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Funniest Phrases You've Heard From A Survivor



  • Member Posts: 2,959

    "Lightweight is better than Self Care"

    "Killer can loop the survivor"

    "Just break the pallet"

    "Self Care benefits the killer"

    "You basement camper" (for using the basement and leaving it)

    "Freddy = p2w!"

  • Member Posts: 106
    okay so i was playing as survivor when i got this, only me and someone else left, ALL GENS DONE, just looking for an exit gate (crouching as it was the pig and i didn’t know her whereabouts) and one of the dead survivors messages me “seriously do a gen you’re just walking around” o_o i had no words.
  • Member Posts: 118

    Well, who hasnt heard the annoying "ez noob!". I know I got wrecked, you dont need to remind me of my failures.

  • Member Posts: 264
    its kinda sad how you guys complain about Pallet Looping, when its one of the easiest things to avoid.
    Ok fine, ill bite, please enlighten us in detail about how we can avoid it with every killer.
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Caretaker said:
    Two recent ones were gold imo:

    "Just mind game the sprint burst."

    "If you don't like looping just stop the survivor from doing it, it's not hard."

    Anyone else got some good remarks after a match?

    Proxy camp
    Once someone told me a story about camping in a tent that was actually funny

  • Member Posts: 105

    From a game today playing Iron Hag (no perks, add ons or offering)

    "Nice terror radius cheater. reported"

  • Member Posts: 2

    A french streamer once told me to kill myself because i dropped him several times so that i could avoid his DS, because he thinks it's a bug use/glitch. SMH

  • Member Posts: 7

    "You camped me" as another survivor loops around the other on the hook...

  • Member Posts: 7

    "Sure, let me bend over for you as well. Take full advantage..."

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i was told by a toxic meg that 'ds can be countered by not downing her'.... lol. i think it was a joke....

    and Hex: No One Escapes Death can be countered by not finishing all the gens

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Oh, I remember a good one.
    It was lategame, I was playing Hag, 1 gen left, in full stalling mode. 2 survivors left only.
    Suddendly, one of them ragequit, and the other one instantly takes the hatch.
    In the endgame chat
    Proof :

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    A survivor once said the Doctor is OP and needs to be nerfed and that playing him is easy wins

    Post edited by SadonicShadow on
  • Member Posts: 5
    Survivor: "The worst killer I've ever seen. You're trash uninstall the game. ggez."
    Me (The Killer): "If you're trying to trigger me you have to try harder. Have a nice day everyone."
    Survivor: "Alright, you too <3"

    4k on Grim Pantry btw
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Here's my favorite ones for both sides:

    Survivor: *Gets a 4k as nurse* "Smells like you have cancer." And I replied "Salty by Daylight"
    Killer: "I'm reporting you for exploiting" <-- I was in a spot where he didn't know how to get to me but any killer can reach that spot, he just didn't know how to get to me which made him think that I was exploiting. Don't worry we talked it out and we're all cool now :)

    Basically I walked on the edges of the ramp and stood on the hay bail I circled, like I said, any killer can reach me so it isn't a cheating/exploiting. He just didn't know how to reach me.
  • Member Posts: 1,073
    My favorite to date is being called a "Salty try hard prick" when four survivors joined my lobby as killer, three of whom had flashlights equipped and immediately swapped to non-flashlighters.

    Working under the premise of last second swappers, I proceeded to then make the most sadistic fresh hell doctor build I had available and brought them to The Game.

    I mean they WEREN'T wrong I just got the jump on what they were planning to do to me.

    All of them purple flashlights with odd bulbs and sapphire lenses swapped in at 6 seconds btw.
  • Member Posts: 7

    After playing my Trapper with the end game build, and getting a 4k, a survivor said:

    "Uninstall the game you f***ing noob."
    And he was even gracious enough to leave the following statement on my Steam profile.
    "-rep no skill noob only noed saves him".

    ...And yes he was running DS + purple flashlight.
    gg :)

  • Member Posts: 2,771
    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...
  • Member Posts: 874

    Probably already told but its a classic.
    "Killer can pallet loop too"

    The guy who said it even made some very ugly merchandise out of it

  • Member Posts: 4

    I was called the typical 'Try-Hard F*****' for killing the 3 survivors that loaded into the game before 2 gens could be completed. I had just hit Prestige 2 on my Huntress and was just doing my daily. I just wanted to hook each of them once. Not my fault they didn't save.... This is just the most recent occurrence.

  • Member Posts: 369

    @MeowLux said:
    Back when BT was broken. (Before nerf) I hooked someone and the 3 other survs came to the hooked person and literally were standing next to the hook, waiting for me to leave it. Then in the post-game chat they called me a "facecamper" even though I didn't do anything else than stay at the hook due to them being at the hook. I mean like they gave me every reason to camp.

