo surv perk... Even worse

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    First off, your strawmanning hard, and portaying everyone as some kind of demonic killer main cry baby who wants the game to be terribly sided in their favour. As a player with almost 1800 hrs spread pretty evenly between both sides i can say without a doubt that you are very much being the crybaby you so fear from the other side mate.

    spirits with stridor? - could use some adjustment but the perk is fine, just spirit needs some adjustment. Mori's? about as unbalanced as keys. both need reworks about as much as the other.

    Noed and bamboozle basekit? i have absolutely never heard anyone want that. and i'd believe you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that wasn't incredibly incredibly biased wanting that. that would horrendously buff killers, and for the most part playing killer is balanced (excluding clown, wraith and the top 3)

    it has not gotten ridiculous. you don't need to play uber sweaty on comms with a bunch of friends in order to win/escape/survive. hell if anything i'd say the reverse is often true, as whilst solo que is uncoordinated due to a lack of info, most sweaty teams just go for dumb saves, and are either playing for fun (which causes them to often lose) or are playing in such a way, that their easily countered (ie a clicky clicky squad.) You do bring up the validity of buffing the divide between solo que and swf, which i have always been an advocate for. things like kindred and seeing what other survivors are generally up to is to useful to just leave to comms.

    I would like to assume, that as im rank 1 on both sides every month, that i do know how to play. i would like to think i know how to play pretty well. Your incredibly angry. i get that, but killers and survivors are just two sides of the same fanbase mate.

    And on coup de grace, it was not a broken perk in the ptb. it wasn't even a decent perk. it had the potential to be situationally strong, but thats like saying haunted grounds is situationally strong. You can waste stacks with current coup de grace, hell if you miss you also lose stacks. its far too punishing of a perk that does absolutely nothing for the killer most of the match and only on a few occasions can grant you hits that you wouldn't normally get.

    coup de grace as on ptb/when it comes live currently is about as useful as a dead hard (granting extra distance for a hit). only its locked to 5 uses a match. and it can be wasted. The killer has to hit survivors on a maximum average 24 times a match if they heal after every hook, not counting tunneling, or survivors escaping you and healing. on top of that its locked at being useful towards the end of a match, which actually makes it less fair on survivors as they've already burned through a lot of their resources and coup de grace would make it easier to catch them. - All round, coup de grace whilst fun to use in its ptb state, less so with its live state, is not a good perk.

    My proposed rework ^ fixes those problems. by making all lunges better (to the level of myers, as he has a longer lunge in tier 3.) with an equivalent cooldown for missed and successful lunges. this is fair, and would have about as much value as popping on brutal strength or enduring in the amount of distance it would gain you.

    If your still struggling with solo que. i suggest maybe looking up otzdarva, he has a few very good guides for survivors, that will help you out.

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    I highly doubt that anyone that play Myers and/or nurse will remove one of the far superior perks that can be used on these two for this meme perk.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    aside from nurse's and corrupt what could be better than guaranteeing hits you wouldnt have gotten otherwise?

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542
    edited November 2020

    Playing nurse requires a lot of muscle memory, Coup de Grace will mess with it cause of it's inconsistency. You do not have 5 tokens and use whenever you feel like it, will gain it sporadically, and most good nurses will not lose 5 gens to begin with. But let's suppose that the nurse lost 5 gens and capitalise perfectly with the tokens: okay, she got 5 hits (and this is taking in consideration that she would not hit the target without CdG, but good nurses will mostly hit the target)

    Infectious fright will give the nurse a lot more hits than that, and still will have a much higher snowball potential. Almost every slowdown gen perks will be worth more than 5 easier hits. BBQ will give much more value to the nurse than that, and she doesn't need to lose 5 gens to use the perk at it's max potential. Even sloppy will do a better job if the nurse is applying pressure. Discordance, Devour Hope, MYC, Whispers, Tinkerer...The list goes on and on. There are so much more valuable perks that help you the whole game than one that gives you max 5 easier hits and mess with your muscle memory.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    "not ones people will routinely never swap out" It's not to turn the game into a pay to win, it's to give us more flexiblity in our builds, we are stuck with the same perks as always because there's no better option. They don't change old perks to make them stronger and so, the meta will never change.

    I don't want to be the "what about x thing", but do you realise that most perks are designed this way? NOED gives you instadown, Hex: Ruin gives you free regression, Corrupt Intervention blocks gens for free, Decisive Strike free escape from Killer's grasp, Dead Hard free distance, and the list continues... Most perks requires no work yet their effects are great, so I don't see any problem with a perk that can be used only 5 TIMES in one match.

    By reading your comments, it looks like you only play survivor? The only thing you complain is about KIller's side, and reaching rank 1 means nothing, anyone can achieve that, thats why we have so many unskilled survivors in red ranks with no game sense that complains about everything, get it? :)

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    I don't think you read my comments if you say that.

    So, read my comments.

  • Tbh, perks that affect the chase should be weak or gimmicky.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I did, I also read some of your posts. You claim that "all people here" spend all day on the forums complaning about their sides, yet you do the same, that's hyprocrisy for you.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Then you should work on your reading comprehension. In fact, I made a thread a couple days ago about Vigo's blueprint plus key in SWF.

    I'm sure you've got other qualities though.