    OMG, I experienced the exact same thing! I just turned my camera after hooking the first survivor just to see two teammates, they were not even hiding.

  • Member Posts: 67
    "Toxic camper that's ruining the game"

    I had a survivor on a hook right in front of the exit, which was open, with a survivor to each side of them. One of which had a flashlight who'd been on me the entire match.

    The entitlement mentality of survivors is quickly baffling me. 
  • Member Posts: 34

    Got told by a salty SWF group after I camped them because they wouldn't get away from the hook: "4x reported by us all for trolling and abusing, enjoy your ban."

  • Member Posts: 824
    edited June 2018
    Leon said:

    "killers can pallet loop too"
  • Member Posts: 824
    “You’re gonna die of cancer and your family will be glad”.

    - Some butthurt SWF dingleberry 
  • Member Posts: 647

    "You aren't killing me right"

    "I dc cause you stayed near hook" (btw was in chases lel)

  • Member Posts: 184

    "Go play Monopoly, it's more your pace"

    Monopoly is a very fun game, why would you diss my childhood like that :(

  • Member Posts: 1,962
    "Stop struggling and let one of us go"
  • Member Posts: 474

    @TheScarletPotion said:
    "**** you and your magic Doritos!!!" im a hag main...

    Bumping because it's just so funny!

  • Member Posts: 474

    @Spiritbx said:
    Mechkiller3425 said:

    its kinda sad how you guys complain about Pallet Looping, when its one of the easiest things to avoid.

    Ok fine, ill bite, please enlighten us in detail about how we can avoid it with every killer.

    Reminds me the whole, "Poor people should just stop being poor".

  • Member Posts: 84

    to quote someone i got at the end of one game:
    "Gay pay to win character." "you paid money for a OP character." "so you can win without skill."
    "you paid money to win." "That killer is so easy to win with." i was playing as Leatherface.

  • Member Posts: 18

    "Only f*ggots play nurse, git gud" after a 4K three minutes into the game. They played like superheroes, flocking the hook against a nurse. Smart tactics.

  • Member Posts: 1,187
    edited June 2018
    “You’re such a noob camper, stop tunneling” 
    Every Angry Kid/SWF group Ever

    Reasoning: I stayed at the hook because I saw people approaching and grabbed them

    My response: Who died, and who got 4 Kills?
  • Member Posts: 764

    Told a guy to stop running Sprint Burst, but he couldn't cuz he'd actually lose then. He told me to stop running Remember Me. Survivors are another kind of special.

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

    I think it’s when a Killer doesn’t completely leave the hook. Like they’ll look for other Survivors and check gens, but they’ll keep coming back to check on the hook.
  • Member Posts: 1,142

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    lasombra1979 said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

    I think it’s when a Killer doesn’t completely leave the hook. Like they’ll look for other Survivors and check gens, but they’ll keep coming back to check on the hook.

    Makes sense. Extremely stupid thing to complain about but makes sense.

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  • Member Posts: 2,771

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

    I wasnt camping, i put traps near the hooks, maybe they meant that? Like camping by proxy? 
  • Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    lasombra1979 said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

    I wasnt camping, i put traps near the hooks, maybe they meant that? Like camping by proxy? 

    You placed traps near a hooked survivor!? You... T O X I C - S L U T

  • Member Posts: 2,771
    edited June 2018
    Jack11803 said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    lasombra1979 said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    I've been called a "proxycamper" multiple times playing Trapper...

    Ok, I will bite. What the hell is a proxy camper?

    I wasnt camping, i put traps near the hooks, maybe they meant that? Like camping by proxy? 

    You placed traps near a hooked survivor!? You... T O X I C - S L U T

    Is using traps to catch sluts gay? Anyway, never change Jack, never change
    Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on
  • Member Posts: 3,918


    It is in fact; VERY LESBIAN

  • Member Posts: 1,068

    @Jack11803 said:

    It is in fact; VERY LESBIAN


  • Member Posts: 1,261

    It's not something that was said, but it kind of fits. I was chasing a Meg, and she jumped through a window on Mother's Dwelling. I looked in, she stood there, and started t-bagging me. I was playing Huntress. You can probably figure out what happened next.

  • Member Posts: 2,771

    It's not something that was said, but it kind of fits. I was chasing a Meg, and she jumped through a window on Mother's Dwelling. I looked in, she stood there, and started t-bagging me. I was playing Huntress. You can probably figure out what happened next.

    A DC right after you picked her up.
  • Member Posts: 1,253
    edited June 2018

    "BBQ is OP it takes away the killers tracking ability"

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